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Azone Iris Collect Petit with MDD bust?

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Hello everyone! I wanted to ask if anyone has tried putting on an MDD medium bust on the Azone Iris Collect Petit body? Any feedback is appreciated :) 

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An Obitsu 50 M or L-bust might work.  There's a better chance of that working since the Azone Iris Collect Petit body is manufactured by Obitsu.  I haven't tried it yet though.

I've seen pictures of Chino from "Is the Order a Rabbit" where someone "upgraded" her bust.  Chino uses the same body as the Iris Collect Petit (AZT8-45)

Unfortunately I don't remember who posted the pictures on Twitter.  (not my photos)   


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I'll try to take pictures sometime later, but here's my observations regarding using a standard Obitsu 50 bust on an AZT8-45 body (used Iris Collect Petit: Anna for the quick test):

Comparing the busts, the AZT8-45 bust (only comes in small-bust size) is pretty close to the standard Obitsu 50 busts (available in S-M-L).  

The AZT-45 bust is slightly shorter on top, and barely shorter on the bottom.  The arm holes are also larger.  Otherwise they're nearly the same.

So I tried an Obitsu 50 L-bust on Anna, and it fit on the frame.  I was able to insert the arms fine, even with the smaller holes.  The bust fit over the lower torso, but it was on the snug side.  So you might try trimming a few mm of the lower edge of the bust or tapering the lower inside edge of the bust.  That would probably make movement easier.

The neck is a bit too long though.  If you simply cut 5mm off the top of the neck, the neck joint will be able to connect fully to the frame post.  (The AZT8-45 bust simply looks like that's what they did-- trim a bit off the top with a knife.)

If you have issues with the arms being too loose, you can enlarge the arm holes, although that may not be an issue.   

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I would try the Parabox 40/45 L bust on the Azone 45 if you're interested in this mod. It's out of stock right now though.

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Today, I took out the measuring tape because I've consistently been surprised by how tight MDD clothes have fit on my Azone 45.

The Azone measured around 17.5cm, so it's between an MDD M and L (but keep in mind that it is a bigger body too). For comparison, these are the numbers for the others.


Edited by chef_mai

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