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2021 DD Pre-order Project - FFXIV Y'shtola

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If she doesn't have human ears, I'm curious what her head looks like without the wig. Is it just smooth?

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Living at my place: Rise (DD Rise Kujikawa), Chie (Smart Doll Mirai) and Aisha (Smart Doll Kurenai)

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Probably? Like how the Monster High Clawdena doll was done.

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I can confirm by my proxy, she doesn't have human ears. 

At home : Hanae (DDS Chihaya)

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Honestly it's a huge shame that volks doesn't have any skin tones darker then tan because from what I have seen of the character she would fit much better with something a few notches deeper.

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25 minutes ago, IgelFullmetal said:

she would fit much better with something a few notches deeper.

100% agree. But such is the range of skin tones in much of the doll world.

I always wondered... did this start due to the ghostly-white quality of porcelain and other traditional dolls?


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16 minutes ago, Veravey said:

100% agree. But such is the range of skin tones in much of the doll world.

I always wondered... did this start due to the ghostly-white quality of porcelain and other traditional dolls?

I do seem to recall reading that in Japan affluence was associated with fair skin at one point in time. More recently tan skin came to be associated with affluence because vacationing in Hawaii is popular with wealthy Japanese  

It may simply be that Volks is making skin tones that Japanese feel an affinity with. 

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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I think seeing more tan tones also has to do with Western audiences. At least in the bjd world, it seems to me than many of the companies offering darker skin tones do or expect to sell to a lot of westerners or people around the world in general. It's still pretty recent for Doll colors besides "white and normal" to be offered. I think it comes from a variety of things. . . 1, Asian countries in general (which is where a lot of modern bjds came from) are partial to very pale skin, 2. Easier at least in the resin world to blend lighter resin colors, 3. Many of the original french/German ball jointed bisque/porcelain/wood/composite dolls were pale tones due to who they were marketing to and again the ease of creating the color/painting.


I think vinyl have just followed the trend, and Japanese people are not naturally dark so they do not create a lot of characters marketed to the Japanese with dark complexions.

((Sorry for the ramble, I like doll history and understanding trends in the doll world. . .))

Edited by marishade
clarified a point

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1 hour ago, BeyondTime said:

It may simply be that Volks is making skin tones that Japanese feel an affinity with. 


1 hour ago, marishade said:

I think vinyl have just followed the trend, and Japanese people are not naturally dark so they do not create a lot of characters marketed to the Japanese with dark complexions.

Yes! I was thinking this, too. Skin bleaching and remaining quite pale has been prominent in make-up again for quite a few more recent years (especially in South Korea.) So I figured it was a mix of this and the history.

I wonder if it has ties to the original resin and vinyl chemical compositions, too. So curious ;))


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The photo's on the Volks blog posts are nice to see, especially the one's from Nagoya. Kept thinking about her and so I also jumped on the pre-order just now! 😆 I think she look stunning also in photo's other people took of her. Will be a bit of a wait but FF14 will keep me busy and Lucia/Lieselotte are also coming soon so I think it will be december 2022 before we know it 😂😅

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I just saw this on the headline of the launcher while I was playing FFXIV! It's always cool to see how my hobbies intersect sometimes. 😊 

I haven't been keeping up with doll news and things as of late as I've been obsessively gaming lately (mainly FF atm) so it's like a cool little reminder not to neglect my dollies.

As for the Y'shtola doll herself, I think she looks a lot more sweeter than the actual Y'shtola in game. She's still a beautiful doll though and I'm really wanting those ears and maybe the wig. The ears look attached to the wig tho. Hopefully they're removal in case I do decide to jump because sometimes Volks wigs look a bit odd. 😅

Edited by hanasori
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🤔 Has anyone else who pre-ordered her had the credit authorization drop off their card? Everything looks fine order-wise on the volks website though.

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23 hours ago, BeyondTime said:

I do seem to recall reading that in Japan affluence was associated with fair skin at one point in time. More recently tan skin came to be associated with affluence because vacationing in Hawaii is popular with wealthy Japanese  

This is the same in the west. Historically fair skin was regarded as a sign of affluence and the highest beauty ideal. Only in the last 100 years or so, after more and more people switch to indoor jobs, did this ideal reverse; now having a tan skin is associated with being able to go sunbathing and having lots of free time = affluent. And so a (light) tan became the beauty ideal. 

A similar thing happened with being plump versus being skinny. For a long time being slightly plump was a beauty ideal, because that meant you have enough wealth to keep food on the table. 

