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Resin Nightmares

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While I wanted to spread positivity in the SmD area, I kinda wanna talk about some weird experiences I've had in my journeys with Resin dolls. I invite you to do the same if you so choose! I've got three stories to say for now.

So first, I'm going to start with my Doll Leaves issues:

Two of the first three dolls I EVER ordered, where a Doll Leaves Jeremy and Maya. The Maya was for my roommate to be a character of his, and the Jeremy was for me to be a character of mine. I purchased them through Denver Doll Emporium and... I'm pretty sure they didn't actually order them when they said they would. They claimed that I would get the dolls in 3-4 months. Well, 6 months roll by. At this point, the other first doll I'd ordered had arrived (a 5StarDolls Elaine that I loved at first but then realized I didn't click with well), and I'd ordered my Dear Mine Dune from Denver Doll because they had him in stock and I got him within a week. I contacted Denver Doll and they gave me an awful lot of attitude about the dolls taking however long to arrive, and actually got mad when I told them about their previous quoted time. This was a loooooong time ago so I don't have the emails anymore, but the TL;DR of what they said to me was a very polite version of: Just shut up and wait. So... I waited.

About 9 months after I ordered, the dolls finally arrive. Boy where they a disappointment. Doll Leaves sculpts are... kinda on the meh side, and I'd gone for them originally because of the lower price point. Unlike some of the other cheaper companies, this one doesn't deliver the greatest quality. I found myself really unsatisfied with my Jeremy especially. His lips where so far open, and I didn't realize that from their fancier photos. His eyes weren't as half-lidded as I wanted, and no matter what I did I couldn't seem to make him work for me. I changed up his face-up, I put his head on a better-looking body, and I tried multiple wigs on him to try and make him look like my character. I wound up replacing him with another to shell that character, and selling him a couple of months ago. 


My Next story is about my Dust of Dolls Doom Wawa:

 This actually started with my love for the OTHER Doom sculpt, Bomi.


She was absolutely BEAUTIFUL and though I preferred the face-up to the left, I wound up with the one by Esthy on the right because someone was selling her head second-hand. The problems started here. This person was selling Bomi on another body because she felt it matched the head better and had previously mentioned that the Doom body had a little bit of trouble standing. I agreed to buy the other body along with the head, but then she turned around and said: "Oh, it doesn't color match well, so I'm going to keep the body and give it to another one of my dolls. The head will be *insert amount of money here."* 

So I said... you know what, this is fine. There's another Doom sculpt coming out. Maybe I can save up and buy her, and then just trade the heads out and sell that new face sculpt!

Well Bomi gets to me, and I absolutely adore her. I just know that at some point I want to change the face-up. The new sculpt Wawa drops, and I put her on a layaway to buy her. At the time I was working 12-14 hour shifts 5-6 days a week, so I could afford her. At this point, things start going a little more haywire. First things first...

Esthy passes away, so unfortunately I realize that I CAN'T wipe Bomi's face-up. This was one of the last pieces of art this person worked on, and to wipe the face-up meant that I would be disrespecting not only the artist, but anyone who desperately wanted a piece of Esthy's work and didn't have one. 

Then... Wawa shows up. Her body is beautiful, and I adore her! Even her face isn't all that bad even though I didn't like the original face-up. But then more disaster strikes and I find out that Bomi's head didn't match the body in skin tone for some reason? It was supposed to be the same skin tone, but the resin batches looked quite different from each other. So at this point, I'm already discouraged. I try to make myself like the Bomi face-up... but I just can't. And I can't bring myself to wipe her. So I re-sold her to a new loving home.

That left me with Wawa. So I said, "Okay, I can deal with this! She's cute!"

But no matter what I do, I CAN'T get her to stand. Not only that, but it was impossible to find any sort of clothing for her. I'm relatively okay at sewing, but when I try to think about making my own patterns, I can just feel my brain screeching to a halt for some reason. So thankfully I had a friend who was looking for one and managed to sell her to him. He absolutely adores her and takes good care of her, which is all I can ask for. To this day, I'm still sad about having to sell her. But I just really don't want to own a doll that I can't properly pose or play with. To pay almost $900 for something that wont stand and can do nothing more than just sit and look pretty is a no-go for me in this hobby.


