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Imomodoll 1/4 Vinyl Dolls??

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😳 I was considering sharing that here, but I figured there's so little info about him it probably wouldn't be worth it. I really hope Imomodoll follows through with him, but they've been very hush-hush about the progress of their projects ever since the sculptor's weibo was banned for unknown reasons.

Considering the pricing of their other vinyl dolls so far, I'm hoping he'll be more affordable too! Though his sheer size will inevitably make him more expensive to ship.

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Pixel art by @PlasticJester !

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@0bsequi0us  You and I were admiring him on Instagram when you posted him in your story- this must have been before the ban because you mentioned finding him on their Weibo. I wonder if Weibo doesn't like naked dolls? In any case, it's terrible that they got banned, and I hope they'll find somewhere they feel comfortable posting again, because these sculpting progressions are the best early alert.


If we're following the trend of their smaller dolls, he would be an amazing option for folks looking for guys. Actually, part of me is hoping that this 1/4th preorder will be successful enough to encourage them to make him. One can only imagine they'd have a ton of sales if only the word got out.


The only downside is that he might not be an ideal hybrid. That will depend on his neck and skintones. Somewhere, quite a while ago now, I saw a shot Imomo made of all their proposed vinyl tones (I think?), and it was an impressive range, boasting their usual white, what looked like a Volks normal, and a plethora of tans including some lighter tones, one that looked comparable to SMD tea, and a deep cocoa like those early 1/6th prototypes. If it ever becomes possible for them to make those offerings, they could have a lasting hit on their hands given how hard it is to craft a proportionate male doll past MSD-ish range.


Heck, even if they just released DD-compatible torso parts. That alone would fill a gap.

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Oh man, I've been waiting for someone to post about the boy sculpt. I really hope they complete him. I'll throw money at them. His head sculpt is adorable. Love seeing a tall vinyl guy who isn't all macho/angular/muscular looking. Not sure how I feel about 68cm height, but I'd get him no matter what for sure.

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It’s wild to me that so many people seem to want boys, but both Volks and SMD act like we don’t so they’re always limited 😑

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You and I both, Anon, you and I both.. @onion22@

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Oh he's SO cute, 68cm is a lot taller than what I had planned for if I got a male doll but if he's this pretty and as affordable as Imomo's vinyl line has been so far I will be unable to resist. I hope they have a couple of different head options like they do for the 1/4 and 1/6 girls but this one is so so cuteeee

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I finally was able to order my 1/4 🥹

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@Courtmom Congratulations!! You got in just in time. I'm excited to see two of them (Or more?) kicking around the forum.

Which one did you pick?


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6 hours ago, PolitelyNefarious said:

@Courtmom Congratulations!! You got in just in time. I'm excited to see two of them (Or more?) kicking around the forum.

Which one did you pick?

I got Ruby in chocolate! Fulfill my tan MDD dreams 😂 

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Eeek only a little longer!

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Shes so cute! Im eyeing her so hard! Searching for a doll to buy right now, and her body sculpt is just LOVELY, plus the heads are adorable too, and I like how both heads could be used on either body (I assume? since they seem to be the same size) and the full set of hands for so cheap?!

My concern with her is that theres not much in terms of example photos for how much her legs bend and so on. Does anybody know if her chest has a joint?? I love a doll to have at least that extra bit of movement and if the torso is just one piece I think I might not get her. Its so hard to see in the photos, but I assume since they offer extra chest pieces, that it MUST be separate and moveable? 

Also, would it be a terribly huge mistake to not order her before the time is up and wait to see reviews on her? I worry I wont be able to find her in aftermarket TT-TT
And if I do buy her.. which is the best site to get her from? I am in Japan so do you think it would be best to purchase from dolk as theres a physical location close to me?
I just noticed her while searching last night and im obsessed lol

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In my search ive also come across 'imomodoll noxious ruby' which seems to be a stringed version, also 40cm I think, but with hands that pop on, and doesnt seem to be in any of the stores. Does anyone know if that version is available anywhere? And if that body is compatible with the new Miko doll hands? 

