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Here Is My DDH-10 Faceup That Lasted 4 Hours

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My DDH-09 head has been going through some stain removal for a while, so I bought a DDH-10 head to continue my faceup practice. I had painted at least two faceups at this point so I was hoping this faceup would last because I really wanted to play with my doll :'(. Dollfie Dream. So here is a DDH-10 on a normal height DD. I know DDH-10 was intended for DDP, but with the right wig the slightly longer neck can become quite elegant.

Too bad by the time you've even read the title that I've already wiped it clean off because my self esteem is nonexistent, haha. Ha. TvT

But, I've decided to put it here so that I will always have a reminder that hey, at least I tried even when I've been pretty down in the dumps.

She's wearing the wig and eyes intended for my boy.


I meant to add more such as eyelid creases, an upturned smile, and two tone shading but le 'pression is a huge butt, man.


The paint on the first eye brow managed lift while I was in the middle of painting a second coat. I have a cartoony art style for anime standards, so the eyebrows are quite high. I do like that though.

Also, I managed to stain the DDH-10. Now I have two heads in the stain removal bed :D. What I've learned over my experiences and my conversation with @engelinvitro (you should check out their stuff, they're really good) is that SIENNA IS A BAD(super strong) PIGMENT. Even if you're illiterate in French and the pencil reads verge d'ore, if it LOOKS SIENNA, IT WILL STAIN SIENNA. I'm not kidding because when I wiped the head, there was a perfect outline of sienna where I traced the eyes in pencil, and the umber and cadmium that I filled it with left zero traces of pigment. It was almost comical.

This third attempt has taught me a lot of things, but it has also raised some pretty big questions, so I'll be hopping over to the Workshop for a bit to get some answers. So, even though I ended up wiping this faceup, I don't want to forget it, as bad as it made me feel. I have a rule not to delete or throw away anything I make, even if I end up making a fool of myself on the internet. It's how I know that I've grown when I look back on it. Sorry for the long ramble when I'm only sharing a head. I have a lot of emotions behind this, is all.

Anyways, I think I'll name this girl Eliot.

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I love the eye shape and her little wispy eyelashes at the outer corners!  Super cute!

I also commend you for your 'delete nothing' attitude!  It really helps especially later on when you do progress, because you're able to look back at how far you've come, and you'll definitely see progress then, even if it feels so minimal at the time.  It really helps me when I'm feeling negative about myself or my skills to look at where I started.  But there's also a sort of 'saying' I guess? that if you dislike what you create, it's because you're seeing all the ways you can improve, and I think that's a great thing!  You always need something to strive for, so keep going!  Every new faceup will look better than the last~

It is a shame that sienna seems to be such a terrible pigment, though.  At least you can try and avoid it in the future now that you know.  I hope the stains lift swiftly for you!

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@OccultBeast Ahh, thank you! I do feel a little bad for wiping the head, but I am optimistic for how my next attempt will turn out. I'm only going to make a couple of tweaks to the eye shape next time because I liked how they looked in this faceup too. Like I said, this faceup only lasted for 4 hours, lol, so the stains are pretty light. Thank you for worrying, though, and thanks so much for actually reading through that wall of text in the first place, too! That meant a lot to me.

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She's very pretty, I especially love the subtle color gradient towards the bottom of the corner eyelash. That's always such a pretty touch. Keep us posted on your painting friend.

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@sunlightandtea Thanks so much! I wonder if I should keep that gradient in my next pass, then...

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27 minutes ago, Friendlily said:

@sunlightandtea Thanks so much! I wonder if I should keep that gradient in my next pass, then...

I vote yes but, the artist always knows best. 💖 Looking forward to seeing your next pass.

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1 hour ago, sunlightandtea said:

I vote yes but, the artist always knows best. 💖 Looking forward to seeing your next pass.

Thank you~!

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I for one love the long neck. She reminds me of Seo Ji-hye. 

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On 9/21/2020 at 1:41 AM, Amoretto said:

I for one love the long neck. She reminds me of Seo Ji-hye. 

Dude, same...

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