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Inquiry about face ups, among other things.

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I was wondering if anyone had more information or links on doing faces ups from start to finish. I have access to some water color pencils and some pastels.

(getting tired of destroying nice heads. at this rate I'm about ready to look for a face up artist.)

My other question, is I have seen alot of dolls with larger bosoms. Where does one acquire one? And out of curiosity how big do they get?  I think the DDdy girl i have would probably look better with larger assets.

(on a side note  I cant seem to fine blue jean pants or I'm not looking in the right place.)

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The Painting and Customization section has a lot of information if you’re looking for a text format; there’s a bunch of YouTube videos on the subject if you prefer video. Though for me, the hardest part is actually carrying out what I want to do, which just takes practice.

My household has blue jeans from Alice’s Collection (comes in DD and DDDy sizes) and Doll Delights (stretchy enough to probably fit both). Volks has sold a couple of pairs, but they weren’t listed as fitting DDDy when I checked.

Can’t really answer about the busts; I know that wersaze and peach pai are some of the brand names for third-party busts, but I don’t know where you’d actually get them. 

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Thank your for the information Tira.  Alice Collections and some nice stuff on it, but i can feel my wallet screaming in agony. That site almost makes me want to get a MDD or a DDP.

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Will the MDD outfits fit on DDP?

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Yes. MDD outfits should fit DDP, but pants will probably be too short. Shorts and skirts should be fine though. If it’s a Volks outfit, they list the compatible body types on each outfit’s page.

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