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ok now its my turn lol...


first i have to say i sewing not ver good and not long .. since one year first.... i begann with pillip cloth wchih was 1/6 size ...


so now my first Cloth for my DDY


i made a pants and a shirt.


for the firstiome and friest pattern i´m ver satifided.


Ok i need a bit more practice by teh pockets but for 2 days works i guess its pretty nice ...


What do you think and what i can made better nextrime.



thanx for looking









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fenrir z78

To start the outfit you made is very nice, you keep the lines neet and clean. As you said the more time you work at making cloths the better they get. By no means am I a pro at sewing but it does make you feel good to say that is mine I made that. Anyone can buy cloths but not that many can make them. I think you did a very good job. On a side note the DDy body is hard to sew for. ( to many curves )

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She looks so awesome! I love the colors. It looks like it fits very nicely.

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thank you to bioth , glad you like it


to fenrir, yes thats the biggest problem i got. Curvy. But i have one advantage me


i´m curv too so i nearly know how to handle these curves with a bit time i will find out where to set the the right godets and the vina seam



i will made as next a sweat suit maybe with a hoody and i will made a catsuit and some underwear and maybe some Latex cloth


need time for it hope i have not much to work this week

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Overall I really like this outfit! The pants are especially cool looking. I think they *may* be a little too long for her but other than that, they look really good. I like the fabric choice for them as well.


And you can't go wrong with KISS shirts! I love the design you did on the front, that is really cool.


I have very little sewing ability but I did manage to make one shirt for my girls. It took me a LONG time too and without help from some friends, I would never have gotten it done. I may try again in the future but not without help.


Keep up the good work and I hope you'll share new designs with us soon!




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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thank you baldylox,

heheh the fabric lol well the fabric was an old pants from me and it looks nearly the same only without pockets lol... and the shirt was made from an old t-shirt an underwear pants lol..


a friend of me is a big kiss fan and a cloth store has sold this panties so i bought one for his collection but it was abit to pink for him lol so i choose to made a shirt of it, one day for a doll .


Its hard to find smaller printed designs. So i try to use my old cloth. Its mostimes cheap and i find the right fabric and designs


all you need is to be creativ.


I have no one who can help me by my pattern. i have a friend who makes latex fashion but she never would gave me help for a pattern. She would thinking i will work one day on my own latex cloth ...lol not that i would do try it yet also


With time i gues comes the routin.


if you like we can exchange our pattern and maybe help each other .-)

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Wow, nice set of clothing! You are good at sewing! Heck, I can't even sew!


On the other hand, I would like to offer you a constructed criticism.

- I think the pants is a little "too big." The thigh portion of the pants is okay, but the area around the waist and the area around the shins could be improved by trimming some of the fabric out for a tighter fit.

- The neck opening could need some more work. Currently, it's making her neck look long.


What's the name of your DDdy by the way? I don't think you have introduced her to us (especially me since I'm new to the site).



DD 娘 - Dollfie Dream® Daughters

{1} : DDS [ユ-ピィ] - Euphie

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@ halcyon,


i introduce her not because i don´t have a name yet ....i can´t decide which i should geht


Thanx for the compliemnet.


i´m not realy good at sewing because i made it only since one year so i´m absolute biginner lol.


i gave your right withnthe length but i have change it on the pattern next should etiit in the lengths.


The neckcolar is also a problem where i try to work on but thats not soch a problem all i need to know is to change the button a bit and the neck is tighter.


itsa high neck because it should be a turtel neck.


pants made tighter inthe waist area is a bit dificould becaus i need to get it over her hips, so i guess there its fits realy not to bad and tighter in the legs i don´t want it because its a normal pants not a leggins or stocking.



yesterday i made a wool dress and a pantyhose



i will made pictures later .... the pantyhose is prety good. by the dress the back is to unclean and the seams to thick .


i´m in the experimental phase with all pattern i try to made so it need a bit time to get perfect ....


next pants will fit ....


and i will try to made shoes. i have some ideas right now

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like promis the new stuff i made


A sweatsuit ( pants , hoody and a black tank topp)


and a wool dress with black pantyhose


witn shoes i give up at the moment all ideas i had haven´t work...












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Those outfits are so cute! They look like a great fit on the DDdy body.

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Those outfits are so cute! They look like a great fit on the DDdy body.


I'll second that! That tracksuit with hoodie is awesome! The black top underneath is also great. So how much is one of those outfits if you make me one?


The second set is cool too. I like those shoes with it as well.


Congrats on such a fine job!




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Nice work! I really like the sweatsuit. You even put in a string for the hood!

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thank you all. I´m glad you like it. i try to made all so realistic i can so thats why i have made the string in it also.


only on the pants its a kind of fancy seam but i can made it like in the hood



baldylox i´m very flattered and cajoled that you think i´m staht good to sell my works


.. uh how much ? good question i nomaly never have planned to sell my sewed Cloth because i think i´m not that good and clean in sewing ...but it happends on pullip a few times earlier too by some Punk outfits but that was an exception


if you want a set i can t made one and you can tell my what you think is a good price because i have noooo idea. i only see high prices sewed cloth but i never be that good to sell for 120 $ and i think its overpriced for doll cloth .. so made an offer. i´m sure we will find together.



the shoes i bought at ebay by the way. shoes i try was all faild so i give that project up.. maybe to a later time i try new.


if you want a sweat suite tell me the color .....


i have this grey






and red i can also combinate colors like black hoody jacket with red arms and red hood....


the zipper is not complete to open sadly ...