AND my last story, my Doll Chateau Noah:

None of you know this about me yet, but I LOVE deer. I really do. I love their horns, I love how graceful they are, and I just find them really pretty. I also love pretty boys and spooky things. WELL Doll Chateau decided to release THIS boy:


And I absolutely fell in love. From his elegant horns, to the black crystals hanging from said horns, to the spinal chord painted down his back and the muscles on his legs... oh I LOVED him. So you can bet I put this boy on pre-order. He was so special, and his paintjob was limited to ONLY 20. So I felt pretty special to get him.

This boy took 12 months to get to me. Yup, one whole year. I was excitedly waiting and hoping for him. I couldn't wait for him to arrive home. He actually arrived last September while a friend of mine was visiting me and I was excited that she got to be there when I opened him up.

And WHOO was that a disaster.

Straight out of the box, that pretty paint job was scratched and chipped. For some reason the crystals where... clear instead of black? And the string they used to tie them had lots of weird loose ends. In fact, one of them came completely untied. The wig literally didn't fit his head if the horns where being used. However the final nail in this poor boy's coffin was... that he couldn't stand. 

Well, he could, but it took SO much work and frustration, and so much having to catch him when he started falling that the stress just wasn't worth trying to work with him. I waited a couple of weeks to see how I felt about him. He was beautiful, but every time I tried to work with him... nothing worked. I really adored him, but realized I could do nothing with him. So I put him up to sell.

The horror story doesn't end here though. Someone contacted me about doing a possible trade. The problem was, they where in another country. After they told me that it was alright if he took a while to get to them, and they didn't mind waiting (even though this was around the beginning of all of the mail problems because of Corona), I finally agreed to the trade. I sent him out, and after a few weeks, the poor thing disappeared completely. I was questioned about it, and I told them that at this point he was probably stuck in their customs. He wasn't in the USA anymore, so there was literally nothing I could do when it came to the mail system. I had no one to contact at that point. Luckily he showed up 3 months later, safe and sound. Turned out, I was right and he'd been stuck in their customs the whole time. 

And then this person did the unthinkable...

They wiped the face-up, did their own, and painted on his chest.

They got a limited edition of 20 and re-painted it. To this day, I'm still mortified that they did that. If they'd wanted to paint him, they should have gotten a blank from someone. Not ruined something that people legitimately had been upset over not being able to get. Blanks where literally being sold by any doll company or third party company that sold from Doll Chateau. Heck, it would have taken LESS time to do it that way. I got my blanks from Doll Chateau in about 2 months. 

I honestly hope that doll is properly being taken care of. At least I know the others are in loving homes.

  • Confused 3
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Though I have plenty of BJD stories, I just wanted to say that Doll Chateau/Doll Zone make quite possibly the kickiest dolls to exist.  The best trick I've ever found is to buy some jewelry wire (I think I used 20 gauge) and cut lengths that you can double-over and insert into most of the joints; for example in the legs, the wire should go up into the thigh, then down through the knee piece, and down into the shin.  This lets the joints hold their poses you put them in, instead of the elastic stringing just snapping the parts back into a bent position.  Our DZ Carter will endlessly slap himself in the face unless there's wire in his joints to help hold poses.  You can also try hot glue/moleskin sueding or silicone disks/kips, which definitely work to a degree, but for the limbs, wire is the way to go.  This works for all BJD of course, but some need it more than others!

