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Bidding on dollfie dream heads on yahoo japan auction?

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Hey friends. I've been wanting to bid on a DD head on yahoo auctions japan (with buyee).

Have any of you had any experience with bidding or even winning a head from there?

How did it go? Any tips and tricks i should keep in mind when bidding and what should i avoid?

I wanna make the procedure as safe as possible ^^

Thank you

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I used FromJapan to bid on a head and I won the auction. If it's a head you're really wanting make sure to stay in the auction for the last couple of minutes, I've had more heads snagged from me than I've actually won. You can also place a sniper bid which I've only done once. 

Make sure to look at their reviews and ratings, on the rare occasion some people will scam but it has never happened to me and I have never seen a scam page.

If you buy from a proxy like FromJapan they inspect the item beforehand to make sure you aren't getting a defective item and that it is indeed the item you bought. 

Overall I have had good experiences with YahooAuctions via proxy, I have even ordered some anime figures from there as well

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I have won 2 heads from yahoo whit buyee and everything was perfect, they have a service for verify the product you won. 

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Thank you for your replies! I hope i can win a head im currently bidding on, guess we'll know in a few days.

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I've gotten 3 heads via Buyee so far and encountered no issues at all.

I can really only recommend being awake for the end of the auction. The last few minutes are when it really counts- heads often sit on a price for several hours/days, and then skyrocket in the last few minutes. So unless you are willing to pay ANY price (please spend responsibly): set a budget and bid yourself. You can often estimate how much a head might go for by looking at the past auctions by the seller, but you can't 100% predict it.

You could also use the sniper bid function from buyee. Set your maximum budget and then it automatically bids for you. But: the final bid for the head miiight end up just about 500 yen above your budget if you are unlucky, so depending on how strict you are with your budget I'll admit, I'm not very strict with myself  it's best to stick around and see whether the bids go up further or not.

Most decent heads made by good artists usually end up around 300-400 bucks. Lesser known artists or beginners mostly stay low, there are some really beautiful heads you can get for a steal sometimes! Meanwhile well known and popular face-up artist's heads can get up into the thousands. So depending on the artist that made the head you want, you might be in for a ride, or you could have easy game!

Apparently some sellers refuse to sell to proxies, but I've never personally encountered one of such cases. I think it's more likely resellers that do this and not the face-up artists themselves? It should be mentioned in the item description whether they do or not, though! Definitely read the item description, it's your best friend.

Good luck with the auction, I hope you manage to get the head you want! If any questions arise, feel free to ask.

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Personally used a proxy like zenmarket for auctions for around 3 years, but there are a lot of other ones that offer services like that. It's just way easier and automated so 1 you don't need to trust anyone with actually doing the bidding for you 2 you don't need to directly deal with sellers and stuff who are most of the time really picky about ratings and contacting them before or after bids and such.

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Just to throw my experience in there, though I haven’t bid on heads I’ve bid on plenty of other items by using FromJapan as a proxy - they’ve worked great for me and are straight forward to use but the others mentioned here I’ve also heard people have used with similar success.

The one thing I think it’s important to know about yahoo auctions, especially if you’re familiar with bidding on eBay, is that yahoo auctions usually run such that if someone is outbid in the last five minutes of a listing, the auction listing will be extended five minutes to allow that outbid person to counter bid as opposed to eBay where you can try to time a bid to be placed in the last ten seconds and therefore win.  Obviously the advantage is you also won’t get sniped if you’re paying attention but it also means you can get caught in a nasty bidding war during the end of a listing.

Edited by abs2891

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If I remember correctly, I bought my Ranko head using Buyee. Was a great experience. I have purchased maybe 20-30 heads off YJH, over the years using different proxies.

My main tip would be try to find the buy it now auctions, or the non-time extension ones. The open auctions can be very frustrating with the time extensions. The other thing is do your homework on the proxy, understand how the one you are going with works. I don't just use one, they all have their strengths and weaknesses. I like to bid myself rather than having to have them manually bid.

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