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Yoko in school

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Ok, not *really* in school but close enuff!


My friend DefectiveAngel asked to see my Yoko in a school uniform similar to the one Mashiro was wearing in another post I made ( she was wearing Natsuki's school uniform ). And when my Mom dropped off this little gem the other day, it was a sign to go ahead and get these photos done!


So here's Yoko at school, getting ready for art class!


Yoko arrives at her assigned desk.


As usual, my Mom the "Thrift Store Queen" has struck gold! She found this desk at a local thrift store for FIVE BUCKS! She wasn't sure if it would fit the girls or not but for $5 she was willing to chance it. I'm glad she did because it seems to work really well!






Yoko carries lots of things so she needs a big backpack to hold it all.




I picked this backpack up when I was visiting Japan. It was in a Volks store but I don't think it was made by Volks.




Yoko is a good student so she waits patiently in her desk for class to begin.






Time to get out her art supplies!






Looks like Yoko has a new purse!




They had a 4 pack of these in the party supply section of Walmart for TWO DOLLARS. I thought they were pretty cute.


Heh, looks like Ebichu came along to school today!




Here, Yoko is getting out some utensils for class.... a stapler and some tape.


The stapler, tape and pencil sharpener are erasers I got in the part supply area of Walmart as well. I got those 3 and some scissors for a dollar.




Colored pencils....




Ahh, gotta sharpen those pencils!




Heh, looks like she likes bears.




She looks so focused!




And it looks like she likes cats too.




Yoko's desk is kind of old and has seen better days. The kids in the classes before her are very bad! Just look at all the graffitti on the desktop!




Ahh, class is over and Yoko can relax a bit while waiting for her friends to arrive.




As you may have guessed, this isn't a premade school uniform. I put this together using random clothes I have around. These all seemed to work well together tho.




The white shirt is from Volks, the vest and tie are from Azone and the skirt is from Nine9Style. Her baggy socks are from Nightfall and her shoes are from Alices Collections.




Yoko's friends show up and she starts hamming it up for their cell phone cameras! What pose best suits school girls? Why "V" signs of course!






Yoko's buddies are asking for some more girly poses now so she obliges....






"Lets go get some melon pan and eat on the roof!"








I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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That outfit works perfectly! I was sure that you bought it as a whole set. Yoko is definitely a cutie. I can't believe the desk was only 5 dollars. I need to hit Goodwill a bit more often, apparently.

Daddy of: Yuriko, Sohi, Miku and SK's many kids


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If you hadn't told me that wasn't a complete set, I wouldn't have guessed it. Great snags all around.


Though, if you want me to appreciate the backpack, you have to frame the shot so that there are less distractions (I see London. I see France.)

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Cute Yoko is cute! I need some of your Mom's thrift store karma . . . She always finds the best things!


Would I be dating myself if I said that the desk needs a scribble that says "For a good time call 867-5309"?

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I really like the way you've coordinated her school uniform! The vest is a fantastic accent piece.

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That outfit works perfectly! I was sure that you bought it as a whole set. Yoko is definitely a cutie. I can't believe the desk was only 5 dollars. I need to hit Goodwill a bit more often, apparently.



Thank you! I thought I did okay with matching stuff up. I can't believe the desk was so cheap either! My Mom finds the coolest stuff... And yes, she did get this from a Goodwill store so you should check your local ones too!



If you hadn't told me that wasn't a complete set, I wouldn't have guessed it. Great snags all around. Though, if you want me to appreciate the backpack, you have to frame the shot so that there are less distractions (I see London. I see France.)



Hmm, seems I underestimated my clothes matching prowess. Thanks! I *did* cut down the distractions! You should have seen the FIRST shot I had of her backpack.... all I could see was undies! So I had to readjust her skirt and take another pic.



Cute Yoko is cute! I need some of your Mom's thrift store karma . . . She always finds the best things! Would I be dating myself if I said that the desk needs a scribble that says "For a good time call 867-5309"?