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Doll Leaves - I really like their sculpts, but the body I had wouldn't stand! It didn't matter what I did! (It was the older 60cm girl one)
To not completely bash them, I've heard that the MSD line is better though. But that SD-body still makes me cringe.
Crobidoll - The feet aren't/weren't flat! I've not kept up with crobidoll, so they (SD sized ones) might have new bodies/feet now. But ten years ago, the feet were quite realistically sculpted/curved underneath, so standing, once again, wasn't the easiest. 
Ringdoll - Heavy! I purchased Aooni, because I really feel in love with the sculpt! And I had heard that Ringdoll bodies were great. But he wouldn't stand well, and was surprisingly heavy.

My favorite resin company is LUTS, and they've never disappointed! (So it's not been a completely hopeless endeavor) 
But of the other companies I've dealt with, it mostly comes down to how well the bodies are at standing on their own (a dealbreaker for me, I've found).
I feel like I've been burned enough with resin, so I've decided to keep to vinyl. But pretty resin sculpts can be very tempting at times...

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Yes the resin dolls are very specials, the strings must be changed in few years, most bodys are pretty but they cant stand or they kick you every time you tried to pose them. The color resin changes its very very common too, every bach its unic and its not first time you have a head and body in the same skin tone and the same company and dont  fit, i have 6 soom little gem WS and they are 6 ws diferent tones..... and two of them i purchased at the same time( same moold whit 2 heads and aditional body).

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This is probably the first time I've brought this up aywhere, but I have never really bonded with my Gem of Doll Murphy.  And he was one of the few dolls I absolutely fell in love with and was willing to buy directly from them.

Murphy, 61cm Gem of Doll Boy - BJD, BJD Doll, Ball Jointed Dolls - Alice's  Collections


I got lucky and found his fullset on ebay for $500.  By no means do I think any of it is on the previous owner.  The doll was in pristine condition and I wonder if they had an issue bonding with him, too?  The wig is a mess, the face-up is meh, the eyes look non-existent most of the time.  And his body blushing is..... yeeeeeaaah.  The doll is in a yellow skin tone (which in itself is actually quite nice), but it has pink--pink!  Company body blushing and it's kind of altered my opinion of getting body blushing on dolls.  I could also never get his wig and glasses to fit at the same time - though I did appreciate the sculpt having a very small notch on his nose for it.  I think I felt even less enthused about him once my other doll from the same company arrived, Karben, who just makes me think the quality improved?  I prefer his body and he is overall easier to pose.  


I also just don't think I bond as well with boy dolls as I do with girls.


I might give him a second chance, which may require a new wig/new eyes.


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11 hours ago, OccultBeast said:

Though I have plenty of BJD stories, I just wanted to say that Doll Chateau/Doll Zone make quite possibly the kickiest dolls to exist.  The best trick I've ever found is to buy some jewelry wire (I think I used 20 gauge) and cut lengths that you can double-over and insert into most of the joints; for example in the legs, the wire should go up into the thigh, then down through the knee piece, and down into the shin.  This lets the joints hold their poses you put them in, instead of the elastic stringing just snapping the parts back into a bent position.  Our DZ Carter will endlessly slap himself in the face unless there's wire in his joints to help hold poses.  You can also try hot glue/moleskin sueding or silicone disks/kips, which definitely work to a degree, but for the limbs, wire is the way to go.  This works for all BJD of course, but some need it more than others!

Oh, I didn't have any trouble getting my other two Doll Chateaus that I used to own to stand. Noah was a centaur, and because he had the delicate little deer leggies, he just couldn't seem to stand properly. The front legs seemed to have actually been molded to be too long? He could stand as a tripod, in one VERY specific pose, but anything else was just... he wasn't having it lol.

4 hours ago, Yumeiro said:

Doll Leaves - I really like their sculpts, but the body I had wouldn't stand! It didn't matter what I did! (It was the older 60cm girl one)
To not completely bash them, I've heard that the MSD line is better though. But that SD-body still makes me cringe.

My favorite resin company is LUTS, and they've never disappointed! (So it's not been a completely hopeless endeavor) 
But of the other companies I've dealt with, it mostly comes down to how well the bodies are at standing on their own (a dealbreaker for me, I've found).
I feel like I've been burned enough with resin, so I've decided to keep to vinyl. But pretty resin sculpts can be very tempting at times...

