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Hello all! I've been on the search for doll discords that aren't super crowded- preferably around or under 200 members 😄

I've created my own small server, which accepts various BJDs, DD, obitsu etc. called Dollfie Friends.


I'd love to see others as well! 

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I'm part of a couple vinyl Discords myself, for those who like to join multiple!

The biggest one is Vinyl Doll Academy:


I'm a moderator of that one, and we currently have around 50-60 members. It was originally meant to be focused on crafting for dolls, but it's since expanded to become a more general server for the vinyl side of the community. We have a summer crafting event going on right now that you can enter, and usually there is also a winter gift exchange. Due to the surver's size and incidents in the past, you do have to read the rules and post a small introduction to gain access, and we don't allow negative discussions about any doll company.


If you like Tinyfox, there's a small server dedicated to that company specifically:


It's a good place to go for Weibo updates and recent news, if you prefer to get it via Discord rather than the excellent thread here. They're a sister server of VDA, and they share a lot of members!

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I tried joining Vinyl Doll Academy and I already have a Discord account. I can't seem to go ahead and access the website portion of the channel when they ask me to create an email address and a password. I tried searching for the Discord channel in the app itself and nothing comes up. Is there a way to join using the application so I can directly access the channel when I start it up ?

Thanks for helping me,




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Yup, @Resilient, I've had that happen in the past. All you have to do is copy the invite url.

Then go into your Discord app, scroll to the bottom of your server list, click the little plus button there, and then click the join server button at the bottom of THAT screen. Paste the url there, hit join, and it should let you in!

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Thanks for the help. I guess I'll have access to the full Discord when they welcome me in ? I just introduced myself.


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🙇‍♀️ Because it's still a doll discord, I don't want to create a new post or anything- I've been working on a brand-new server specifically for finding BJD (and DD/SmD/etc if you don't consider them BJDs) friends within the hobby. There's a fairly straightforward profile template with fields for your own info and your doll info. For moderation and safety purposes, it is adult-only. There's also a blanket ban on politics and nsfw, though if there is request for it, I would be fine opening up opt-in channels for those purposes in the future. https://discord.gg/Z2E5u4pfVc - BJD Friend Finder server! 

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On 7/24/2022 at 11:51 AM, Oculae said:

The biggest one is Vinyl Doll Academy

I know this is an old post by now (although I'd love to hear about new communities if any have popped up since then!) but I wanted to ask if it would be possible to speak to someone who moderates this server via DM? I know you mention that you are/were a moderator. Either here or on Discord (@ womensrea is my handle)-- not sure if I share servers with anyone to be able to chat over there. If it's not possible, that's fine, thanks either way^^ and no rush.

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Posted (edited)

@Serena I still mod there, feel free to reach out!

Edited by Oculae

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