Thanks! I think she makes an excellent school girl type. I'll ask my Mom to send you some karma pints so you will find something cool soon! And no, you won't date yourself by talking about "Jenny", that's a popular song still right? RIGHT???!!!!




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Phew, I'm glad that at least one person knew what I was talking about! Maybe the desk should have Manami's count of days in detention instead . . .

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Cool little desk. Just how much time does your mom spending cruising thrift stores?


Great job putting together the outfit. It all goes great together, I agree with others that I figured it came as a set (other than the socks).


And PrettyCranium, we all already know you're old, so you don't have to worry about dating yourself. (Said by someone older than her )

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I really like the way you've coordinated her school uniform! The vest is a fantastic accent piece.


Thank you very much! I wasn't sure if I should use the vest at first but I'm glad I did.


Phew, I'm glad that at least one person knew what I was talking about! Maybe the desk should have Manami's count of days in detention instead . . .


Of course I knew what you were talking about! I'm older than you! And that desk isn't big enuff to track manami's detention days!


Cool little desk. Just how much time does your mom spending cruising thrift stores?

Great job putting together the outfit. It all goes great together, I agree with others that I figured it came as a set (other than the socks).


Thanks! My Mom hits up thrift stores at least twice a week so she's always finding stuff. And thanks about the clothing set. I'm amazed so many people thought it was a full set.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Phew, I'm glad that at least one person knew what I was talking about! Maybe the desk should have Manami's count of days in detention instead . . .



Hahahahaha even though I'm more than likely younger than you, scripple, and Billy I still knew what you were talking about. XD


Very funny comment, even funnier about having Manami's detention days instead. But Billy is right, there is no way that desk could keep track of how many days she has been in detention...lol! She would need that desk, the floor, the walls, and even the ceiling to keep tabs on how many days of her being in detention. And more than likely all of them would be for being busted for eating in class...lol! Or getting bored and falling asleep. XD


Anyway thank you so much for putting this outfit together Billy!


It's just hard to resist a schoolgirl Yoko. She looks adorable, and you matched the pieces of her outfit together very well.


What a lucky find on that desk and a great buy! Your Mom really is a thrift store queen. It's amazing what great treasures like this they have that will work for a DD.


I loved all of Yoko's little accessories too, so many great little extra added details. Especially that backpack, that is really awesome and cute. ^_^


Being in a class with Yoko would be so much fun! I loved the pics toward the end of her posing for the cell phone pics. Can't go wrong with the 'V' sign poses. XD


Wonderful post, I really enjoyed seeing schoolgirl Yoko. Thanks again! ^_^

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Nice get! I love that it has that carved graffiti all over it; it would be freakish to have an unmarred desk! Hm, if Manami's days in detention is too big a number for the desk, how about the number of summer school courses she had to take? *SHOT*


I LOVE the wee colored pencils. I want some! Probably more for my own squee-age though, since I don't think either of my girls are that big on drawing. (Lol, irony.)

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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I've already commented on Figure FM.


I just love the photos and seeing the desk, I had thought you had built it yourself, having seen the post earlier about desk making.


The outfit combo is just great, and I love the waist caot as well as the backpack.


It would be great to see one or two of the earlier shots of Yoko before the skirt adjustment, as it sometimes nice to see how people correct a photo set up.

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Cute and sexy. Really love her school uniform

Smart doll Ebony

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That's a really cool find! Your mom did good. All my friend and I ever found at the thrift stores was a plush Barney and a Barbie boat. He displayed them in his bathroom. (Of course, we did come across actually useful things, too.)


Yoko looks cute! Her outfit looks like it could be an actual set, you did a good job putting it together.

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Nice get! I love that it has that carved graffiti all over it; it would be freakish to have an unmarred desk! Hm, if Manami's days in detention is too big a number for the desk, how about the number of summer school courses she had to take? *SHOT*


I agree that the desk does look really cool wiht the graffitti on it. And it looks to be etched in the surface, almost like it was carved in. I am wondering if it was done when it was made or after it was purchased? I really can't tell.


And you are so mean! Poor Manami had to take several classes in Summer School but not due to bad grades.... just due to abscences. She cut class a lot.