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Wow, nice outfit! You did a grand job on it!

DD 娘 - Dollfie Dream® Daughters

{1} : DDS [ユ-ピィ] - Euphie

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thank you halcyon


glad you like it i guess the pants length is good too

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thank you halcyon


glad you like it i guess the pants length is good too

If I give your a sheet of "light" denim, you could probably make a very fine jeans!

DD 娘 - Dollfie Dream® Daughters

{1} : DDS [ユ-ピィ] - Euphie

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oohhhhh belibve me jeans is a bit to high for me lol i try but i have a very hard battle with the pockets and beltbuckles. that will need a long way and time to made the first good fitting jeans but i working on it lol

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oohhhhh belibve me jeans is a bit to high for me lol i try but i have a very hard battle with the pockets and beltbuckles. that will need a long way and time to made the first good fitting jeans but i working on it lol

When you are done, don't hesitate to post it here. On the other hand, I think you are underestimating your own skill. Don't sweat! Mistakes can be very beneficial!

DD 娘 - Dollfie Dream® Daughters

{1} : DDS [ユ-ピィ] - Euphie

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oh believe me i´m real not sewing often and long i have the sewing machine now 1 and half year and if i have luck i can work on one evening in the week on sewing because my job is very stressfull. have a 12-15 hrs job per day also on weekends.


i know that i´can´t sew realy good. i´m always happy to made a good result like the sweat suit. don´t ask me why but anyhow i have luck and its acepptabel from the look.



if i made a jeans i will post the result 100'%


i made 2 days ago a shorts and tried the pockets in front .. its only a try not soem i would let wear my doll for that its to unclean and from pattern not perfect .. i can made a picture if you lik than you maybe see where my problem is with pockets .


i´m realy in war with pockets lol


but i don´t give up.

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Wow, when it comes to work, you sure are a hard worker! I mean, 12-15 hours of work per day! That's quite a large number of hours being away from home!


The jeans can always wait until you have the time. But, if you made something and you want a critique of it, just let us know.


I'm a total newbie when it comes to sewing. Well, I do want to learn, so I may be saving up for a sewing machine this summer. Hope I can be as good as chun one day, .

DD 娘 - Dollfie Dream® Daughters

{1} : DDS [ユ-ピィ] - Euphie

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my problem is i´m my own boss. i work as Artist And Model , work on comic arts for magazines, work as model, work on websites, Webcam, movies and nearly everything where people want a erotic or freaking touch.

And after that i have my boyfriend who wants his attantion too ... and the damn houshold.. sometimes it not easy to be a women lol


Its always not much money to earn so i have work much to save my life and my hobby.


Sewing and dolls are my time to come down from stress



next problem i´m a virgo.... so i try to made everything so perfect i can.


i will take tomorrow a picture of that shorts i made. i sew it in contrast to see the seams better and where i must more work to be cleaner so don´t wonder. shorts is black seams are white

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I can agree with you. My mom works +12 hours just to make due. And - my dad, well, let's not go there. But hey, I appreciate the efforts you put into your family. When it comes to those efforts, nothing is wasteful. Just do what you believe.


I believe I can sew. So, I will be learning how to sew during my spring break from college.


Your idea of having the pants in black and seams in white is an exellent idea! I'm going to try sewing a pillow case with that method once I have my sewing machine.

DD 娘 - Dollfie Dream® Daughters

{1} : DDS [ユ-ピィ] - Euphie

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it helps me to see where the seams is not clean and i can work to be better... if its clean its also a nice contrast.


i was abit shocked about price for doll cloth. As i start i collected pullip dolls there smaller 1/6 scale so easiere to find cloth....would you think.


but was woring becaus there much smaller as barbie and who want only pink on a doll lol. i love the realistic aspect in doll collecting. so i try my own. later i gota bjd 60 cm tehre was cloth also cost much more as my own and i was shocked how expensive sewing can be ...


2 m of a nice fabric cost here between 14 and 60 euros than you need buckels and buttons zipper and and and ... and how smaller they are so expenisver and harder to get are they ... so its possibil to made cheaper cloth as in other dollstores or manufactors but its also expenisve.


esp . tryings.



but it makes lot of fun to make and to see a good result.


i count a few mins ago the material cost for the sweatsuit and the tank top set together for baldylox ... i didn´t relized that the cost of the suit was nearly 50 euro and ther is no time cost included ... thats only as sample its sometimnes higher as you can imagin. but can be 1/4 to 50% cheaper to do it self as buy on ebay or other stores .....so a try is it worth

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For Baldylox


Your cloth are finish and ready to ship













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Oh wow. I must say that the thong is RIGHT up Manami's alley! She is going to LOVE that! It's so cute but really sexy too. Excellent job!


Thank you for showing me the pictures! The outfit looks really nice and I can't wait to get it. I think I will be able to pay you the rest either late today or sometime tomorrow. That way you can ship this out on Monday for me if possible.


I really appreciate you doing this for me. I know Manami will love this new outfit!


I'll PM you when I send the payment.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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