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Taobao shops for DD

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Recently I've come to love shopping on Taobao, and I even use bjdbhiner as well.

I have used this list for my first few hauls: https://orchiddolls.com/doll-taobao-shops


But I was wondering if anyone knew of any other Taobao shops that weren't on that list. I've been dying for some inexpensive DD tops and I'd love to know where to get some!

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https://mvstudio.taobao.com/  They've been fantastic for me, I have quite a few pieces from them and dark things are always lined.  They also sell some older used Volks sets and pieces.  


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5 hours ago, Luden333 said:

What is taobao? I’m new sorry

It's basically China's version of Amazon.

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How do you actually use these TaoBao shops? I constantly get redirected to a login page.

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8 hours ago, ChrisFhey said:

How do you actually use these TaoBao shops? I constantly get redirected to a login page.

I use Google Chrome and I created an account first. Chrome can auto translate when you right click the page.




This guide is helpful for getting started:) It's easiest to browse on an account instead of not having an account so it doesn't redirect to a login page.

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Cheers! I'll check it out.

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Has anyone else here had Taobao freeze their account for no reason? I remember at least one person had, and want to know how common it is. I know poor Noxxbunny got frozen after a direct transaction with them and lost the items already paid for, but I mean if anyone else has been frozen for literally just logging in to see the content you have to be logged in to view. I literally never use my account for anything except browsing (and when there’s something I like, put that link through 42agent), but TWICE now my account has been frozen for ‘severe violations’. It’s starting to really irritate me, especially when I was sure I remembered someone mentioning a rumour that Taobao often ban foreign people who only browse and do not buy and I really want to know if this is true. (If it is, it must be extremely random because there are people who have been using account on the site for years and years without issue…)  Either that, or the ‘severe violation’ of the second account was evading the ban by making a new account (which does not explain whatever I did to get frozen the first time)

I really like using Taobao and being able to support all the talented people on there, and I’m very reluctant to pay the often ridiculous markups that many reseller sites charge, but things like this are really souring me on the platform. It sucks because it’s clearly not any of the sellers faults.

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3 minutes ago, Monty said:

Has anyone else here had Taobao freeze their account for no reason? I remember at least one person had, and want to know how common it is. I know poor Noxxbunny got frozen after a direct transaction with them and lost the items already paid for, but I mean if anyone else has been frozen for literally just logging in to see the content you have to be logged in to view. I literally never use my account for anything except browsing (and when there’s something I like, put that link through 42agent), but TWICE now my account has been frozen for ‘severe violations’.

Yes, I've had the exact same thing as you happen.  My original account was, idk, maybe a few months old?  And it's not like I used it frequently, it's like I made it and browsed for an evening and then otherwise never used it unless I happened to open a Taobao item in a google search?  And one day it was frozen.  So then I just existed without one for a while until I wanted to do another evening of browsing and created a new account, and the second account was frozen like, within hours of me making it.  And I'm in the same boat as you of not wanting to pay the reseller hiked prices, but I have done so multiple times just because Taobao is such a hassle.

I've since just stopped using Taobao altogether because of the account issue (especially since they want you to use your phone number to make your account now).  If I really want to look through some things I just do it all through Bhiner because I'm just bitter at Taobao at this point.

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I’m glad it’s not just me but I’m mystified what the issue is and why it doesn’t affect everybody. If it allows me to select an -Australian area code- for my phone number, why is having an Australian account not allowed...? (Unless that’s not the actual issue..?)

Luckily direct links are usually still ok for certain items so I just have to rely on my friends to post things I like so I can still get them (I haven’t actually tried since my account was banned again though). BJDBhiner is a useful tool, but I’ve noticed it doesn’t return 100% of the results.

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36 minutes ago, Monty said:

I’m glad it’s not just me but I’m mystified what the issue is and why it doesn’t affect everybody. If it allows me to select an -Australian area code- for my phone number, why is having an Australian account not allowed...? (Unless that’s not the actual issue..?)

Luckily direct links are usually still ok for certain items so I just have to rely on my friends to post things I like so I can still get them (I haven’t actually tried since my account was banned again though). BJDBhiner is a useful tool, but I’ve noticed it doesn’t return 100% of the results.

