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Hi, Everybody!

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Hello, Lovely to meet everybody and their beautiful daughters here. I live in the center of Washington State, in the dry half. I've been interested in Japan and Japanese culture for many years and a couple years ago became addicted to anime as a result. I have also loved stuffed animals and dolls for a long time, (between my wife and I we have at least 8 American Girl dolls), but I had never paid much attention to BJDs. Most of what I had seen of BJDs were the Blythe dolls, which I found to be rather creepy looking. I also enjoy photography, and am reminded that I REALLY need to actually upload something to my Flickr account.


One day, while checking out random Japanese cultural links, I came across a video of a show some of you may have heard of called "Culture Japan". In the background of the studio was a whole row of gorgeous anime-styled dolls, and I immediately fell in love. After a minimal amount of prodding, my wife also was smitten.


So now, after quite a bit of research, here we are, both of us with our wishlists of parts, just waiting for our tax return to hurry up and arrive so we can adopt our newest family members. I'd order them sooner, but was recently laid off, since the store I worked at for 14 years closed.


I'm hoping to learn to sew a bunch of fabulous clothes, eventually, and am looking forward to learning to paint Yuriko a beautiful face. Hoping that a new hobby to share, and her teaching me to sew, will continue to bring us even closer together, and perhaps we may make some new friends along the way.


Oops, way too long... TL:DR Looking forward to meeting all of you!

Daddy of: Yuriko, Sohi, Miku and SK's many kids


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Nightmare Tea



I actually used to have American Girl dolls as well, in fact, I think they are just stuffed away somewhere. One thing I found out is that some of the American Girl shirts will fit DD's, while being a bit loose.


I hope you enjoy your time here!

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I own an American Girl type doll, a MyTwinn! They're actually taller and more poseable than an AG.

Which AG dolls do you and your wife have?

I hope you have lots of fun here!

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Hello and welcome!


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Welcome aboard! Glad to hear that Danny Choo has converted two more people to loving the DD girls!


A cool thing about the American Girl dolls... almost all their accessories fit the DD girls perfectly! I don't mean clothing tho, I just mean their furniture and their other bits and bobs like tools, toys, etc. So you'll be able to share between your girls!


So I take it you are building your own girls? Which head(s) are you going with and which bodies?




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Thank you all for the warm welcomes! I've lurked here for a little while and everybody seems so friendly, patient, and caring, much more so than on some of the other forums I've looked at.


AerisAquata I hame Kirsten and Kaya, my wife has Samantha, Josephina, and 5 of the custom dolls, one who looks like herself and three she got to re-create Harry, Ron, and Ginny from "Harry Potter". I keep telling myself to upload pictures. I haven't seen the MyTwinns before, I should look at those. (Or maybe not, too many expensive hobbies at once!)


Billy, I'm going with the DD type 2 white skin, the medium bust, HDD 03 -WH 3 with the soft cap, The Animetic eyes type H (dark blue 24mm), and a medium length black wig from Crobidolls.


My wife will have to get on here eventually to talk about hers, she's been lurking around. Once again, nice to meet you!


Craig L

Daddy of: Yuriko, Sohi, Miku and SK's many kids


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  Ravendruid said:
Billy, I'm going with the DD type 2 white skin, the medium bust, HDD 03 -WH 3 with the soft cap, The Animetic eyes type H (dark blue 24mm), and a medium length black wig from Crobidolls.



Thanks! That sounds like a good bit of stuff for your girls! Nice choices as I love the 02 and 03 heads. I hope you get them soon and can share pics with us!




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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My favorite heads are 03 and 04, 01 and 02 usually seem a bit angry to me. They are great for tsunderes, but our house doesn't have nearly enough room for another of those.


Craig L

Daddy of: Yuriko, Sohi, Miku and SK's many kids


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Custom Harry Potter AGs? That's awesome! Samantha's one of my favorites, the other is Felicity. It's sad that they're both retired now.

My Twinns are custom dolls. I got mine when I was 11 or so, and she's made to look like me. Her name was Hannah, because it rhymes with my real name, but I've been thinking about changing it to Alanna.

They've also begun selling pre-made dolls.

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Howdy everyone, I'm Raven's wife.


