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Sinclair - A "Plus Size" 47cm Hybrid!

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Hi everybody! Now that she FINALLY has her wig and glasses, I'm back with another hybrid, one that I consider my personal magnum opus so far. Meet Sinclair!



It might be hard to tell from this angle, but Sinclair is a very special hybrid - she's chubby! Like, ACTUALLY chubby.


I've been wanting to make a mini-me for a long time, but considering I wear a size L everything, a normal Dollfie Dream or Obitsu just wasn't gonna cut it. I wanted my anime self to be realistic, so I turned to drastic measures: a wacky hybrid of Obitsu, DD, AP, and MDD parts, including a few subtractive mods and a hybrid frame. But more on the build in the next post. First, measurements!

Sinclair is 47cm tall from head to foot, putting her at about the same height class as an AP or DDP.

Her three measurements: Bust 24 cm,  Waist 18 cm, Hip 26 cm. 

For pants, her thigh circumference is 16 cm, calf circumference is 10.5 cm, and her inseam is 18.5 cm.  For shirts, her shoulders to her hips is 13 cm, and her arms are 15.5 cm long from wrist to shoulder. And since I measured it, from her hip to the bottom of her foot is 22.5 cm. Her thickest measurement is around both thighs, with her legs at their default position, and that's a whopping 28 cm! Her thighs are bigger than her hips and it's glorious.

Not so glorious is the clothing options - she can only fit shirts that'll support a DD Large bust, but her arms are just slightly too short for tailored DD sleeves. Her thighs only fit SD pants, but even her thick calves drown in them...not to mention she needs like 10 more cm of height to get the fit just right. And her waist fits SD13 pants...and stuff that's  intended to sit low on a DD's hips. So that's a no go for most DD pants. So far I've put her in two bottoms from DollDelights, some handmade SD capris, a handmade sweater, and a handmade handkerchief top all from Mandarake, and some SD Girl sized pants from Gavalloni Atelier, which fit nicely if you ignore the horrible fabric bunching at the ankles! Funnily enough, if it weren't for her waist, the official Angel Philia Office Lady pants I have were beautifully fitted on her. Perhaps if I get brave I'll try to make a pattern with them and adjust that.

For now though, I'll plan on commissioning some pants and keeping a close eye on DollDelights for more cute stuff she can wear! Because this skirt is lovely.


Her head is a DDH07, with a faceup and eyes by ねこまっしぐら (Neko Masshigura), and she has on a pair of Volks Jewelry Box glasses and a Dallas Doll Co wig. She uses DD hands and Obitsu 50 feet, my favorite hands and feet. The hybrid's got a pretty good color match - the only noticeable mismatch in tones is her shins, which have a pinker undertone than the rest of her. It barely shows up in photos, and is only really bad in person when she's in sunlight, so I don't mind it. The only major bummer about her is that she can't sit, due to a quirk in her construction that I'll get into. I'm not sure if that's something I'll ever be able to fix, either. We'll see.

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Okay, onto the really involved part - the build! The doll nudity starts here. Watch out!

There have been lots of "chubby" dolls officially out there, but they all fall into a curvy look - big thighs, big bust, big limbs...but never a big belly. So the keystone piece that makes Sinclair who she is is the Obitsu 65 M torso! Not only is it the largest vinyl piece I could get my hands on, it also has two unique features - it gets really narrow up at the top, and it's more of a half-torso, as you can see from the bikini picture in the prior post. The chest piece of the Obitsu 65 is really long, leaving the torso just a little longer than your average 50cm torso, which is how I got this to work in the trunk area.

So I had my torso early, but there were two major obstacles in my way for the rest of the build - the narrowness at the top of the torso wasn't narrow enough for any chest I had, and the thigh holes were HUGE. Not even a DD thigh could fit in there! I was stuck for months....and then I got two dolls that held the solution.


Enter Smartdoll! As it turns out, the "ends at the underbust" cut unique to Smarties and DD Dynamites fit way better on the 65 torso, even if it did place the belly button a little high for real anatomical accuracy. But I didn't want a Dynamite bust, and while a Milk default bust is still pretty easy to get secondhand, the default was way too small. Subtractive mod 1!


I mimicked the Smartdoll bust cut on a DD Large Smooth bust, and it was perfect!

With the bust solved, I just needed some thighs...and experimenting with my Sonico doll helped me realize that Angel Philia thighs are HUGE. So I delegged my beloved waifu. For science.

(See how narrow that torso gets?)