Yeah it seems completely random as to why it freezes accounts.  It's not like I tried to lie about my location on either of my accounts, and clearly plenty of other people have accounts from countries other than China without issue, so I just assumed I had shit luck.

I hate how Bhiner will stop showing the last so many pages of a shop or search, and it definitely doesn't find everything there is, but I just accepted it as my only alternative lmao

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I don't know why they freeze accounts but the only advice I can give is to use your real phone number and use the same browser every time for taobao links.

I haven't gotten my account frozen but I noticed if I open a taobao link on a different browser then it seems to freak out when I go back to chrome. I use chrome for most of my taobao stuff since it has the auto translate feature. I have my real phone number linked to my account and occasionally they will send me texts with verification codes as well.

Edit: I should also say that I always purchase directly through taobao, I don't use shopping agents... so I dunno if that might also have something to do with it? I'm not sure, I don't see why it would...


Edited by Riesz

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It’s  true that I’ve used a combo of computer, phone and iPad... it would still be ridiculous to me if that’s the issue, but I think if I make a third account it’ll get banned instantly because I’ll still have the same phone number as the banned accounts... only one way to find out 😔

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On 6/26/2021 at 5:48 PM, Monty said:

It’s  true that I’ve used a combo of computer, phone and iPad... it would still be ridiculous to me if that’s the issue, but I think if I make a third account it’ll get banned instantly because I’ll still have the same phone number as the banned accounts... only one way to find out 😔

I'm a little late to this thread but could you try using a Google number? I've never had luck with using one for stuff like Instant Messengers so I'd be surprised if it works but that's something you could try!

I've been trying to log in to my taobao I made a few months ago but you have to use the app to reset your password and it's in Chinese and not easy to translate an app so it's been a hassle, I've been using an image translator. Privacy settings don't let me screenshot the application so I have to take a photo of my phone screen with another phone and then translate the text from that photo. X_X

I hope my account isn't frozen or anything bc I wanna buy some stuff from there myself!

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Does Taobao allow foreign credit cards and ship overseas?

I used to use it a lot when I lived in China, but I've switched to AliExpress now I'm back in Europe. The prices were amazing on Taobao plus there's a lot more stuff on there than on AliExpress. I know enough Chinese to be able to use Taobao but despite that it still took me a whole day to set it up lol. Then I had the nightmare of trying to figure out how to use the various storage lockers it would send stuff to.

Oh and the Taobao image search is amazing - far better than anything Google or Amazon have.


My Dollfie doll family December 2024 😊. Towa believes they are 34 in number.


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On 6/25/2021 at 7:42 PM, Monty said:

Has anyone else here had Taobao freeze their account for no reason? I remember at least one person had, and want to know how common it is. I know poor Noxxbunny got frozen after a direct transaction with them and lost the items already paid for, but I mean if anyone else has been frozen for literally just logging in to see the content you have to be logged in to view. I literally never use my account for anything except browsing (and when there’s something I like, put that link through 42agent), but TWICE now my account has been frozen for ‘severe violations’. It’s starting to really irritate me, especially when I was sure I remembered someone mentioning a rumour that Taobao often ban foreign people who only browse and do not buy and I really want to know if this is true. (If it is, it must be extremely random because there are people who have been using account on the site for years and years without issue…)  Either that, or the ‘severe violation’ of the second account was evading the ban by making a new account (which does not explain whatever I did to get frozen the first time)

I really like using Taobao and being able to support all the talented people on there, and I’m very reluctant to pay the often ridiculous markups that many reseller sites charge, but things like this are really souring me on the platform. It sucks because it’s clearly not any of the sellers faults.

I had this happen to me and I only ever logged in maybe twice? No idea what happened.

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On 8/18/2021 at 5:56 AM, Xiongmao said:

Does Taobao allow foreign credit cards and ship overseas?

