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Selling single clothing pieces?

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Is this a thing on here , fb or somewhere else? ^-^ (I dont have socials but will get them if necessary for this but anyway)

I have like.. two clothing sets in my dollfie dream online (srry if this all sounds dumb but want to make sure you understand me ) shopping cart which include only one piece I actually want to use and that got me thinking do people do the same? Are they buying a entire set only to get one item like me??? 😄 

Cause honestly I know I wont ever use some of the things so I'm interested in selling and buying singular pieces! So ^-^ hopefully it's a thing


but is it. 

(sorry for 3 consecutive questions)

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Welcome! We've got a marketplace here, but it's open just to members with 30 posts and a time threshold, so you can get to know the community better before participating.

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I guess that will depend on the individual. I can definitely understand the feeling of falling in love with a single part of an outfit and wanting that part desperately. I have that with a few Volks outfits and it's a struggle for sure, lol! It's that I can't justify spending that money with the intend of using only one piece, because I know I could never sell off the pieces I won't be using. I guess it is because I see them also as collector pieces so I would personally not want to split them, even if I don't use most parts. I would just store the parts I don't use, which is why I haven't done it yet personally myself. This is a struggle I have with everything I collect, really. I never want to split anything because then it's not complete anymore and that bothers me as a collector.

To answer your other question about the selling aspect; when it comes to buying second hand sets I would personally only be interested in full sets and if a piece is missing I will most likely skip on it. If it's a set I have been looking for for a very long time and that is hard to find I might be tempted to get it anyway, probably with the intention of replacing it with the full set eventually should I ever come across it. But then we are talking older sets that have long been discontinued.

But having said all that there are plenty of other people who don't care about things like that and would, like you, sell off parts of an outfit they don't use, or want to split an outfit with someone else who is interested in the other parts. I have seen plenty of people on secondhand sites sell just one part of a set. It's all about finding the right person!


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