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22 hours ago, Malloruru said:

And if I do buy her.. which is the best site to get her from? I am in Japan so do you think it would be best to purchase from dolk as theres a physical location close to me?

It’s probably easiest to order from Dolk, but you have to pre-order during the order period and they only accept credit cards for that. Depending on the size and material you want, it might be too late—they had 1/6 vinyl babies for ¥3600 last fall (yes, really), but the ones they’re taking orders for now are the chonky 1/4 vinyls. Also, none of them have faceups so you’ll have to paint it yourself or find someone else to.

You might be able to order them afterwards through the official website or their Taobao store. They’ll probably be fairly cheaper since Dolk marks stuff up quite a bit.

22 hours ago, Malloruru said:

In my search ive also come across 'imomodoll noxious ruby' which seems to be a stringed version, also 40cm I think, but with hands that pop on, and doesnt seem to be in any of the stores. Does anyone know if that version is available anywhere? And if that body is compatible with the new Miko doll hands?

The noxious base ones appear to be resin/stringed, but it’s hard to tell since they don’t offer any info. You could always ask imomo_doll on IG since they speak English, Japanese and Chinese.

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11 hours ago, ragnamuffin said:

It’s probably easiest to order from Dolk, but you have to pre-order during the order period and they only accept credit cards for that. Depending on the size and material you want, it might be too late—they had 1/6 vinyl babies for ¥3600 last fall (yes, really), but the ones they’re taking orders for now are the chonky 1/4 vinyls. Also, none of them have faceups so you’ll have to paint it yourself or find someone else to.

You might be able to order them afterwards through the official website or their Taobao store. They’ll probably be fairly cheaper since Dolk marks stuff up quite a bit.

The noxious base ones appear to be resin/stringed, but it’s hard to tell since they don’t offer any info. You could always ask imomo_doll on IG since they speak English, Japanese and Chinese.

Thank you!! I’m looking things up on their taobao and I can barely believe the price.. I thought I messed up the conversion 😹900¥ for a head?? I wish they had all their stuff in stock 

😭right it’s so hard to find much info on imomo, I posted comments to them asking if they would sell her again but I’m not holding my breath

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So Imomo weibo said that there will be a delivery delay of the 1/4 because of a lack of workers (it’s CNY after all!) and so they’re going to compensate anyone who purchased on with a set of free hands


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Does anyone know how long a delay would take? just wondering if it’d still be within a month from now for the other items in my order being at the taobao warehouse 

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2 hours ago, Malloruru said:

Does anyone know how long a delay would take? just wondering if it’d still be within a month from now for the other items in my order being at the taobao warehouse 

Okay I reread, basically they have *some* assembled, but not as many as was ordered and shipping will resume on the 29th of January. 

Edited by Courtmom
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On 1/19/2023 at 1:26 AM, Malloruru said:

Shes so cute! Im eyeing her so hard! Searching for a doll to buy right now, and her body sculpt is just LOVELY, plus the heads are adorable too, and I like how both heads could be used on either body (I assume? since they seem to be the same size) and the full set of hands for so cheap?!

My concern with her is that theres not much in terms of example photos for how much her legs bend and so on. Does anybody know if her chest has a joint?? I love a doll to have at least that extra bit of movement and if the torso is just one piece I think I might not get her. Its so hard to see in the photos, but I assume since they offer extra chest pieces, that it MUST be separate and moveable? 

