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My Smart Doll "Air" Stand

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Kind of an accessory.


I decided to build one because Danny's price is insane for what you get. Not much to it really, but because I used the original telescopic stand that came with my doll I was limited on the inner diameter I could use for the outer tube (6mm). I'm not sure how far the official air stand extends, but this one comes out just enough to make her float without putting too much stress on the shaft of the telescopic stand. Not that I plan on having her float, she's not Supergirl, but the option is nice.

This is v1 with a v2 on the way made entirely out of aluminium. The connection of the main shaft to the base is quite loose and will also be rectified in v2, but it doesn't appear to hinder operation at all and she's very stable. With all the materials I needed and the cost of a few mistakes (wrong sized tubes) I've still spent less than I would have if I'd bought one from Danny. I can also repeat this for my sister's dolls at a much cheaper cost.

I'm also working on a stand for my 2B much like the Cool Cat's one that hugs the crotch. That one is far from finished unfortunately.





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Finished V2 about a month ago. Ordered some more materials for a second V2 for my sister's dolls. This version is far superior to V1 as it's actually flat and doesn't wobble. The base is also fairly heavy being made out of 12mm think aluminium so the doll isn't going anywhere without a big shove.






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Wow that thing looks chonky!  😉  Very cool setup with it tho, congrats on making it!

And I have to say I *love* the Tamaki figure in the background.  <3 




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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This is awesome! Does it require special metalworking equipment (that I technically might have access to via a friend but NO experience so probably no dice ^^; ) or is it something one could learn from a tutorial? Or both? I'm sure many would be happy to have a way to acquire a more affordable but just as good or better stand for a fraction of official price- but if this isn't something just anyone can do, I get it.

I do get nervous about the stands I have breaking and as far as I know there currently is no way to get the basic telescopic stand unless with a doll or second hand atm? I actually do have a broken piece of one so if this is doable I'd like to try, if I can!

Currently watching BNHA, 1-2 episodes behind on the anime rn and absolutely obsessed! (being in a fandom late has made dodging spoilers an issue tho :()

More into Nendoroids and my resin BJDs rn- including some BNHA character shells hehehe :)- my Smartdolls are boxed up at the moment but I'm still happy to talk dolls and doll plans!

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If you have a broken stand you could probably fix it with a 6mm steel or aluminium rod. I can only assume the newer stands still use the same size plastic part to hold the doll, but the design has changed quite a few times over the years. I have one of the older ones.

As for this stand it's not that hard to make and you'd only need access to a mini mill (or a massive Bridgeport ;))) or a router with a jig and a carbide spiral upcut bit. I would not recommend the router though as it's a pain in the arse and could be dangerous if you've never used one before to cut metal.

This design relies on the telescopic stand have a shaft of 6mm. If he's changed to stands and they no longer fit into the 6mm inside of the pipe then you'd have to change that part to one that fits.

One other thing not shown on the plan is a little thumb screw near the top of the pipe to set the height of the stand.


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V3 is here.


This version is entirely custom as it doesn't require Danny's stand.






Pros for this round:

I made the pin straight for this version.

The pin is much longer pushing the doll away from the base giving you a little more freedom where you put her feet and she's not so close to the pole.

Super strong. Earth will break before that pin ever does.

I managed to tap stainless steel without breaking the tap.

It's given me better ideas for V4.



But that's not really a good thing looking at it now because the pin isn't very tight. She'll stand but there isn't really anything stopping her falling forward.

Not really fussed on it to be honest as one glaring issue is the pin sticks out too much and if you don't have a hole in the back of a shirt you have to drape it over and that just looks weird. I guess the solution would be to just buy all the clothes from Danny🤣

Another problem with this version is the pin is made from mild steel that is just begging to rust. I've sprayed it with a gloss clear coat so it should be fine, but I still don't really trust it.

It also looks a bit agricultural.


For V4 I think I'm going to try one with a joint in it for more flexible poses like can be done with the turbo "coupler" from some brand. Like a finger except with thumb screws to tighten the joints. No matter what way I take it though I'm always going to have issues with clothing in the back.


Still working on the stand for the Dollfies. I like that the Smart Doll stand is somewhat subtle as it doesn't hug or clamp anywhere and I'm figuring out a design that is also subtle for Dollfies of any size. I'm leaning towards some type of crotch grabber, but not sure yet. Need to get a few more Smart Doll versions done. I'm also thinking 3D printing.


That's it for now until V4 gets made whenever that is.

Edited by AliensOfGold
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I love the V3 stand, you’ve done an amazing job!👍🏻

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