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A question about interfacing

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I did try googling this, but I want to make sure before I make stuff and it causes problems.

Does iron on interfacing cause any problems (reactions etc) with vinyl? I know it's probably safe, but I wanna make sure before I start using it on items that are gonna be in close contact with dolls for a long time. ^^; (I'm just worried about the glue. Iron on is important because I want to use it to reinforce edges and prevent fraying on faux fur, as hemming would be too bulky. Doing an experiment...)

I know I'm probably worrying over nothing XD

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I’ve never had it in direct contact with vinyl, I would be a bit worried about the glue melting in warm weather over time. An ultra light interfacing would probably have less glue, or you could try fabric glue designed to stop fraying since I’ve never seen issues with that (and I use it a lot instead of sewing tiny bits!)

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I doubt the iron-on adhesive will give you a problem with vinyl--it's essentially hot glue--but what I can tell you with certainty is that the temperatures required to activate the interfacing will destroy faux fur. Seconding Jadepixel's recommendation for glues like Fray Check. Brushed-on silicone caulk works too, I've used it to stabilize faux fur for doll wigs, but it makes the piece grippy which might not be what you're after.



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@Chilmark Aw damn :( I was hoping to use it as a bit of stain prevention barrier too, as well as the fray prevention. Just 'cos black fur is, well, very black. And fur doesn't take very well to washing. Oh well o_o guess it's gonna be the "use a wig cap" warning.

Silicone caulk sounds like a curious thing. Wonder how hard it is to get here. XD gonna have a peek at its properties and see. Thanks!

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