4 hours ago, hats said:

🤔 Has anyone else who pre-ordered her had the credit authorization drop off their card? Everything looks fine order-wise on the volks website though.

No mine is definitely still there. Although it still says 'reserved' (as opposed to showing up as a completed transaction).

Edited by Wasabi

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5 hours ago, hats said:

🤔 Has anyone else who pre-ordered her had the credit authorization drop off their card? Everything looks fine order-wise on the volks website though.

With other pre-orders and Alice lottery my card also had it first as reserved, after a few days it will be gone but don't worry! Volks charges it at a later date so it's probably to check if there are enough funds. Like the charge dropped on my card after the Alice/Lorina lottery date was closed and a few days after I received the winning mail (yay!) they charged me. The first time this happened I was stressing out and I mailed Volks about it but they said everything is okay 😄

Since I pre-ordered Y'sthola yesterday mine is still showing as reserved together with an other order from Volks that is also still as reserved. I hope this was a bit useful 😅

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9 minutes ago, Ylse said:

With other pre-orders and Alice lottery my card also had it first as reserved, after a few days it will be gone but don't worry! Volks charges it at a later date so it's probably to check if there are enough funds. Like the charge dropped on my card after the Alice/Lorina lottery date was closed and a few days after I received the winning mail (yay!) they charged me. The first time this happened I was stressing out and I mailed Volks about it but they said everything is okay 😄

Since I pre-ordered Y'sthola yesterday mine is still showing as reserved together with an other order from Volks that is also still as reserved. I hope this was a bit useful 😅

That makes sense. It's on a card with no balance so I'm not worried too much about it. It's been a while since I ordered something from them (Venus was the last doll I bought, but since she was a lottery the pre-authorization dropped a few days after the entry anyway) so I wasn't sure what the norm was for non-lottery items.

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VOLKS photos looking really nice, and my immediate reaction was I wanted her, but I'm not very impressed with their clothing quality lately and doubt it'll change much for this release.

On 9/22/2021 at 10:33 AM, Veravey said:

100% agree. But such is the range of skin tones in much of the doll world.

I always wondered... did this start due to the ghostly-white quality of porcelain and other traditional dolls?

Oh it probably goes much deeper than this, considering the beauty connotations pale skin has in places. As for pricing on its own, I don't know about vinyl on this scale, but even tan resin dolls cost more because of the manufacturing being more difficult and time consuming. 

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Just to confirm, this is the same color tan they use in Dream Choice right? So you could technically swap the body/chest parts if you wanted to do something crazy and make a boy...?

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2 hours ago, monkeypizzasonic said:

Just to confirm, this is the same color tan they use in Dream Choice right? So you could technically swap the body/chest parts if you wanted to do something crazy and make a boy...?

AFAIK yes, at least the hand part numbers make me think this is the case. 

Not sure you can get a boy chest / torso without doing a full Dream Choice. 

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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8 hours ago, BeyondTime said:

AFAIK yes, at least the hand part numbers make me think this is the case. 

Not sure you can get a boy chest / torso without doing a full Dream Choice. 

Do they have XS bust in tan at dollpoint? Could just do that.

(...if I did get them. Which idk if I will. Because I'd have to find a split partner who wanted the outfit and everything probably and I'm lazy.

Someone else feel free to steal this idea though.) 

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25 minutes ago, monkeypizzasonic said:

Do they have XS bust in tan at dollpoint? Could just do that.

(...if I did get them. Which idk if I will. Because I'd have to find a split partner who wanted the outfit and everything probably and I'm lazy.

Someone else feel free to steal this idea though.) 

XS as in extra small? For Volks that’s SS, and presumably they do but someone who’s been to Dollpoint would be more certain. 

Kicking myself now for not buying some tan busts and hands when they were online. XD

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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Tan comes in all bust sizes for DD, DDS and MDD. The bust, hand parts and the swivel wrist frames are the only tan parts you can buy separately (and im not sure about the wrist frames anymore since they’re standard with f3 bodies) , but you can buy them year round from Akiba’s Doll Point (I’m still not sure about Osaka’s). They’re in the same part of the store as all the other option parts. I actually had the same thought of asking a friend to pick me up a tan SS bust for one of the revamp ideas I had for Bri, but she ended up keeping the L bust as Bastet after all.

But that’s not to say there isn’t the chance that these parts won’t be available online again even if for only a limited time before the preorder ships. We can only wait and see on that.

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