Actually the two Doll Leaves that we had where MSD. In fact, the only SD sized doll I've ever had in Resin was Wawa. But the Doll Leaves MSD bodies where horrid looking. They have a NEW boy body that looks loads better. Like... it's insane, it doesn't even look like it came from the same company. But the original ones we had just looked terrible and didn't fit most clothing of dolls of that type. 

Admittedly... my roomie just got a LUTS doll, and I'm not impressed with the body sculpting or the texture of the resin. We got so used to lovely, smooth resin, and for some reason the LUTS body almost has the texture of sandpaper. It's weird and hard to describe. But that along with the sculpting made him want to sell it pretty much immediately. Minus the head, which is what he actually made the purchase for. It was a special limited edition thing where you could only get the head if you bought the full doll.

50 minutes ago, kalisha said:

Yes the resin dolls are very specials, the strings must be changed in few years, most bodys are pretty but they cant stand or they kick you every time you tried to pose them. The color resin changes its very very common too, every bach its unic and its not first time you have a head and body in the same skin tone and the same company and dont  fit, i have 6 soom little gem WS and they are 6 ws diferent tones..... and two of them i purchased at the same time( same moold whit 2 heads and aditional body).

Actually, most of the bodies I have can stand. My Resin Soul is pretty great, I've got a Mystic Kids, and a Miracle Doll that stand really well (Despite the fact that I accidentally strung the Miracle Doll too loose), and I have another one that I think is Doll Zone? I can't remember the brand right now, since I bought him second hand, but he's a Hud which is a really old sculpt. He stands perfectly well too. Standing well is usually on my list of priorities when I buy them. Even my single Minifee stands really easily. 

39 minutes ago, Meowjima said:

This is probably the first time I've brought this up aywhere, but I have never really bonded with my Gem of Doll Murphy.  And he was one of the few dolls I absolutely fell in love with and was willing to buy directly from them.

Murphy, 61cm Gem of Doll Boy - BJD, BJD Doll, Ball Jointed Dolls - Alice's  Collections


I got lucky and found his fullset on ebay for $500.  By no means do I think any of it is on the previous owner.  The doll was in pristine condition and I wonder if they had an issue bonding with him, too?  The wig is a mess, the face-up is meh, the eyes look non-existent most of the time.  And his body blushing is..... yeeeeeaaah.  The doll is in a yellow skin tone (which in itself is actually quite nice), but it has pink--pink!  Company body blushing and it's kind of altered my opinion of getting body blushing on dolls.  I could also never get his wig and glasses to fit at the same time - though I did appreciate the sculpt having a very small notch on his nose for it.  I think I felt even less enthused about him once my other doll from the same company arrived, Karben, who just makes me think the quality improved?  I prefer his body and he is overall easier to pose.  


I also just don't think I bond as well with boy dolls as I do with girls.


I might give him a second chance, which may require a new wig/new eyes.


Oh man, I'm sorry dude. Yeah it's always a toss up between what the company photos look like and what the doll actually looks like when you get it. 

It almost sounds as though they just did the same body blushing no matter what color the skin was? Admittedly, none of my dolls have body blushing because I feel like, unless you're taking constant photos of them nude/shirtless then there's really no point to it? If it's not gonna be seen, then why bother doing it, I guess. 

I kinda feel that way, but the opposite with resin. I didn't bond with any of the girl dolls I had, but I adore the 6 boys that I still have. Also I love the tinies that aren't human. So like, my Bleater, Foxy, and my Dragon. But the girls I just couldn't bond with. Apparently I only like girls in vinyl. XD

So I Get that. 

Sometimes a new wig and eyes help a lot, but perhaps thinking about a different face-up for him might help as well. Sometimes love for a doll can be sparked with simply a change in the face-up, because it brings the beauty of the sculpt out more.

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26 minutes ago, ButtonsMcGee said:

Oh man, I'm sorry dude. Yeah it's always a toss up between what the company photos look like and what the doll actually looks like when you get it. 

