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DDH 19, 20, 21 or other 'MDD' heads on DDS/DDDy?

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I havent seen much variation in these newer molds, theyre all on mochiashi. Im wondering if they could be styled on a larger body and not look weird? Appreciate any pics you can provide :)

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Unfortunately, I haven't seen any of these heads on the larger DD bodies.

I think a common problem with putting MDD heads on larger bodies is that they look too small. This is sometimes because of the actual size of the head, but sometimes it's because of the size of the neck hole. Some MDD neckholes (like DDH-10) are designed to sit higher on the neck which works great for smaller bodies, but less so for larger ones.

The other day I found that DDS Mio Honda's head is about the same size as DDH-10 (which is a bit wider). DDH-10 is known to look pretty weird on anything bigger than DDP because of the neckhole. I don't have a picture of a comparison but if you would like to see I could give it a shot. It made me think that if you deem a MDD head to be an appropriate size for a larger body, you could try widening the neck hole so it sits lower.

Alternatively, it may be a safer gamble to put the heads you like on a smaller body with more maturity like DDP, AP, Obitsu 50, AZO2, etc. I'd especially keep the upcoming Obi50 GGR body in mind since it has a fuller mature figure and might compliment the chubbiness of the Mochi Ashi focused DDH-19/20/21 heads better.

Edited by chantelle
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Sorry for double posting (not sure what the etiquette on this is on the forum) but looks like luck is in your hands @Cydril! I actually came across some twitter pictures of the DCH-19 on what appears to be a non-MDD body! Looks like it is probably DD or DDS. Unfortunately I haven't found any other examples with the other heads but this is interesting!


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I have a DC-H-20 MDD, so I put her on a DDdy for a minute... a very weird look imo



I'd stick to MDD/DDP for these smaller heads personally, the neck ends up looking so long...

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Oh, I can help with that! I got a tan DDH-19 on a DDdy body with a modded M-bust recently. I was a bit hesitant about this order at first because - as you said - you only see those heads with the childlike mochi-ashi body, but I honestly really really like the combination. My reasoning was that the DDH-19 has relatively small eyeholes anyway, and the chubbier cheeks pair well with the DDdy body.


She's dressed right now but here's a quick shot from when I wanted to show off her bust mod, you can see the proportions look great!




Edited by Collie
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Thank you guys thats really helpful! I actually like the look, even the 20. But I personally hate big headed dolls lol


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As chantelle suggested, it might make more sense to pair these heads with a mature 1/4 scale body like an AZO2 or Angel Philia. I've played around plenty with this, and if baby-face + more mature body is what you're after, these are proportionally correct and won't be oversized relative to the body. 

Since Mochi's head is "free" right now, I've paired her with an AZO2-G bust + AP-H torso/legs + uniform to give an idea of how a cute, twintails girl might look if she grew up from an elementary school kid to high schooler. She's a custom DDH-27.


Edited by chef_mai
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