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"Ishnu dal dieb" - Night Elf avatar requirred Elune-sama

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So, I am wondering for future, how could I make some night elf doll char. (she has som kind of backstory already just will need avatar)

Except blue Smarties or Dollfie Icons - I dont think I could win "click war" 

I am doing research what is on market and how much is customization possible/required.

I have seen some experiments with dyeing on our forum with vinyl. Not sure about resin. I wouldnt like to destroy any of thoose two materials.

Some photos, since not everyone may know how night elves look. 

The skin color is not mandatory, night elves have many vairations of skin tones.

Height is not also much mandatory, she can be in classic SD size. Even night elves are higher than humans. Wig and and scar and any other stuff are subject of in-game change. Theese visual features are not required for avatar. 

edit: ears not needed will find some external (or try to make some)




Edited by Silent
adding aditional info

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If you want a non-limited doll, I think dye would be your only option for a vinyl doll, but if you’re open to resin, I recommend checking out Resinsoul for fantasy skin colors. They have the widest selection I’ve seen, and the colors aren’t limited or anything. The 68cm body would be good if you want her to be taller than a DD.

Edited by Tira

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On 5/22/2021 at 12:14 AM, Tira said:

If you want a non-limited doll, I think dye would be your only option for a vinyl doll, but if you’re open to resin, I recommend checking out Resinsoul for fantasy skin colors. They have the widest selection I’ve seen, and the colors aren’t limited or anything. The 68cm body would be good if you want her to be taller than a DD.

Good idea. The only issue in my case would be that Resinsoul doesnt ship to my country. So the only option would be second hand. :)

But I guess I want go more crafty (and risky way - the dyeing procedure is sruely complex as I have seen on previous topics. I remember a parabox doll dyed to tan on this forum.)

I also realized that many character consepts in this section have visualisation. I made one. Heads the are not mandatory, I woulnt like to damage such a rare and expensive heads. So consider the heads shown just as a study. 

I discovered one topic in which was photo of dollfie dream hybrid - medium DD M bust on DDDy lower torso. The whole torso looked long as mentioned in topic, but it was not disturbing for me visually. I actualy liked it. The combination of DDDy with DD M bust would bit help with height differencies between races. And some kind of muscularity - lets be honest, Night Elf women look like kind of like athletes. 

Edit: I consider using even a damaged body in secondhand.




doll dyeing projects I mention plus some I found:

doll bodies combinations mentioned and found:

and one more 


Edited by Silent
added mentioned topics about dyeing and body combinations :)

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Hello once again. The first test season is in the end. I tried chalk pastel - toyson d-or or something like that is name of brand, no name no special brand textil dye and aquarel pencils.


No name brand textil dye did not work as I expected. But it was bit different outcome with blue aquarell pencil except there were spots that did not get colored. Also maybe I was boling parts too shor like for half or hour and not like a several hours. But I guess it is because of the textil dye not purposed for vinyl. I am waitng for blue iDye poly I ordered yesterday. Chalk pastels were different kind of story but sometimes it did not stick on theese excesses. I fixated chalk pastel with vinegar - seems working. The hand part is softer then theese execissive parts. Only issue with chalk pastel is you can not mix because it wil not end up well like here:


So only one color can be used in case of chalk pastels. I tried to mix red and blue to get purple.


Research continues. 

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For 3d printed dolls, I like spray paint, but I have no idea how that would interact with the vinyl 🤔

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2 minutes ago, samseramsamsam said:

For 3d printed dolls, I like spray paint, but I have no idea how that would interact with the vinyl 🤔

I guess the problem may be with with very soft parts where it may go down. I tried to revitalize one obitsu 60 body with spray. But obitsu 60 body is different in hardness of vinyl parts. Legs and arms are more sturdy. Thoose hold better spray but there are already some small scars. The biggest issue was with obitsu 60 torso it went down easily like a leather from boiled chicken. The 60 body obitsu torso is pretty soft.  

The other risk/issue may be balance of paint. I went well in obitsu revitalization but it is kind of mastery to do balanced painting. Plus I dont want to it go down. I holds on obitsu 60 body but not like 100% even I used special fixative brand - Rembrandt.

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Ishnu alah adventurers. How are you?

First iDye poly dyeing season is over. It brang interesting results. I used blue iDye poly. But I tried intesificator. (because I am curious person)

The darkest parts were in dye from beggining before it started to boiled. Thoose were in dye for longest term.

The (I will call it) indigo blue parts were held in dye during boiling but only for maybe a minute? Or even less until the got to indigo. (reminds me pokemon serie No. 1 - Indigo championship) The Lightest ones were in dye even more short then indigo ones. It was like, dive - check - dive - check - dive... until wanted color. It is not possible to see difference in the picture like irl unfortunately. 

The hand was unsuccesful test red and blue chalk pastel from chalk pastel series. 

Theese parts are fresh from boiling - done 19th of June  2021. Now they will be tested. One part of group is on direct sun and the other part is on non-direct sun because as elianti mentioned in her iDye project dying it fades. (unless the formula changed dramatically or unless intesificator does not provide different kind of results.)