It almost sounds as though they just did the same body blushing no matter what color the skin was? Admittedly, none of my dolls have body blushing because I feel like, unless you're taking constant photos of them nude/shirtless then there's really no point to it? If it's not gonna be seen, then why bother doing it, I guess. 

I kinda feel that way, but the opposite with resin. I didn't bond with any of the girl dolls I had, but I adore the 6 boys that I still have. Also I love the tinies that aren't human. So like, my Bleater, Foxy, and my Dragon. But the girls I just couldn't bond with. Apparently I only like girls in vinyl. XD

So I Get that. 

Sometimes a new wig and eyes help a lot, but perhaps thinking about a different face-up for him might help as well. Sometimes love for a doll can be sparked with simply a change in the face-up, because it brings the beauty of the sculpt out more.

It's why I put off doing it on my impldoll in dark tan, and figured I'd just send her off, necause I wanted to expose her midriff a lot because abs/muscle body and I didn't want it to be some weird light pink.

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39 minutes ago, ButtonsMcGee said:

Actually the two Doll Leaves that we had where MSD.


Admittedly... my roomie just got a LUTS doll, and I'm not impressed with the body sculpting

Yeah, neither look particularly nice. But how did you find the posing?

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12 hours ago, Yumeiro said:

Yeah, neither look particularly nice. But how did you find the posing?

The Doll Leaves posed relatively well. But because of how the body was shaped, we felt the need to hide them completely in the clothes.

The LUTS doll seemed to pose relatively well, which was a good point in it. 

12 hours ago, Meowjima said:

It's why I put off doing it on my impldoll in dark tan, and figured I'd just send her off, necause I wanted to expose her midriff a lot because abs/muscle body and I didn't want it to be some weird light pink.

yeah that makes a lot of sense. In that case you would have had to try to wipe it and do it yourself, and if that's not something you feel comfortable with then it can be really scary.

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Doll Zone and Doll Chateau, while I love their sculpts, have given me nothing but a bad experience. 

Now, I order my resins through proxies because it's easier on me and I find that it's better than to order from a company that might not entirely grasp the English language and I do not speak anything other than english and conversational spanish.


Doll Zone had two dolls that were basically based on idols and were reminiscent of vocaloid imo so when they were being discontinued I grabbed a fullset and the outfit to the doll I didn't get. Flash forward 6+ months and I get an email about DZ sending the opposite doll from the duo that I ordered (I believe her name was Ann) and I could accept it or send the entire order back and have it redone. The fullset was of the doll I initially ordered but I didn't like the face of the sculpt so I requested to get the doll i originally ordered. 

8 months pass and i get my doll. The face up is not the same from the promos and is very poorly done. She's still in the box because i have to wipe her face and get it redone and that hasn't happened yet.


As for Doll Chateau: the first doll I fell in love with from them was Isabel. She was gorgeous with her bone wings and she was on the list. When DC posted about discontinuing her among a bunch of sculpts back in early January 2019(rip Lillian and Grace) I knew I had to grab her because I've never seen an Isabel on the second hand market. Last month I got a message from my proxy saying that my order was sent with the boy equivalent of the Isabel sculpt but with Isabel's outfit. So I'll probably get Isabel in another 1.5 years.

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Ahhh, resin dolls, -nods like an old crone- truly I have been through a lot with them.

It all starts back in my youth, I'm high off getting my first doll, a Resinsoul Long. He had his face up, and I had gotten in a Resinoul Sui, and things were going swell. I felt confident enough to buy something BIG. Something expensive, something with a Full Set. So I bought an Impldoll fullset, 72cm doll, came with a free gift doll! Sounds great, they said 3 months it would be shipped and out to me.

How naïve I was.

