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Size equivalents for foot wear for DD

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Ive been searching etsy and I am also currently waiting on my first DD, I ordered Karin with a DDS body and Towa with A DDdy body from Volks USA store. So I’m on etsy looking for shoes that will fit but I’m just not sure because I am new I’m not sure about if some shoes will fit or not. A lot of them say SD17 and SD13 or just SD or 1/3 etc. and I am not sure if any of these sizes are the ones that will fit my Dollfie dream. Does anyone know of a sizing chart or even if you just plain know how to answer this? Much appreciated if you do.


Also if you know of any stores that sell shoes for DD I would also like to know thanks 

Edited by Luden333

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SD shoes tend to have a pretty big gap around the toe on DD - think little kid trying on mommy's grown up shoes. SD16 shoes tend to fit DD pretty well. SD16 shoes will likely be high heel only though. AFAIK the SD16 flat feet use SD sized shoes.

I find SD shoes generally look oversized on DD, but with third party sellers your millage may vary.

SD17 shoes are going to look like clown shoes on a DD, so unless you don't mind a shoe that looks really big on their feet don't waste your money.

A lot of it comes down to your sense of aesthetics, and a lot of folks in the hobby aren't as picky about fits as I am.

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The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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For me as long as it looks right in photos then that’s all that matters to me to be completely honest.

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9 minutes ago, Luden333 said:

For me as long as it looks right in photos then that’s all that matters to me to be completely honest.

For a lot of shoes it's going to come down to camera angle. I.e. looks fine from the front, but oversized from the side. Best bet is shoes made specifically for DD, or SD16 high heel shoes.

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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Ok thank you thats so helpful, the doll world can be a little mysterious on that front 

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I ordered some "1/3 shoes" on AliExpress and they're slightly too big for my DD. I think if they were human shoes they would be 3-4 sizes too big.

At least it was better than the last store, as they sent us 1/4 sized shoes!


My Dollfie doll family December 2024 😊. Towa believes they are 34 in number.


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For girls, I just order SD or 1/3 high heel shoes. Everything I've gotten fits great so far. I order mainly from Luts, Nine9style, etsy and leekeworld. 

For boys, I order the SD girl shoes. Not SD boys shoes. The shoes for boys are usually very big for DDs. All my DD boys wear shoes made for girls such as tennis shoes, boots or casual shoes, etc. I get them from the same places above but my favorite shoe store is Nine9style. 

Edited by jazijaz



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