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Experience Pre-ordering from 1999/Hobby Search?

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Good evening everyone~

Does anyone have experience pre-ordering dolls from Hobby Search/1999.co.jp? I'm considering preordering Azone's Iris Collect Petit Koharu in the snowy version, her eyes and face completely charmed me, along with her fuzzy wintery outfit <3

- I understand they charge when the item is available (according to their FAQs); has anyone experienced otherwise?

- Do they auto-select expensive shipping for you? I came across something in another forum that said they do, but it was a very old post.

- Is the currency conversion rate based on the pre-order date or payment date?

Or any info at all would greatly appreciated! I know they've been around a long time and have a good reputation, I'm just new to the world of pre-ordering dolls and such. Thanks everyone.


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You used to be able to choose different shipping methods, but depending where you’re located, DHL might be the only option available right now. I didn’t know EMS was currently operating to Canada from Japan but looking on their site it apparently is but with massive delays expected. 


Whether these delays will still be I’m effect in April when she’s released, who can say. But since you don’t pay until she ships anyway, you can probably change the shipping method before her release if you change your mind anyway. 
I have found that the DHL from hobbysearch is only a tiny bit more than EMS anyway so I was happy with it - but all I have bought is a 1/6 doll and a 1/6 doll body. There’s a chance the bigger box an Iris Collect has could end up considerably more expensive than EMS instead of just a little more, but you don’t know the shipping price of anything until it’s ready to ship unfortunately. Maybe you could request a quote?

The exchange rate you are charged will be whatever it is the day you actually pay, ie when the item ships, which may not be the exact price it was showing as when you preordered (in fact this is extremely unlikely because exchange rates are not static. Actually...I lost this russian roulette earlier this year, because the doll I bought shipped in March right when the JP/ AUD exchange rate was the worst it had ever been in my memory...and then to add insult to injury the doll didn’t actually ship for 6 months anyway because of EMS closing and him getting stuck in postal limbo.) Unfortunately the gamble of whether something is going to end up costing way more than you thought it was going to (or, in those occasional happy cases, less) is just something you have to deal with when you have an unstable exchange rate and want to preorder something🙃 the CAD is usually pretty close to the AUD so I know your pain. Hopefully it doesn’t change too much for you!

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On 11/2/2020 at 1:03 AM, Monty said:

I lost this russian roulette earlier this year,

Oh sorry Monty, I never got a notification for your reply! Also dang, this is what I'm a bit worried about but I think she may be worth the risk. 

Thank you SO much for all this info, really helpful feedback. Have you experienced trying to pre-order a Azone Store limited doll? I know proxies are an option, but do they also show up on Mandarake occasionally? I'm really debating getting both versions ;))


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2 minutes ago, finnleo said:

I mentioned this option the small scale obitsu bodies thread, so I thought Id give a reminder, Hobbylink japan also has the Hush-hush chit-chat Koharu for preorder (up to 20 units per customer), and they currently offer EMS to canada at least.


Thanks finnleo, I saw her there too :) looks like 1999 is a lower price, but I love HLJ, they're really reliable. Now to just figure out the Azone Store only version. Do you have experience looking for their store limited dolls?


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mmm, HLJ used to be my go to place for most stuff before amiami opened up to western orders with their slightly lower prices. HLJ is still better for some specific model kit stuff, and their 60 day warehouse service can be a bonus, as opposed to amiami's quite ... strict policies (then again they are one of the biggest retailers in japan, so no big surprise there)

and since on the topic of amiami they could be a third option for the normal Hush hush, and they still have their preorder open at 52400yen

(though dunno what their shipping situation is)

i actually only have one azone doll that I got through ami, so I unfortunately dont have experience about azone store stuff.

But proxy services are numerous, like Goody and Noppin that I've used personally, though you will be paying up front when using those, and you need to research what all of the fee's will come into play when using them, so you dont get a unwanted surprise in the end.


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12 minutes ago, finnleo said:

But proxy services are numerous

Thanks! That was my thought exactly, I'll start researching proxies next.


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In the past when I had preordered nendoroids from them, I believe I was able to confirm which shipping method I preferred prior to the actual payment.

Amiami makes you choose shipping method& I don’t think you can change your choice... but you can deffo add on to your order prior to paying your invoice. I’m pretty sure I used EMS shipping with my recent amiami orders.

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Prior to switching to HLJ, I did use Hobby Search/1999 and actually have the Iris Collect Kano they released last year as a collab for their 20th anniversary. Everything arrived extremely secured and like mentioned previously, shipping method was something one could pick. 

As for the other questions, they only charge when the item is available and conversion rate is based on payment date. The only miff I had was when said Kano arrived with a broken leg, however the box was pristine so I would assume it was something that happened in transit. It was repairable, so I haven't tried their customer service aside from account closure (which was quick + heads up, if closing an account with them they ask you to pay for a portion of the preorders you have made with them. (I think it was like... 1/4 or something?))

Edited by Conuresans
computer and early mornings do not mix. also double enter is save

Home: Melt (DDH-09), Kano (Iris Collect), Kirika, Y'Shtola, Suzune (Iris Collect Petite)


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If you're looking for the Direct Store version, I always like to remind folks to look at Fabric Friends & Dolls. The prices are higher than HLJ/HS/etc., BUT you only have to pay shipping from FFD to your location. Especially for Direct Store versions, once you calculate in:

- Japanese taxes (which proxies have to pay)

- Shipping from Azone to your proxy

- The proxy fees

- Shipping from the proxy to you

It can actually be quite a bit more affordable (at least for me) to order from FFD.

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2 hours ago, Conuresans said:

Kano arrived with a broken leg

Oh no, I'm sorry she arrived broken! Did they package the box well enough?

23 minutes ago, Cauldroness said:

I always like to remind folks to look at Fabric Friends & Dolls

Thanks for the tip! Had a peak at their site, do they offer proxy? Or would she just be available for purchase after release? I don't see either of the Hush Hush girls there yet. 


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I think the pre-order for the Hush Hush girls went up fairly recently? Usually if Azone has something I want and Iris (the shop owner) hasn't posted it yet, I just email her. She's gotten all the Iris Collects so I can't imagine why she wouldn't get this one.

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6 hours ago, Veravey said:

Oh no, I'm sorry she arrived broken! Did they package the box well enough?

Oh absolutely. Like I said, the box was pristine. Absolutely went nuts on the bubble wrap and making sure she was secured, so I hold it more to the postal system's handling than them as that was the only event where I was a little disappointed (but it didn't last for too long as she was repairable...even though said leg just wobbles a little now.). 

EDIT: Also confirming the Hush Hush girls went up recently as I had my PO secured via Hobbylink Japan, so I would imagine that Fabric & Friends should be getting them eventually as like Cauldy mentioned, she has gotten them thus far. 

Edited by Conuresans
Fixing Quote + putting in 2 cents re: petites

Home: Melt (DDH-09), Kano (Iris Collect), Kirika, Y'Shtola, Suzune (Iris Collect Petite)


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