Also, would it be a terribly huge mistake to not order her before the time is up and wait to see reviews on her? I worry I wont be able to find her in aftermarket TT-TT
And if I do buy her.. which is the best site to get her from? I am in Japan so do you think it would be best to purchase from dolk as theres a physical location close to me?
I just noticed her while searching last night and im obsessed lol

I would order it. There is No after market for Imomo vinyl yet because it is so new. It could be years before they start popping up (maybe). Plus there is no knowing if they’ll ever make that model again

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On 1/19/2023 at 12:26 AM, Malloruru said:

Shes so cute! Im eyeing her so hard! Searching for a doll to buy right now, and her body sculpt is just LOVELY, plus the heads are adorable too, and I like how both heads could be used on either body (I assume? since they seem to be the same size) and the full set of hands for so cheap?!

My concern with her is that theres not much in terms of example photos for how much her legs bend and so on. Does anybody know if her chest has a joint?? I love a doll to have at least that extra bit of movement and if the torso is just one piece I think I might not get her. Its so hard to see in the photos, but I assume since they offer extra chest pieces, that it MUST be separate and moveable? 

Also, would it be a terribly huge mistake to not order her before the time is up and wait to see reviews on her? I worry I wont be able to find her in aftermarket TT-TT
And if I do buy her.. which is the best site to get her from? I am in Japan so do you think it would be best to purchase from dolk as theres a physical location close to me?
I just noticed her while searching last night and im obsessed lol

Both heads should be able to be used on either body- they have the same neck size. However only the Mimi body (The more mature one with the bust sizes) has a chest joint. The shorter chubby body is just an upscaled version of their 1/6th, and has a one-piece torso instead.


From the few pictures on JanesDollLand's Instagram, it looks like her knees bend the same ninety degrees as a Dollfie. So she'd be on par with Mini Dollfie Dream for leg articulation.


I would also get her now and take the chance. She's so cheap that she should not be hard to rehome should you not like her. I have only seen Imomo's 1/6th girls pop up two or three times secondhand, and they all sold quickly.


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15 hours ago, PolitelyNefarious said:

Both heads should be able to be used on either body- they have the same neck size. However only the Mimi body (The more mature one with the bust sizes) has a chest joint. The shorter chubby body is just an upscaled version of their 1/6th, and has a one-piece torso instead.

So I took my 1/6 apart out of curiosity and she does actually have a joint in her chest! (Idk why, she certainly can’t use it 😂)

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11 hours ago, Courtmom said:

So I took my 1/6 apart out of curiosity and she does actually have a joint in her chest! (Idk why, she certainly can’t use it 😂)

I wonder if it’s because they just use the same frame pieces for all the bodies, it might be cheaper for them to do that even if the torso doesn’t use the joint 

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On 1/23/2023 at 8:58 PM, Malloruru said:

I wonder if it’s because they just use the same frame pieces for all the bodies, it might be cheaper for them to do that even if the torso doesn’t use the joint 

That would make sense! Although maybe not at the 1/6 scale where there is only one version of that body so far 😂. But maybe they just scaled down the 1/4 version? But the 1/6 came out first 🤔. Idk 😂 😂 

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I orderedddd her !! I cant wait to get her. Out of all the sites Taobao, as much oh a hassle as it is, is so much cheaper I got Miko, an extra head, the extra bust, and the hands set for only 10000yen.. insane. It was weird though, its not being sent to a warehouse? When I checked out it said it was shipping directly to me? 
I cant wait to get her!
I wanted to get the little tan baby too, but im going to grab a tan bab from their next release, HOPEFULLY they will have hands available in tan at that time 🤞

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On 1/26/2023 at 8:16 AM, Malloruru said:

I orderedddd her !! I cant wait to get her. Out of all the sites Taobao, as much oh a hassle as it is, is so much cheaper I got Miko, an extra head, the extra bust, and the hands set for only 10000yen.. insane. It was weird though, its not being sent to a warehouse? When I checked out it said it was shipping directly to me? 
I cant wait to get her!
I wanted to get the little tan baby too, but im going to grab a tan bab from their next release, HOPEFULLY they will have hands available in tan at that time 🤞

Yeah I hope they’re gonna have the tan hands. I want options! 😂 

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