4 months later I inquire with Alice's Collections about the doll. They said they'd speak with Impldoll to see what's going on. And they get back to me, there's been a problem. My full set was somehow destroyed, and instead of replacing it or refunding it, they make me pick through their convention scraps for an incomplete full set. Cool, fine, whatever so long as the doll gets here. Well another month goes by and finally he arrives. Oh boy, that wig was awful. The full set was awful. It was almost impossible to get on cause the sleeves were so narrow I had to take the hands off and had nothing to really put on to enable me to get it on. It looked terrible.

Doll wasn't awful but I immediately realized we weren't gonna be a long term thing, my tastes had quickly shifted from the elves and more generic ABJD faces to something more realistic, and more masculine. I was lurking Granado's site, I'd bought a head from them, and like by comparison the Impldoll looked cheap to me?

So he was sold off, I don't regret it, and you know I'm sure he's doing well wherever he is. The gift doll was also sold off. I kinda realized as well that like White and Normal skin wasn't gonna be my resin future. Tan, Bronze, and Sunshine majority of my collection I've paid the "Tan Tax" and I don't regret that at all!

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nd then this person did the unthinkable...

They wiped the face-up, did their own, and painted on his chest.

They got a limited edition of 20 and re-painted it. To this day, I'm still mortified that they did that.

You would be mortify at me all the time 😅 I have no problem erasing limited face ups, if the face up doesn't do it for us then we gotta do what we gotta do! maybe she wanted your doll because of the body paint or maybe she thought she would like the face up but when she got it she couldn't bond with it. 

I've been in the resin hobby since 2005 but I have no bad experiences with companies or doll arrivals, that's probably because I don't like fullset dolls (I never keep their face ups and clothes) I buy dolls if I like the head mold and when I get them I give them a face up so if there's an option of not getting face ups and outfits I would get that one, like Soom dolls, you can buy the fullset or just naked.

In case of DDS, my DDs came all with their default face ups and some with outfits. Out of the 11 DDs I have, only one has the default face up intact but none of them use their default outfits. Out of my 16 BJDs, only 2 have their default face ups and no limited outfits (I either sell them or they're somewhere in my room).

I had bad experiences in the BJD hobby but no with companies, it was with face up commissions which is why I decided to do my own face ups.



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So I'm coming from the BJD world to the vinyl doll world. I've tried fixing "kicking" a few ways, and the best solution I've found is good old hot glue. I put a small dab on a piece of cardboard and smear a little around the inside of the holding section that the "ball" fits in.

I've had an Iplehouse FID - the posing was okay, but kicky. Needed sueded. I just sueded a Dollmore 12" fashion doll, because poseability was bad. Real bad. BUT - Dollmore is also "cheap" within the BJD world, so I don't mind.

So far, the best poseable resin doll I've personally owned is a Ficondoll, which I know technically doesn't count as a BJD because the eyes are painted on (not replaceable). I have a Luna doll on the older body, and it poses really nicely. 

Generally, my expectation is that a BJD around, humm, $500 or under is probably going to need sueded. Really expensive dolls - Tender Creation, Popovy, PashaPasha ($1k to $2K USD) - have excellent poseability because the artist either suedes the joints before sending them, or deliberately casts the joints so that there's increased friction in the joints to improve poseability. 

And - I hope I'm in a safe space here - re your discussion of wiping off face-ups and painting on new ones... I've seen "face-ups" where I have had to bite my tongue HARD to prevent myself from saying, "You could probably get more money if you just removed your custom face-up." 😝

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23 minutes ago, MaleficentMrsofEvil said:


And - I hope I'm in a safe space here - re your discussion of wiping off face-ups and painting on new ones... I've seen "face-ups" where I have had to bite my tongue HARD to prevent myself from saying, "You could probably get more money if you just removed your custom face-up." 😝

THat oes the same in the vinyl world, too.

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On 6/30/2021 at 8:51 PM, MaleficentMrsofEvil said:

So I'm coming from the BJD world to the vinyl doll world. I've tried fixing "kicking" a few ways, and the best solution I've found is good old hot glue. I put a small dab on a piece of cardboard and smear a little around the inside of the holding section that the "ball" fits in.