Note: some parts were recycled from previous season (like aquarel pencils or non brand fabric dye) and some are pretty new



I tried to dye one ear made out of fimo polymer clay baked in oven.



Here you can see how the dye works. It stays on the surface so as eliati mentioned it can be removed (by sanding or via acetone - for more details consider to check her project few postst above)


Some other photos.


The dakrest parts look more like nightborne than night elf. 🤔




Thats all folks. For now. We will see how the second eye worshiped by taurens will act to them.


Conclusion: For dyeing I used iDye Poly blue 451. It is nice color but more suitable for nightbornes. For more night elf skin (see reference pictures) I should go with lighter variant more like iDye Poly tyrqoise 459 but we will see how much (if) it will fade.


Edited by Silent
pictures dissapeared just like Miku

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Oh my... I saw the title and was instantly excited about it. Looking forward to see more of it 👍

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Glad you like it. :)

Right now I am waiting for right opportunity. (I have some spare money but dont want buy instatnly - what if I will need them for something else unplanned not from my side) Few years ago I would be hasty. Now I am more like fisherman.

Also I am thinking what brand head shall I use, since night elves are not anime but more realistic. :) (maybe I should buy that Kosmos head from mandarake I hastiated about - never mind)


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Ishnu ala adventurers.

The body is on the way ^ _ ^ Yaaay (nope, not via Meatwagontrans)


Also, I was curious, if do exist some other custom night-elf dolls in 1/3 scale. 

So I did some research on internet

for comparison, inspirations and mainly to share.






I am still attached to more real-like face concept in my project but oh my, last picture is so cute. 


Edit: if owner of photo is willing to remove their photos from this topic, please let me know. 😉 

Edited by Silent
fair play
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Ooh, very cool project! When I still played the game I considered making a custom doll of my lovely night elf but that project got put aside since I stopped playing. I still love the night elf aesthetic.

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Happy Winter Veil everyone.

Finally after very long waiting, the opportunity appeared (thank you MagicalRozen for ebay link :) ).

So I bought excellen head. (yaaay ^^)

Also, I was doing small tests with purple i-dye-poly (I shall post photos during weeekend during light - void has pretty long duartion of reign over day in winter-times. Plus I bought Sturdy Gnomish Tripod EX-640 on auction house - I want to return back to DSLR photos) 

I still have no clue how to reach grey undertone within purple one. I hope I can learn from MaleficentMrsofEvil here: 

Also, new quest appears in my quest log. Quest is called Long ear legacy.






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Whoops. Busted. 

I ended up buying some gray dye. I'll get started soon. 

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1 hour ago, MaleficentMrsofEvil said:

Whoops. Busted. 

I ended up buying some gray dye. I'll get started soon. 

No worries. You have time. 😉

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5 hours ago, Silent said:

(thank you MagicalRozen for ebay link :) ).

You're very welcome! I am so glad I could help you a bit with this really cool project! I hope she turns out the exact way you want her to! I am super excited to see the results~! :)


Khepra, Nero, Tamaki, Ginkgo, Kana, Bernkastel, HimikoAnn, Rin, Chii, Vampire, Amane, And Others That May Come And Go.

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17 hours ago, Silent said:

...Also, I was doing small tests with purple i-dye-poly (I shall post photos during weeekend during light - void has pretty long duartion of reign over day in winter-times. Plus I bought Sturdy Gnomish Tripod EX-640 on auction house - I want to return back to DSLR photos)...




Theese pieces are about a month after bath. Dots never happened to appear after dyeing.

I guess dots appeared because of bad storage. sharp edges of pieces with dye were on each other.

This time I wasnt doing sun-light test if and how much would color be bleached.

Also I must remember that I once again used intensificator (chemical liquid to make color deeper)




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I've gathered some info. Dyeing to start soon.

First, some YouTube tutorials: 

Solid color (brown) with profanity: 



Fixing an uneven dyeing result tutorial. Lomi recommends having acetone and a Magic Eraser on hand. When you pull out your piece, if you see marbling or splotches, acetone or scrub them off with the magic eraser (rubbing alcohol also works), and then plunk back into the dye bath:


In the first tutorial, he mentions a cheaper synthetic dye called Iretsu, and he gets a much smoother result with it. I'm going to have to look for that. 

The other thing I want to point out is the difference in technique in the two videos. Notice in the first video, all of the dye gets thrown into the water. In the second tutorial, Lomi puts in only a couple teaspoons of dye in several cups of water, which creates more of a color "cast" than a deep change. 

Rit Dyemore (for synthetics) has color formulas or recipes to create various colors, and there are drop down menus to help you decide how much dye should be in the water. 

@Silent - check out the purples and tell me which one you like best. Right now, I'm leaning towards Purple Coneflower or Lavender Dust. 


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9 hours ago, MaleficentMrsofEvil said:


Rit Dyemore (for synthetics) has color formulas or recipes to create various colors, and there are drop down menus to help you decide how much dye should be in the water. 

