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Politely Nefarious









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Dollfie Dream Len repaint

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I somehow managed to get a hold of a Len at a regular price a bit ago… and he arrived the other week! 
of course, everyone’s first question was if I was going to repaint him. I’m happy to report he didn’t beat the record of 2 hours before being wiped upon arrival. 😜 (Noel still holds that) 


a few days after arrival he was wiped and prepped. I slowly worked at him over the last week and a bit. Today he was finished! I’m very proud of his repaint and plan to give the same treatment to his sister after I work through some commissions.


I included a comparison - while his default is cute, I’m extremely happy with his new look. 🙂



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Really loving his thick eyebrows! I feel like your repaint really gives him more personality

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Currently at home: Autumn (DD2 DDH-01), Sakura (MDD3 DDH-08), Haku (Mio Akiyama), Mashiro (Mashiro Mito), Kaito (Vocaloid KAITO)

Mashiro Mito is my wife and I love her!

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I love this so much! 

Len is probably one of the most important fictional character's in my life - and I guess putting it like that sounds stupid, but I draw a lot of comfort from imaginary people. @onion22@

However, Len's DD just kind of.. never spoke to me? I always felt like I should love him. It's Len! But no matter how long I looked, something about him just didn't spark with me. Your custom though. That's him, that's my boy! I really, really love it! @onion8@

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On 9/10/2022 at 6:16 PM, CeliathePikachu said:

Really loving his thick eyebrows! I feel like your repaint really gives him more personality

Thank you! I knew I had to give him those thick brows. I really wanted to give him this soft but boyish look! 

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5 hours ago, RetroKanojo said:

I love this so much! 

Len is probably one of the most important fictional character's in my life - and I guess putting it like that sounds stupid, but I draw a lot of comfort from imaginary people. @onion22@

However, Len's DD just kind of.. never spoke to me? I always felt like I should love him. It's Len! But no matter how long I looked, something about him just didn't spark with me. Your custom though. That's him, that's my boy! I really, really love it! @onion8@

It doesn’t sound stupid at all! The Vocaloids (I know they’re cryptonloids now but when you’ve been in it for 14 years it’s hard to break habit) are all super important to me too. They bring a lot of comfort 🥰


len has always been soemthing I’ve wanted to collect but never a priority because I too wasn’t the biggest fan of his faceup. It definitely didn’t feel like Len to me too! I’m glad you think that about my faceup. My most common feedback is that it feels like Len now and it makes me so happy 😭

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This is so well done, I thought it was the official faceup at first until your side-by-side reminded me of what Len's default looks like. Phenomenal eyebrows! They look so natural with the textured hair. I am enjoying the richer lips and eyes too. While the sky-blue eyes have always been one of my favorite parts of Len, this shade suits him. He's soulful, and the soft expression suits his personality better. Bravo!

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15 hours ago, PolitelyNefarious said:

This is so well done, I thought it was the official faceup at first until your side-by-side reminded me of what Len's default looks like. Phenomenal eyebrows! They look so natural with the textured hair. I am enjoying the richer lips and eyes too. While the sky-blue eyes have always been one of my favorite parts of Len, this shade suits him. He's soulful, and the soft expression suits his personality better. Bravo!

Omg thank you! It means a lot to hear- I worked so hard on him 😭

im so happy so many people like his brows because I literally worked on them for so long haha. I love the default eyes, I just wish they were a bit brighter! These ones were made by a friend of mine. I use all her eyes in my Vocaloid dolls tbh 🤣

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He looks great! You breathed new life into him!

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I love your custom more than the original! What tools did you use for the eyebrows and eyelashes? I love how they look

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52 minutes ago, Mo3cha said:

I love your custom more than the original! What tools did you use for the eyebrows and eyelashes? I love how they look

I used acrylic paint and a very fine tipped paintbrush from Volks! 

and thank you! ♥️

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13 minutes ago, MrFjmg03 said:

He looks so cute!!! Seeing your Len is making me want to pre order one of my own :)

Aw thanks! I say go for it 😆

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Oh... my... god...

How do I commission you once the Rin and Len pre-order finishes because this is STUNNING 😭

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He's SO cute! 

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He looks so cute! He seems kinda spunky, which is a great spin on his character imo. 

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Amazing job!!! He is soooo cute! <3

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A great repaint! The thicker brows and leaving the yellow out really makes him look good! Congrats, my Kiddos and I love the look! 


"Madness takes it's toll, Please have exact change!"

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He looks absolutely adorable!!! I have a Len as a girl but you make me want to have another Len as a boy! 



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his new face up suits him even more! you made him softer

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I love how your repaint semms kind of more gentle and relaxed compared to the default!

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Wonderful work💙 He looks a bit softer and much more how I picture Len when I think of him. Normally I like a greener blue for his eye color, but the sapphire hues you gave him work marvelously and look even better than his default eyes. What a sweet boy!

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