I used to use it a lot when I lived in China, but I've switched to AliExpress now I'm back in Europe. The prices were amazing on Taobao plus there's a lot more stuff on there than on AliExpress. I know enough Chinese to be able to use Taobao but despite that it still took me a whole day to set it up lol. Then I had the nightmare of trying to figure out how to use the various storage lockers it would send stuff to.

Oh and the Taobao image search is amazing - far better than anything Google or Amazon have.


According to this guide, Taobao doesn't offer in-house consolidated shipping to Europe so you'd have to use an agent.

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On 7/4/2023 at 1:55 AM, AliceDoll said:

I know this is an older post, but thank you!!! Now if only I can get taobao to work for a chance (♡゚▽゚♡)

Easiest to browse without an account is to put the link from the shops directly into your proxy website of choice, like superbuy or pandabuy. 

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Super late to this thread, but does anyone else get the "unusual traffic has been detected from your network" or pages hurriedly change to a page that won't let you do anything and the url says "punish" in it multiple times?? It makes browsing taobao a nightmare and I can't even get any items to load to grab their url to put into an agent website so that I can "browse this seller's other items"! I've turned off all content blockers and tracking protections (which I hate to do) and it still gives me these errors and pages! Does taobao want me to spend my money or what?

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4 hours ago, pericat said:

Super late to this thread, but does anyone else get the "unusual traffic has been detected from your network" or pages hurriedly change to a page that won't let you do anything and the url says "punish" in it multiple times?? It makes browsing taobao a nightmare and I can't even get any items to load to grab their url to put into an agent website so that I can "browse this seller's other items"! I've turned off all content blockers and tracking protections (which I hate to do) and it still gives me these errors and pages! Does taobao want me to spend my money or what?

Do you perhaps use a VPN to access the internet? They might be IP blocking the larger VPN providers.

Otherwise try clearing your cache and wipe all cookies that could be related to Taobao from your browser. They might have left a cookie that identifies you as "black sheep" when you initially accessed them with your blockers active.

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14 hours ago, pericat said:

Super late to this thread, but does anyone else get the "unusual traffic has been detected from your network" or pages hurriedly change to a page that won't let you do anything and the url says "punish" in it multiple times?? It makes browsing taobao a nightmare and I can't even get any items to load to grab their url to put into an agent website so that I can "browse this seller's other items"! I've turned off all content blockers and tracking protections (which I hate to do) and it still gives me these errors and pages! Does taobao want me to spend my money or what?

Yes, I can't browse taobao at all and haven't been able to for years.  I'm not sure if it's connected to location or to IP, but I've even tried signing up for an account before only to have it frozen shortly after creation, and I still can't browse the website without it throwing me constantly back to the login page.  As a "work around" I browse through bjd.bhiner.com which at least lets me see most things, though it's not exactly up to date.

Taobao just seems to hate non-Chinese customers, and also really really wants you to use their app.

note: I have not tried ensuring cookies are cleared to see if they indeed did leave behind a 'block this user' cookie, I just accepted my fate lmao

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Sadly the same for me, I have to jump through a lot of hoops to browse there, because they locked my account just for ... having too many tabs open at one point basically.

I can search things just fine, all I have to do is copy the links for the listing that interests me and put that into the search of my proxy site to look at the listing proper, because it kicks me out if I try to do that on taobao directly like 90% of the time.

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Here's some taobao shops from another thread that do custom sized clothing - note that I haven't bought from any of them, but they should be able to make DD clothing!  They're a bit pricey (a cute dress I want to get for my DDB is about $35 - not that expensive, I suppose, I'm just a penny pincher), but I plan from buying from some of these shops in the future!


https://oddbjd.world.taobao.com/shop/view_shop.htm?spm=a1z09. (fancy clothing)

https://endlessbjd.taobao.com/index.htm?spm=a1z10.1-c.w5002-2417463596.2.557364e2BllIGF (casual wear)

https://shop101322801.taobao.com/index.htm?spm=2013.1.w5002-16727069999.2.3efc2ff7XBnCXj (custom cosplays)

https://shop60320742.taobao.com/shop/view_shop.htm?spm=a1z0k.7386009.0.0.394f37dekF0iqR&shop_id=60320742 (custom cosplays, again)

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