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1/6 Azone head on Obitsu?

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I have recently bought an Azone Nezuko Kamado which is 1/6 scale.

The body isn't quite flexible, so just wondering if it's possible to put azone head on an obitsu body?

It's 1/6 scale, so i'm looking at either 21cm or 22cm Obitsu bodies. 


Grateful for any help in any direction. Thanks! 


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the modern, 26cm. OBITSU looks great with 1/6 doll heads of a great variety;











Edited by Tasuke






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I'm sort of curious about the opposite combination of sticking an Obitsu/Parabox-style head on a PureNeemo.

Obitsu has the better aesthetics, but PureNeemo's posability is second to none, and it can pull off poses neither my little or large girl can do, like this sit-squat pose or the full-kneeling pose. My Obitsu sorta stops halfway.



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You can put an Azone head on an Obitsu body, but the neck mechanisms are a bit different. Obitsu dolls all have headbacks, so those bodies have a neck peg that the head goes on, and then a neck topper that you screw into the peg to hold the head on. Azones on the other hand usually do not have headbacks, so swapping their heads works more like a Barbie or a Monster High head swap, if you're familiar with that. What this means for you is that you'll have to prepare the neck FIRST, and then put the head on.

The neck topper usually comes screwed onto the neck peg already for a brand new Obitsu, but unfortunately, because of how Obitsu heads are engineered, you WILL have to fiddle with the neck topper and the head a bit to keep the head from wobbling once it's on, so get ready for some simple DIY, and make sure you have a screwdriver meant for small screws and a hair dryer nearby before you try to put the head on!

Every 1/6 Obitsu body comes with the default neck topper, which will be attached, and then a little package of alternate neck toppers and some plastic rings. The default neck topper is sufficient to keep the Azone head on there, so you don't need to use any of the alt ones, but you WILL need the two taller rings from that package. You'll need to put either one or both of these rings on the neck peg before you put the neck topper on. Your goal is to have the smallest gap between the top of the neck and the bottom of the lowest ring you can manage while still HAVING a gap. The smaller that space is, the more secure the head's vinyl will be on the neck, the less it will wobble. You'll want to do all your trial and error now, before you put the head on, because those rings are annoying to get the head over and will make head removal difficult. If you need a visual on how small that gap should be, check it against the body your Azone came with, because that's a good indicator of the size your neck peg needs to be to prevent head wobble!

Once you've checked and double checked, all you have to do is make sure the topper is screwed on securely and then squish and wiggle the head onto there until it's sitting in that space you made. The hair dryer comes in here - use it to heat the head up a bit if this is difficult. Warmth will make the vinyl more pliable and make it easier to get it over those rings. Once it's on, you're all set! Your new hybrid is ready to go!

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