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Clothes for 24cm body?

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Other than the outfits sold on Parabox, what fits the 24cm body?

I'm really interesting in purchasing [this] petit hime custom basic model set, but the anxiety of not knowing what she can wear is stopping me!

I'm not really familiar with smaller dolls, especially small mature proportioned dolls, so I don't know where to start.


Does anyone else own this body & have some pointers? Thanks!

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I've got one, and so far the Azone pure neemo sized clothes I've tried fit pretty well, though a few pieces were tight but still wearable. Azone clothes are sold on Amiami, hobby search, mandarake, etc.

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The bodies are about the same height, but just make sure you're careful with the sizes.

My (unfinished) Azone is one of the taller sizes, but they do make different length bodies. So make sure you're getting the larger azone clothing for the dolls. They also make PureNeemo Picos which are even smaller. 

So it should be fine so long as you double check all of the clothing sizes before you buy anything.


Edited by ButtonsMcGee

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Here's a second example:


Two (unfinished) Azones that are technically in the same category as each other, but they have different bodies. The one to the left is a... Large I think? Emotion body. The one to the right is either the small or extra smell Flection body. The size difference actually made it pretty hard to find clothing in the actual Azone store. (We went to both Ikebukuro and Shibuya I think was the second one? It's been a while lol)

So just make sure you're looking at the sizes of the Azone clothes, and so long as you stick with the sizes Riesz stated you'll be fine.

Edited by ButtonsMcGee

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I actually have found that Azone Pureneemo S (PNS) clothing do ***NOT*** fit any of my Obitsu 24cm girls. The Obitsu 24cm has a much larger ribcage than the PNS, and so clothes that are made specifically for PNS will not fit.

Pureneemo M (PNM) clothes do fit on the Obitsu 24cm body. Look for clothes that are listed as "FIT" (and not "Small") on PNM **AND** "FIT" or "TIGHT" on Pureneemo (PNL). Stuff that's "FIT" on PNM but "No Fit" on PNL can be very hit or miss; stuff that's "FIT" or "TIGHT" on PNL will definitely fit.

Some items will fit both PNS and PNM -- these are fine, a little snug on the Obitsu 24cm, but you can still get them on. The best fit is clothing that's made for PNM and labeled "BIG" for PNS.

But PNS clothes that are labeled "Small" or "No fit" for the PNM will not work at all. And avoid anything that's sized for PNXS.

YES to clothes that meet ***ALL*** of following conditions:

- should be "FIT" or "LOOSE" on PNM ~AND~

- should be "FIT" or "TIGHT" on PNL ~AND~

- should be "FIT" or "LOOSE" on PNS


NO to clothes that meet ANY of the following conditions:

- "TIGHT" or "NO FIT" on PNM

- "NO FIT" on PNL

- "TIGHT" on PNS


Edited by Cauldroness
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Try searching on Taobao, many Chinese collect use ob24 for their Blythe, so there are a lot accessories in ob24 size for sale.

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If you're looking for local ideas as well, I've found that the Barbie Creatable World clothing works really good. Also, some may be a bit bigger than others, but a lot of the single-pack Sparkle Girlz outfits you can get at Walmart for like...a dollar... will work in a pinch! Barbie clothes are a little big, but will also work. I've not had much success with shoes, I know the Creatable World shoes fit, but I got some Azone shoes and the feet are a little too big for most Azone sized shoes... I guess it just depends on what body it was made for, etc. Hope this helps!!

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