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Layering long sleeves?

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This is going to sound silly, but how do you put on multiple layers of long-sleeve clothes? I find that a lot of the time, the inner layer's sleeves will just bunch up and get caught above the elbow. It's particularly difficult if there's a bit of friction or if the fit is tight to begin with.

Is there a best practice for getting around this?

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my 1/6 Ah! My Goddess "Skuld" wearing Sakura Wars' "Sakura Shinguuji" 's costume has the new OBITSU 26 doll body,

very similar in concept and execution to many of the larger 1/3~1/4 Dollfie bodies and the like.

the Sakura Wars costume has both a long-sleeved blouse and long-sleeved bolero jacket.

i've found the effective method in getting her dressed properly to be removing the hands,

pulling the blouse sleeves out beyond the wrists, slipping the jacket on, pulling the blouse sleeves out once again, -to remove any bunch-up-

sliding the blouse sleeves back where whey ought to be, then replacing hands.

seems to work flawlessly for a perfect fit everytime, and i cannot see why the same technique cannot be applied to the larger, Dollfie-scales...



Edited by Tasuke
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I sometimes just stick the sleeves inside the other sleeves before putting the outfit on the doll so you don't have to try to work around the arms to get it to sit right.

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Thanks for the recommendations! I did a bit more research and came across an article suggesting slipping small bags over the inner layer, adding the outer layer, then pulling the bags out.

I'll give these all a try and see which technique I mesh with the most.

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Some recent layered volks outfits have come with fabric rings you can hook over the dolls finger to keep it in place, which I am very happy about. For ones that don’t, if it’s the type of material that won’t get damaged from it I sometimes remove a hand, try to insert a bit of the sleeve into the wrist hole and reattach the hand a little to keep it in place.

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i’ve seen people also use things such as small hair clips to pin the inner sleeve to the wrist hole to make it stay in place 

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Monty's suggestion is great!

what I also sometimes do, is hold up both garments, carefully fit one's sleeves into the other, and only after this put it on the doll. Basically my finger is the doll-arm surrogate, and being so much more narrow makes the stuffing of one sleeve into the other much less work

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I  would try putting a rubber band on the end of the longer sleeve ot finding a thinner long sleeve 

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