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My first dd! Ive had smds mostly so it was kinda nervous ordering her. She looks wayy cuter in person! I love that dress on her. While opening her though i didnt realize there was sharpie on my hands, theres a tiny stain on her arm from it. Does anyone know how to get it out? spacer.png

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Congrats, she looks great!

In regards to the stain, if you can get it, I’d go for volks dream rescue cream to get out the stain, but if not you can try the oxy method described in the post below, though i think sharpie is one of the harder stains to treat >< (dream rescue is also discussed in this thread, just wasn’t out when initially made so not in the first post)


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Yes, Karin is really cute.

I don't have any experience with sharpie stains myself, but if it is still fresh, a magic eraser (melamine sponge) may do the trick.

If that doesn't work, Dream Rescue or Remove Zit are probably your best options.

Whiteboard cleaning fluid might also work for sharpies, but I'm afraid that may also attack the vinyl itself...

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Karin is really cute. I bought her to make a custom doll for Aki, the doll in my profile picture. I'm really glad you like her a lot.

Edited by SleepoBeepo
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Congratulations on your first DD!  I agree, they look much nicer in person than the pictures capture.  I like how the vinyl feels too, relative to SmD.  I'm also a big fan of Karin.  I just got mine a new wig and outfit from Cotin Doll recently!


Karin Blue.jpg

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A warm welcome and congratulations on getting your first doll! Karin is a cute girl. When I received my first I was pleasantly surprised how cute DDs actually look in person, too. To this day I'm still amazed how cute they are whenever I look at one.

Hopefully you can manage to get the stain off! It's a bit annoying how fast these dolls can stain when you don't expect it.

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Congratulations!!! Karin is so sweet. For the stain, it should come off pretty quickly if it's still fresh. Get some acne cream that's 5% Benzoyl Peroxide or more, and pat it onto the stain and wrap with saran wrap to prevent it from drying out. I have stained a lot of dolls and acne cream never fails, it just varies depending on how long it takes to remove the stain. But I have removed solid black marks before (like someone drew on the doll directly with Sharpie).

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