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Shipping Times From Japan

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I know this is kind of a silly question cause of Covid and everyone is in the same boat but...how long are people's packages taking from Japan specifically? 

I managed to snag and Asuna on Yahoo Japan through a proxy. She was shipped on 2nd via EMS to the UK. She left Japan on 4th August and is still not in the UK. 

I'm a little worried as I've never had a parcel take this long to get into the country, even while the pandemic has been happening. 

Anyone else have a similar wait at the moment? 

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The thing about the japan post EMS tracker is that when it states that "Dispatch from outward office of exchange", that does not mean its on a plane to its destination, but rather its on the stand-by que to get onto a plane.

In the case of japan to europe flights, there arent nearly as many as they used to be. For instance for me, Finnair used to have a plane coming from Tokyo and Osaka every day, but now its maybe once a week.

One thing in this department is look at arrivals from japan for London Heathrow, since I'd imagine thats the hub for Royal Mail shipments, and see the possibilities of it arriving.

Also at the moment mandarake gives a fair warning that EMS might take weeks to process to certain countries, also the japan post ems page states delays - So you are still within current time guidelines.

--- waiting for a mandarake box at the moment.

Edited by finnleo

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You have made me feel soooo much better. I've had an EMS package recently that I was surprised at how quick it was. I think I was lulled into a false sense of security 😂

I was only panicking as Asuna is my grail and it's also the first time I've ever ordered through a proxy from Yahoo Japan so everything was a bit new. 

I need to learn to be more patient...which is hard 🤣 

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My most recent packages from Japan to UK took anywhere between 2-4 weeks to arrive. There is certainly delays but as long as you have tracking you can keep checking the status at least. I had an EMS package sent on 31st of June and it just arrived in the UK so hang in there 😊 

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Well...if I had just waited I wouldn't have needed to panic. She arrived in the UK yesterday 😂 just got wait for the dreaded customs ransom note though now 😅

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