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Long time doll collector of over 10 years (where does the time fly?) and huge fan of Dollfie Dreams! I started doll collecting with resin BJDs but quickly moved on to include vinyl Dollfie Dreams and I currently have over 13 of them. They're all a work in progress, some of them need outfits, some of them need BODIES lol but it's a project I'm happy to keep working on. I love seeing other people's Dollfie Dreams so that's why I'm here! I hope to finish off my girls along with my one boy (my Astolfo) so I can show them off as well. One thing I find to be incredibly hard is finding some good animetic eyes for my dolls. I'm lucky to find some nice quality resin eyes every now and again from Yahoo!Japan but its rare. Where does everyone get their eyes from? LOL

Besides my dolls, my other interests include video games, anime/manga, drawing, movies, and cats. Nice to meet you!

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Welcome!!!!😀 Sounds like your doll family is coming along, can't wait to see some pictures. I so much want to make an Astolfo😆

For eyes:

Acrylic eyes

I would check Volks USA/Volks Japan, Parabox, Mandarake, Dollyteria, Doll forums etc. Yahoo Japan, artisans like on etsy etc.

Resin eyes

Mandarake, Dollyteria, Doll forums etc., Yahoo Japan, artisans like on etsy etc.

Just depends what you are looking for. You may consider custom eyes. I often find single & bundled sets on YHJ & Dollyteria for reasonable prices.

Plus if you look at sale posts people have them for sale all the time.

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You sound like you have an awesome collection! <3 

I've been in the hobby since 2006-07, and I agree; it IS amazing how quickly the time flies!

For eyes~ I tend to buy my doll's eyes from Etsy, but as @Dollvari said; there's a lot of different options. It really depends on what kinds you're looking for! I also really like Volks eyes, even their standard ones are very pretty!



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