I LOVE the wee colored pencils. I want some! Probably more for my own squee-age though, since I don't think either of my girls are that big on drawing. (Lol, irony.)



I got those at the Doll Market up in Greensboro NC a while back. I thought they would come in handy and I've used them a few times in photos. And they work too as you can see. I agree that neither of your girls seem to be the artsy types either.



Very funny comment, even funnier about having Manami's detention days instead. But Billy is right, there is no way that desk could keep track of how many days she has been in detention...lol! She would need that desk, the floor, the walls, and even the ceiling to keep tabs on how many days of her being in detention. And more than likely all of them would be for being busted for eating in class...lol! Or getting bored and falling asleep. XD


Altho I don't think she would need all THAT to track her detentions, you are correct on WHY she would have gotten it.... eating and sleeping are the top two for sure!


Anyway thank you so much for putting this outfit together Billy! It's just hard to resist a schoolgirl Yoko. She looks adorable, and you matched the pieces of her outfit together very well.


You're welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed seeing her again. And I'm also glad I was able to make her outfit work well.


What a lucky find on that desk and a great buy! Your Mom really is a thrift store queen. It's amazing what great treasures like this they have that will work for a DD.


I'll say! She knows where to look and what to get now so I'm always excited to see what she comes up with!


I loved all of Yoko's little accessories too, so many great little extra added details. Especially that backpack, that is really awesome and cute. ^_^ Being in a class with Yoko would be so much fun! I loved the pics toward the end of her posing for the cell phone pics. Can't go wrong with the 'V' sign poses. XD Wonderful post, I really enjoyed seeing schoolgirl Yoko. Thanks again! ^_^


Thanks again! I think Yoko is a really fun girl and I would have loved to have had her in any of my classes as a kid.



I've already commented on Figure FM.


I just love the photos and seeing the desk, I had thought you had built it yourself, having seen the post earlier about desk making.


The outfit combo is just great, and I love the waist coat as well as the backpack.


It would be great to see one or two of the earlier shots of Yoko before the skirt adjustment, as it sometimes nice to see how people correct a photo set up.



Thank you sir! I appreciate all your comments. I think if I really try, I could make one of these desks. I just need to figure out how to make patterns from it. And I asked Yoko about the extra pics and the first thing she said was "Who is the Hentai who wants THOSE pics?" I decided to not tell her and just chalk that up as a loss.... sorry!



Cute and sexy. Really love her school uniform.


Thank you very much!



That's a really cool find! Your mom did good. All my friend and I ever found at the thrift stores was a plush Barney and a Barbie boat. He displayed them in his bathroom. (Of course, we did come across actually useful things, too.)


Yoko looks cute! Her outfit looks like it could be an actual set, you did a good job putting it together.



Ha! I know what you mean about the finds in thrift shops. My luck is the same.... everytime I go in one, I see absolutely nothing that is cool. Thats why I rely on Mom to hook my girls up! Thank you kindly for the compliments on her outfit, I'm really glad so many people liked how it looked.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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That desk is so cute! Did you do the cut messages or were they there already?


I love having finds like that. I got a vintage/(antique?) doll sofa through Etsy, but for not as good of a deal as that desk. Since it works out to about $17 a seat if 3 dolls are using it.

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That desk is so cute! Did you do the cut messages or were they there already?


I love having finds like that. I got a vintage/(antique?) doll sofa through Etsy, but for not as good of a deal as that desk. Since it works out to about $17 a seat if 3 dolls are using it.



Thank you! The graffiti on the desk was already there when i got it. I'm not sure if it's a factory made thing or not tho. It *is* etched into the surface so it's not drawn on... it looks to be cut into the surface with a sharp instrument. It may have been done when it was made but it also could have been done afterwards, I'm just not 100% sure on it.


That's cool about the sofa! Even at $17 a seat, it's still way less than a Volks sofa. The ones they had for a little bit at $50 were a total steal and they ran out of those really quick. So a vintage doll sofa is a nice find at that price.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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