I've had an Iplehouse FID - the posing was okay, but kicky. Needed sueded. I just sueded a Dollmore 12" fashion doll, because poseability was bad. Real bad. BUT - Dollmore is also "cheap" within the BJD world, so I don't mind.

So far, the best poseable resin doll I've personally owned is a Ficondoll, which I know technically doesn't count as a BJD because the eyes are painted on (not replaceable). I have a Luna doll on the older body, and it poses really nicely. 

Generally, my expectation is that a BJD around, humm, $500 or under is probably going to need sueded. Really expensive dolls - Tender Creation, Popovy, PashaPasha ($1k to $2K USD) - have excellent poseability because the artist either suedes the joints before sending them, or deliberately casts the joints so that there's increased friction in the joints to improve poseability. 

And - I hope I'm in a safe space here - re your discussion of wiping off face-ups and painting on new ones... I've seen "face-ups" where I have had to bite my tongue HARD to prevent myself from saying, "You could probably get more money if you just removed your custom face-up." 😝

Yeah I think it's more if the sculptor cares about the body being functional over just looking good for limited photography. Iplehouse bodies are notorious for being very bad for posing but generally standing well. Granado bodies range from the 500-650$ range but are perfect posers without needing sueding in their joints.

Tbh I think if you're going to charge 500+ dollars for something it should be finished and function well, but then I'm as they say a little spoiled by very good companies. So seeing Soom charging 1000+ for blank dolls that I hear nothing but horror stories about always makes me kinda cringe xD

And I do agree on the face-ups. I have no interesting in paying 100 extra cause they have some "Famous" face-up artist face up. I tend to prefer to do my own Face-ups for my resin dolls, or my taste is more towards realistic and more minimal. The ones where it's so overdone and has so many layers of sealant that it looks 3 shades darker than it's body isn't for me.

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20 hours ago, Geoffryhawk said:

So seeing Soom charging 1000+ for blank dolls that I hear nothing but horror stories about always makes me kinda cringe

Awwww, maaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.... I've recently discovered Soom, and I love how dark/verging on creepy their dolls are. This makes me haz a sad...

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On 7/5/2021 at 12:10 PM, MaleficentMrsofEvil said:

Awwww, maaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.... I've recently discovered Soom, and I love how dark/verging on creepy their dolls are. This makes me haz a sad...

I own 6 Soom dolls and I love them all. I don't know what horror stories people went through but so far with me everything is always ok. I even love their face ups, I always do my face ups but soom face ups are an exception. If I can get the doll with Soom's face up I will get it.

 Is it the posing? I find Volks posing worse, I have a SDGr boy that can never stand for more than 5 seconds even after restringing him but I heard their posing is not the best and still many of their dolls are over 1k.

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1 hour ago, jazijaz said:

Is it the posing?

I've read, and seen on YouTube, that Soom dolls are dreadful posers. Just awful. To the point that sueding doesn't help. But still - I wants them.

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2 hours ago, MaleficentMrsofEvil said:

I've read, and seen on YouTube, that Soom dolls are dreadful posers. Just awful. To the point that sueding doesn't help. But still - I wants them.

awwe maybe the big dolls are like that? I have 5 teenies,  1 MSD and one little gem (oops,that makes 7 dolls 😅). They're all ok when it comes to posing, then again, I don't do extravagant poses^^ what drives me crazy is when a doll can barely stand or they kick a lot like it happens with my SDGr >_< but they're beautiful dolls ^^

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On 7/28/2021 at 4:28 PM, MaleficentMrsofEvil said:

I've read, and seen on YouTube, that Soom dolls are dreadful posers. Just awful. To the point that sueding doesn't help. But still - I wants them.


On 7/28/2021 at 7:32 PM, jazijaz said:

awwe maybe the big dolls are like that?

The super gem female body (only Soom body Ive had) is a terrible poser, so it might just be the SDs. SDs have a lot going against them in terms of posability due to weight so I find it more admirable when they actually pose (not that I don’t demand it in my dolls). 