AerisAquata- I actually remember seeing some about the MyTwinn dolls before I bought my first AG. I fell in love with Samantha when I was a sophomore in high school because I love the Victorian era. Autumn was the first that I finally bought a few years after we were married, I named her that because it's what was embroidered on Kit's lunch napkin and I was born in October. She is essentially a 'mini me' as a little girl and one of the 'chose your own doll' kind. Samantha was next, my only regret now that she's been discontinued is I was never able to get her lemonade set with the cherries painted on it. Later on my sister-in-law gave me her Josephina (the doll that started it all for me) and I renamed her Juliet. I shuddered when my SIL told me that she had almost given her away to Goodwill before thinking that I might want her. Then came Raven's Kirsten, I remember telling him for a long time that there was no reason for him to feel bad for wanting his own doll, and in fact it made me really happy. She has been loved so much that her bangs have a permanent cow-lick making her look so goofy despite my best efforts to fix it. After that I get lost on the order that we bought our remaining dolls, but we have Agatha (black haired oriental doll who has a strong Gothic streak), Raven's Kaya that I got to surprise him with for his birthday, and then our four custom Harry Potter dolls that are still a work in progress.


Harry, I later realized, is the same doll as Autumn but with a hair cut, dark brown hair, blue eyes and they both wear glasses. I thought it was so cute that after poor Harry (in the books/movies) keeps having people go on about him being an only child, ended up having a twin sister in our AG version. Ron was one of the 'girl of the year' dolls who actually had red hair, freckles and green eyes (can't remember her name now...) I was seriously nervous about cutting his hair and screwing it up, but it came out perfect, and looking like a proper mess! I always thought that Ron should have had the messy hair, and Harry the nicely brushed one. Ginny was originally Molly's friend Emily, but a few times I cried seeing her in the catalog because she looked perfectly like the younger Ginny! And lastly we have Hermione, another chose your own, with honey blond hair with little curls sticking out around the edges, a lot like Felicity's if I remember right.


I'm really happy to find so much info on doing the faceups and whatnot, because Harry and Ron still look so wrong with pink lips and girl eyebrows, Harry's missing his scar, and Agatha surely can use her dark eyeliner, but I just never knew how to go about it. I haven't done much with my HP AGs other than the boy's haircuts because they are the first dolls I've ever tried to mod and was left clueless but had some ideas. I really love the HP universe, but I can say that the 7th book was a huge let down, poorly written, and way to angsty to be enjoyable. I would have gone and re-written my own version for myself if I didn't find it presumptuous that I know more about someone else's world than they do, and if I didn't have enough to write with my own world I have been working on for the last eight years. All I know is I felt letdown and mad by the time I was done with the 7th book, and my HP AGs unfortunately suffered for it. But now with the DDs I'm finding out how to actually accomplish the ideas I had so many years ago, including making patterns for their clothes to use the fabrics I've been collecting for about 5 years now. Poor Ron has the ugliest fabrics, but they really crack me up.


So your MyTwinn's name is Hannah? So are you named Banana? Sorry, couldn't resist.


~Sister Kyoya


P.S. If you want to know about the DDs I'm planning to get, I talk about them in my intro post.


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

Follow me on Twitter, Flickr & Instagram

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My name isn't Banana, but I got real tired of that reaaaal fast as a kid. It's actually Savannah, after the city in Georgia. Hannah actually looks a bit like Hermione herself. When I got her, my hair was still blonde, but it's darkened to a brown. She's got very long sandy blonde hair and blue green eyes.

You were born in October? My birthday's the first!

One of my cousins has an Elizabeth that she got from Goodwill, actually! I also like the Victorian era. The clothing and fabrics are gorgeous! I wish I had a corset.

You could probably find her lemonade stand on ebay!


Man, your wall of text replies make me feel inadequate.

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The "wall of text" just shows how excited she is over this. Normally, getting her to talk on forums is almost impossible, but when she finds something she really loves, it can be impossible to turn off the word fountain.


Seems like a lot of fall birthdays around here. Mine's November 11.

Daddy of: Yuriko, Sohi, Miku and SK's many kids


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Savannah is a much prettier name than a 'nanner. My birthday is on the 8th, exactly two weeks before my mom's.


One of the things I find so fascinating about the Victorian is a lot of the historic info, furniture, buildings, etc. are still around but it's just old enough to almost seem like a fairytale. I told my mom one day that I wanted a corset, and she nearly ran off the road, literally. Few years later I got one. I can't wear now because I lost so much weight that I can put it on by myself and turn it around fully laced. When it fit it was really comfortable and relieved me of a significant amount of lower back pain, plus I like what it did to my figure!


I've known for a long time that I probably could find Samantha's lemonade set on Ebay, but I was afraid that I'd get charged up the rear because she has been officially discontinued.


As for the wall of text... I couldn't convince you that I'm dyslexic, could I? I have to type almost everything in my word program to auto-correct a TON of my words. I think I'm just a bit too used to writing a lot. Every day since Aug. I've been working on a book, doing about 2 1/2 pages most days and have about 65 pages at the moment. Even then there is a lot of stuff I still need to write and fill in the blank spots before it's finished. Like Raven said, I'm just excited and not intending to be intimidating.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

Follow me on Twitter, Flickr & Instagram

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