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Fate/Kaleid Liner Illya and Miyu

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Hi all!

I'm currently starting a project to make custom versions of Illya von Einzbern and Miyu Edelfelt from Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya!

This has been one of my favorite animes for years now! I love the fate series but the magical girl component of this spinoff combined with the darker themes of the fate series makes it a perfect show for me.

I know that there is already an MDD of Illya (both normal and magical girl versions), but for some reason, I don't really like it. I feel like the Volks official version didn't capture Illya as I would have liked. I'm not the biggest fan of the face-up and I wish that Illya was a DDP, since she is like 12-13 in the show! 

From what I've read, it seems that MDD clothes typically fit DDP pretty okay, even though the skirts/pants tend to be pretty short on the DDP bodies, so I was thinking I could find Illya's official outfit set.

I was planning to use DDP Yayoi Takatsuki for Illya and have a custom face-up (or just get a standard head and a custom face-up, I haven't decided yet), and I think DDP Iori Minase would be perfect for Miyu!

I would LOVE to also make a custom Kuro, but since the tan skin isn't super readily available at the moment, this will be a venture for the distant future lol.

I'm not sure how to go about getting an outfit for Miyu, but I'm pretty decent at sewing, so I may try to make a pattern!

If anyone has any suggestions for this project, please leave them here!! I'll be posting updates here as well :)


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Update: I went ahead and drafted a design for Miyu's bodysuit and will begin drafting patterns for her outfit once I draft designs for all of the components!


Also, I'm wondering if I should sew my own version of Illya's outfit since I'm planning to use DDP as opposed to MDD. Anyone have experience with MDD clothes on DDP?



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Update: I found some white boots for Miyu and am getting those ordered. For the purple stockings, I'm going to go to the fabric store tomorrow and get the fabrics for Miyu's outfit picked out. I've drafted a pattern for them and am planning on sewing those ASAP. 

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On 10/26/2021 at 12:01 PM, airi said:

Also, I'm wondering if I should sew my own version of Illya's outfit since I'm planning to use DDP as opposed to MDD. Anyone have experience with MDD clothes on DDP?

While most MDD standard fashion made by Volks nowadays is also made to fit DDP, I'd expect costumes for a specific character to have much less play. So, while I don't have experience with the Illya costume in particular, I'm pretty sure even if it fits on a DDP it'll likely look off.


Overall, this looks like a fun project, so I'm looking forward to how it will turn out.

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6 hours ago, SonataAvalon said:

I hope once this is done, you could do Mayu.

I'm not asking (well I guess i just did now) 


 I just like seeing people take my challenges 

Haha do you mean Miyu? I know there's a Vocaloid Mayu who is so cute though!

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9 hours ago, SonataAvalon said:

Miyu Edefelt, I mean. She's from Prisma as well, which I didn't finish the anime. 







Yes!! I'm planning to do both Illya and Miyu!! Hopefully I'll be able to do Kuro in the future too 😀

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Not much of an update, but I have ordered both Illya's and Miyu's eyes!


Illya will be getting style "08 Candy" and Miyu will be getting style "05 Honey"

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I'm having a hard time finding a good wig for Illya. The color of her hair is very unique and I'm not sure where to find a good enough match!

One I have in mind is this one from Etsy:


But also, this one from LeekeWorld:


I'm thinking the one from LeekeWorld would be a better choice, since I can cut/style it however I want, but I don't have much experience with cutting wigs 😅

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On 10/14/2021 at 11:52 AM, airi said:

I was planning to use DDP Yayoi Takatsuki for Illya and have a custom face-up (or just get a standard head and a custom face-up, I haven't decided yet), and I think DDP Iori Minase would be perfect for Miyu!

If you're still searching, looks like @Hypercurve has Yayoi and Iori heads in her marketplace thread:

If you don't need the fullsets, those are probably not a bad deal.

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On 11/21/2021 at 12:53 AM, Tierparkzone said:

If you're still searching, looks like @Hypercurve has Yayoi and Iori heads in her marketplace thread:

If you don't need the fullsets, those are probably not a bad deal.

Wow, thank you so much for this! I don't need the fullsets so this is definitely a great deal :)


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Coming back to this thread after like two years, now that I'm financially in a place where I can actually make this happen!

I ordered a DDP base body from Volks, a few body stockings and wig caps, as well as Illya's head (custom DDH-04, I decided Yayoi's face sculpt was too serious for Illya), and the wigs for both girls! Excited to update with pics as things arrive!

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Does anyone have recommendations of where to commission clothing from? I can sew *somewhat* but don't have enough faith in my abilities to make quite complex outfits.

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I adopted an Iori doll to eventually become Miyu and have been working on recreating school uniforms for both girls. After approximately 12 hours of learning how to sew after several years off, I’ve finished a summer uniform top. I’ll need to duplicate this and make the winter uni top. Fingers crossed they fit haha. 



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Illya’s base body has arrived! I finished sewing the summer school uniform as well. My sewing is a bit rusty but I tried my best!

Her body is currently headless, as my only other doll has the OG white skin and felt like it would look a bit weird (the skin color is a bigger difference than I would have guessed!)



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Good job on sewing the uniform by yourself. I think it looks good even with rusty sewing skills.

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home  Victoria Beatrice {DD Beatrice}  DD 2B  DDB 9S  Lavi {TF Murphy}  Mocha {TF Fluffy}  Anastasia {TF Ashley}  TakoTako {TF Piercy}

waiting for  DDS Alisaie  DDSB Alphinaud  TinyFox Poison

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- Both girls have arrived! I’m still waiting on their wigs so I have Miyu (Iori) in the default wig and Illya in Lucy Maria Misora V1’s default wig that I had sitting around. 

- I’ve commissioned both outfits for the girls, it’s going to take awhile so this thread might be a little dry for awhile. 

- Going to order some eyes for Illya off of Volks while I wait for the custom ones to arrive!


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Updating here! This project has gone slowly but we are nearing the end!

Wigs/eyes for both dolls have come in as have their costumes. I commissioned the costumes and eyes from the lovely ShinesWorkshop and I think they turned out great! I’m planning to take some better pictures soon, so please stay tuned. 

I also put them in normal clothes! I definitely need to get some better shoe options! 

What is left to do:

- Style the wigs

- Potential haircut for Illya

- Find boots for both dolls. Miyu will need white boots and I’m still considering a strategy for Illya — I’m considering some pink heeled ankle booties with the best color match that I can find to the socks so that it looks cohesive. 

- Small adjustments to the outfits — Illya’s outfit has a lot of pieces so I’m considering adding pins/temporary stitches to keep all of the pieces in place. 

I’m overall very happy with the way they turned out — I’m considering switching Illya to a different head sculpt, though. I’m not a huge fan of the Volks Illya sculpt, so I don’t think I’ll go that route, but the two dolls almost don’t feel super cohesive together since their head sculpts are so different. If anyone has ideas, please share!



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