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Shoes, shoes……..shoes??? : )

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Any place that has a good show selection? I own a good amount of Volks shoes just wondering how they will fit on a smart doll I just ordered my first the other day but I’m afraid I dont have any shoes that fit well and cannot seem to find any that aren’t outrageously priced. I dont like what smart doll offers in the show department and they are so expensive it has me running off in any other direction anyways. Help is loved and appreciated.

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Taobao is a goldmine for doll stuff of all sorts, and probably your best bet for getting nice shoes at a good price. You'll need a proxy like BJD Bhiner or Clover Singing, though.

Alternatively, if you don't mind paying a bit more, there are lots of Taobao resellers on Etsy. Their prices range from a little to a lot higher than buying directly, but you can skip the hassle of working with a proxy that way.

If you're interested in secondhand stuff, there's marketplaces on Facebook (check for vinyl doll groups) and Instagram (the bjdsale hashtag there), and Mandarake is a Japanese site that ships internationally and has a nice selection of really gently-used and well-documented stuff. "Doll shoes SD" and "Doll shoes 60cm" are good search terms to use there.

As for sizing, your best bet is to go off of measurements. I don't own a SmD girl myself, but I've heard most SD13 girl and DD shoes will fit them just fine. Some may fit strangely or look a little odd on the outside, just because of natural variations in when or how the shoe is made though, so measurements are very important!

Internal measurements determine the fit, and external will determine how they look on the doll. Most shoe sellers post both, or you can ask the seller if you can't find them. Check the internal against the doll's foot measurements, and the external against a shoe that you like the look of on your doll, and you should be fine!

tumblr_o9govtKpFv1v9twgko1_400.gif.eae368d3c0bfc2a75087167170705ec2.gifPlease ping me when replying!

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Smartdolls have a bit smaller shoes than usual so they often fit MSD shoes as well. Their foot size is stated as 6,7cm but I found that shoes with an inner size of 6,5 cm often fit (which is a pretty common inner size on AliExpress etc. Most of my doll shoes come from Ali). I also have some Volks SD girl shoes and they are pretty big but fit okay with socks.

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