@Silent - check out the purples and tell me which one you like best. Right now, I'm leaning towards Purple Coneflower or Lavender Dust. 


I like Levander Dust and more Purple Rose Dream instead of Purple Coneflower. But I keep in mind that Purple Rose Dream may be difficult to reach since it is lighter so I am okay with Levander Dust.

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Ishnu dal dieb adventurers.


It  has been a while. The progress of Long ear legacy  quest seems promising:

On 1/9/2022 at 3:25 AM, Noxxbunny said:

It reminds me days back in barbie era in which I had two elvish barbies with ears made of other parts. Headcap idea is nice but for me now would be better option to go with some thighs from basic barbie with basic 5 points of articulation.

I made study of ears from game:



Btw.: Head is at home on body already. (new profile pic. ^^)

Shaha lor'ma for your atention.



1) According to measures I did in character creation lobby (I use it as "3D model studio")it appears that approximately long elvish ears are the double of elvish head hight while short elvish ears are approximately as long as hight of elvish head.

2) The barbie thighs did not work because of different more like PVC material (it seems silicone bending legs for barbie are less common for barbie products). It dyed very little bit but would not be effective. I guess I will turn back to head-cap option since it can be obtained in same color schemes (now where could I get head cap without wasting the head 🤔 note: this Long ear legacy quest seems to be like some long vannila quest chain) 

Edited by Silent
added concrete link for elf ear tutorial instead of channel link
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Ishnu alah adventurers.


I was doing some multiverse dungeons and got some unusual gear.

I even tried to put head on a different body from other doll.

But long ear legacy quest is near to end. 


I want to straighten them up more. 


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Some photo ear attaching not completed yet, just temporarly.




update - patch Doll.3.5 - Apology of Elune

skin color:

The color develpoment is bit stagnative. I was considering to try aribrush on some small bits of vinyl- just for cpmarisson to dye-baths. But classmate who knows airbrush is sick. I dont want to hursh this phase of development and jump over my head into it, since it is signature for the project.


They turned out well I guess. They are not symetrical so it is bit false symetry (hm, reminds some youtuber). I tried bit the melting viedo from yotube tutorial with heating pen but did not work so I glued them with super glue. Maybe the heat was too big, the heating pen I used warms up pretty quickly. I had one with manageable power of heat maybe I try to find so I guess I must lead to Ratchet. On the other hand I wouldnt like to mess ears up so maybe I may be okay with seams. The curving via hot and  cold water worked but lenght and curavature does limits in stragihtening them. But heat-gun did the job but on weakest degree plus I had to be careful not to melt them.


body (DDdy II) wokrs nice she feels bit muscular as I wanted according to night elf game model. Small bust is good but I am thinking about switching to M bust to make matter balance between bottom and chest. 

ohter ideas/features:

demon hunter tattoos - hard to do, too much sci-fi, maybe not impossible but still risky eneough (engraved plus color or "sticker"? + I wanted her to be somehow like an elvisch cosplayer so "if" then better "temporary")

glowing eyes - could be but not sure because they may be useless if she has bandana over her eyes.

attacheable horns - need stronger magnets for head

Warglaves - WIP, grey EVA foam was better choice over black one, need to finish basic shapes plus details and sanding, then comes color scheeme choice

In character:

She may become interested in cooking since I got World of Warcraft cook book.


Let them eat cakes!

Edited by Silent
development status aka new dollpatch ^^

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Ishnu-alah adventurer.

I did some airbrush tests with classmates. Tests were aimed as experiments of color combinations and mainly the durability of airbrush on vinyl. It turned out that if air-brush keeps itself on vinyl, may be more choice for shadeing with combination of I-dye poly color (or other brands). Tomorrow I will see and test how much is color durable on soft material. Meanwhile in Karazahn you see some small bits:




later you notice a torso:




We did some tests with sand-paper.



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23 hours ago, Silent said:

Tomorrow I will see and test how much is color durable on soft material.

The color doesnt go down by itself. It doesnt make marks to your skin when you touch it. It doesnt crack when you bend vinyl. But color doesnt stand good against nails or sharp stuff and is easier to star peel down itself. We didnt test fixative yet. We were using Vallejo colors for airbrushing with thinner and flow improver.

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Tried new eyes.


p.s.: am very excited for new leak seems legit.

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Ishnu alah.

I was bit on hopium (and still I am) from leak of new expansion. I even pushed my nelf from level 57 to 60. But I did not forget about this project. Dyeing didnt come out well in Idyepoly, I guess it max be due to peroxid cream for skin - I made some stains, shame upob me and pút me to the Maw. First airbrush was not also succesful I had to remove it so doll looked like a plum. I was sad. But today’s aurbrush try looks promising. I sended the doll with highest grinding paper. Then I applied  base white vallejo color and waited, then a mixture of gray, white, royal purple and magentového pink allso from vallejo. Compressed air can was different from compressor machine. Strong but not gentle. Here is semi result.


Btw. today will be full moon. I should go to moonwell.

Goddes watch over you.

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