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DD resembling an actual person

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Every once in a while since entering the hobby the idea of having a DD after one of my favorite asian singers comes to my mind: Taeyeon.

I know that it could be considered uncanny in the eyes of some, but the fact it has lingered in my mind for years now but hadn’t never seen or heard of such project of a DD resembling an actual person not in a anime-ish fashion but like realistically. I wonder: has it been done? I'm almost certain that it could be done cause there are some VERY VERY VERY talented customizers out there that I think could pull this kind of commission from their magical hat like almost without 'effort' choosing the right head and necessary  mods, eyes, wig, faceup, etc.

If wanted to actually commission this a few questions come to mind: Could it be done? To whom? What kind of money could it set me off?



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You could definitely do it in resin, but not sure about vinyl. I remember there used to be Jack Sparrow BJDs that looked really realistic. Not sure if that’s still a thing these days, but there’s probably someone in China willing to do it!

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Iplehouse comes to mind for realistic looking resin girls. In some of the photos I’ve seen it’s hard to tell they’re dolls and not people. They have a lot of sculpts too. 

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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Yeah, going further of track with resin sculpts, Phoenixdoll (they've closed down though) has some great sculpts for realistic dolls. Check Freya74 out!

But casting resin is easier for people to do (than vinyl) so I guess it's still gonna take a while to get more realistic sculpts... Unless Granado steps up their game.
I've seen a few 9s sculpts custom painted that looks real nice. But still, it's far from looking like a real person...

So, perhaps if you're ok with a resin head on a DD body..?

(and a bit of an extra to check out: this guy repaints celebrity/fashion dolls)

Edited by Yumeiro

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