I have to echo others here though that the Iplehouse bodies are spectacularly bad in terms of posing. I’ve owned dolls from 70+ companies (including parts and hands—I don’t know what fraction is bodies) and Iplehouse is by far the worst. I have Unoa as well, my only single jointed dolls, but something about having a doll that’s meant to be double jointed makes me madder. The only thing Iplehouse has going for them is that they’re solid standers (in my experience). I’ve owned the EID, HID, and nSID in the past. 

Honestly all my worst resin doll experiences (knock on wood) have all been cigarette-smell related. I’m from the US in a city with heavy restrictions in smoking in public so it always throws me a bit when I receive a doll (sometimes straight from the company no less) that smells of smoke

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1 hour ago, muphryslaw said:

I have to echo others here though that the Iplehouse bodies are spectacularly bad in terms of posing.

knooooooowwwww.... but so pretty. Pretty, pretty dolls. I've got an Aaliyah on layaway. I've wanted her since I first discovered Iplehouse existed.

Of course - I just discovered SartoriaJ, and *dead*. So beautiful. 

Where am I going to put all of these dolls???

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18 minutes ago, MaleficentMrsofEvil said:

knooooooowwwww.... but so pretty. Pretty, pretty dolls. I've got an Aaliyah on layaway. I've wanted her since I first discovered Iplehouse existed.

Of course - I just discovered SartoriaJ, and *dead*. So beautiful. 

Where am I going to put all of these dolls???

Aaliyah is gorgeous! And I’m one to talk. I own 3 with bodies and five heads, including a Rex, which I wanted from Iplehouse for a long time as well (not since I knew they existed, as I’m ancient enough to remember Iplehouse’s old sculpting style, a la Swan Lake Cocori, which wasn’t my style at all). 

my new rule to myself is Ill buy Iplehouse, but no bodies. It means I pay a bit more for the head, and it’s a hunt, but it’s worth it to me because I hate the bodies so much. I have yet to stick my toe into SartoriaJ—much for the same reason for my weird buying habits with Iplehouse. I don’t think the SartoriaJ are good posers either; although, I thought I saw they’re reworking the female body, so maybe there’s hope. 

Iplehouse’s school of sculpting in general seems to have posing problems, with the exception of Dollits, whose posing I find a bit rigid and soldier-like, but good. Creature Doll, RaccoonDoll, and SartoriaJ all seem to have bad posing. 

Edited by muphryslaw
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13 minutes ago, muphryslaw said:

RaccoonDoll... seem(s) to have bad posing.

Have you seen the "New Slim" female body RaccoonDoll came out with? I was chatting with someone on DOA who just got one, and they said that the posing is much better than the (original?) slim or slim v2 bodies. 

Of course, no optional hands yet (despite my pleas), but I'm looking forward to the new body. I was told that the posing is much better than Iplehouse FIDs. 

Edited by MaleficentMrsofEvil

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1 minute ago, MaleficentMrsofEvil said:

Have you seen the "New Slim" female body RaccoonDoll came out with? I was chatting with someone on DOA who just got one, and they said that the posing is much better than the (original?) slim or slim v2 bodies. 

I haven’t yet! I’ll have to look up that page. I’m not super into MSDs (SD is my primary love), but I’ll definitely check it out. I’m glad RaccoonDoll reworked the body because I do like their kind of pinup theme. 

I have to say though, “much better posing than FIDs” isn’t really a huge accomplishment 😂. Oh Iplehouse. I love you, but your posing sucks

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1 minute ago, muphryslaw said:

I haven’t yet! I’ll have to look up that page. I’m not super into MSDs (SD is my primary love), but I’ll definitely check it out. I’m glad RaccoonDoll reworked the body because I do like their kind of pinup theme. 

I have to say though, “much better posing than FIDs” isn’t really a huge accomplishment 😂. Oh Iplehouse. I love you, but your posing sucks

Also, sorry about the weird formatting! Took me about 20 tries to figure out what the heck I did!

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