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Trouble using Volks waist stand

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I got the Volks waist stand with the metal base (brand new from Volks USA) about 2 months ago to complement a saddle-type stand I ordered from Selens in Japan. The saddle stand works great.

Although the Volks stand is well-made and the base is small + heavy (a boon for placing at my desk), I'm having trouble making it work for me. I'm using the MSD-sized one with the extender for DDP.

The main problem is that I can't get the clip to securely hold Mai, particularly if she's dressed more lightly (tee + shorts). I've tried clipping lower down towards the hips where there's more to grip on to, but she tips all the same, maybe even more so because a lower grip point is less stable.

Am I overlooking something obvious?

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The thing with the posh volks stands (excluding the DD-specific clear plastic stuff) are that they more more or less meant for SD's, so the success rate with their use will vary with the vinyl side of things.

I've only got stock pullip stands in that style, and they need to have a fairly planted pose to keep them vertical (then again Miku and Luka have hairdo's that weigh a pound and a half which does not help). But my guess is these type of stands work best if they can grab a hold of where the waist is its smallest.

The DDP is capable of a unsupported one-legged stand (although you cant breathe near it while doing so) so it should be pretty stable on its own if the joints are tight enough, so im guessing if you are using the clamp-screw when the stands pincers are at the more cone-like bits of the body that causes either the body to lift off the base, or pushes it down, so I'd try it where the body is its slimmest, or just keep the pincer a bit loose with a planted two leg pose.

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Thanks. I neglected to include some photos, so I've included a few to give an idea of how much slack there is around the waist if she's wearing just a tee.

The tee obscures how much room there is - her waist is approximately 12.5cm. She's not a DDP but is in that height class.

The second pic is pretty typical of what happens... she tips forward, then the whole thing tips. If I pose her leaning back, this reduces that, but it defeats the purpose of a stand if I can't pose her.


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  On 3/8/2022 at 4:02 AM, chef_mai said:

The tee obscures how much room there is - her waist is approximately 12.5cm. She's not a DDP but is in that height class.

The second pic is pretty typical of what happens... she tips forward, then the whole thing tips. If I pose her leaning back, this reduces that, but it defeats the purpose of a stand if I can't pose her.

mm, thats an obitsu50 based one, and their not that much different in body form from a DDP (except optional busts, and whatnot other bits availabe) as far as I recall putting my Enma Ai into my Iori's default outfit. So what you are experiencing with the pincers is about what I expected.

But you have two things going for you, magnetic feet and a metallic base (unless they made the baseplate out of aluminium). An obitsu should be fairly easy to pose, at least I remember my Ai being a boon to pose with.

Its a bit difficult to suggest stuff when I do some rather peculiar posing on occasion, but depending on what kind of pose you are after, an obitsu should stand in a general standing pose fairly easy without any support, from there work the balance of the ankles, kneas and hips, and upper torso towards what you want to happen, then Id just use the stand as a gentle stabilizer at the hips (not trying to pinch it with the screw).

because of the magnetic feet, you should in theory be able to do a one legged stand too ... but I dont have one of those stands to actually proove anything.

A DDP managed to hold this pose for a few minutes unsupported:



(the boots being a bit of a key factor having some weight to them.)

But posing is fun and frustrating at the same time...


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Got a question from someone interested in buying this stand off me. Will the MSD stand with the DDP extender still work for DDS, or should they step up to the larger stand?

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