The fit just BARELY worked....but only if I really shoved the thigh up into there so only the thickest part of it was poking out of the thigh hole. So with a heavy heart...Subtractive mod 2. I cut the hell outta the Obitsu 65 thigh hole to shove a whole AP H Thigh up there. This is why she can't sit. The vinyl hip is much lower than the actual hip frame, which sits right about where that first ab to the right of my thumb is. Obitsu 65 torso vinyl is pretty squishy, but it's just not good at making that much of a bend. But hey, sitting all the time is why I'm this size to begin with, so it's a funny curse! She may look like me, but she can never do what I did. 🤣

With my two big problems solved, I was able to assemble the rest of her with some odds and ends, leading to Sinclair Version 1!


Look at her stand there, menacingly. Dear god, the chicken legs....the Obitsu 55 arms...sure, it FIT together, but surely I could do better?

(I could.)


Step one was getting rid of those calves. I'm not just wide, I am an avid biker, with the calves to prove it! I needed something wider than that Obitsu nightmare! And nobody was biting on my AP Type B Calf WTB!!! Good thing my Mochi Ashi wasn't paying attention, and that Volks JP had regular MDD calves for sale that I could use to fix her later. Yoink!


MDD Mochi-Ashi calves provided juuuust enough heft that the leg looked a lot more proportional, and the exposed knee dimple was a non-issue, as I'm used to ugly knees thanks to Obitsu. This was almost an improvement. The hard part was that MDD knee frames don't fit anything Obitsu has to offer, and I was not messing with my complicated frame rigging in the hip area. I'd have to make the vinyl work with the frame here, not vice versa. But it turns out...


If you strip all extraneous plastic from an Obitsu 50 knee joint and use some heat, you can slap it right in an MDD calf no problem. I agonized over making this vinyl work for a full day, and the solution was that simple. Lol! Sure, she's got single jointed knees now due to the vinyl preventing the full double jointed Obitsu magic, but yknow what? I can't do yoga. Let's just call it "commitment to accuracy" and move on.


Thankfully, the Obitsu knee meant I could attach an Obitsu 50 foot no problem, with just a little trim to the peg, as an MDD's calf is just a touch shorter than an Obitsu 50's. Obitsu feet are fragile and finicky, but the magnets! I love the magnets! So on they went. Legs done!

Arms proved surprisingly easy. I didn't wanna use an Obitsu chest frame because I hate it, so I got the idea of taking poor Eiran apart and trying a DD chest frame instead. And since I had some DDS arms conveniently handy since Eiran wasn't using em, I stole them too.


Carnage. For science...

And it paid off! The chest frame needed a trim to the bottom peg to get it short enough for the Obitsu hip frame to sit high enough inside the vinyl to make my trick with the thighs work, but it otherwise fit great! And that meant I could use arms that didn't suck! Obitsu 55 arms are...well, they tried really hard to be posable and look good in an era before anyone knew what they were doing, really. But they needed to go, we're in modern times now. Except for what sweet sweet Obitsu 55 forearm vinyl. That was the fattest forearm I'd ever seen, and it looked better on the DDS arm than the DDS vinyl did! That could stay.


And as if it was grateful to be loved, the forearm vinyl very kindly accepted a DD wrist peg as its own without any mods at all, letting me use good ol DD hands. Arms done!

(And don't worry about Eiran. I added a new chest frame and arms to my Volks JP order. He'll just be mildly inconvenienced for a bit until those get here. 😉)

Limbs and torso done, head picked out, wig, eyes, clothes, and glasses accounted for...and just today, at last, Sinclair was complete! Yay!


Man I gotta get you some flattering pants... 😂

Hope you all enjoyed seeing the process!

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@Oculae  I wanted to have time and headspace to reply properly because my word, what a transformation! All the thought and work that went into it. Testing the waters to see what fit and what didn't. And the end product. Amazing. She may not sit that well but boy does she look good. AP thighs would have been my first thought too, but Mochi Ashi was a stroke of genius, as was the Obitsu 50 frame and the 55 forearm. Carving up the 65 torso would have made me hesitate, but you shot for the moon and stuck a perfect landing. Glorious. I wish there were more body options for dolls and figure across the board. So many middle-aged and heavier-set, muscular, and scrawny characters in need of shelling. I hope you are able to start her wardrobe soon, because she's looking magnificent. And double props for providing for your MDD and Eiran right away. Thanks, Eiran. #1 organ donor in the name of science.

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I was honestly flying by the seat of my pants for most of this hybrid. The perks of owning seemingly one of every flavor of vinyl out there is that you're never short on parts for hybrid opportunities! I'm just glad that the worst I had to do for this one was carve up two vinyl parts I had no other use for - I don't even remember how I got that large bust, and the torso was from a lot of two Obitsu 65 vinyl bits off Manda, so it was destined to be a mod base regardless! Overall a very smooth hybrid despite the complexity. I wish they were all this easy.

I'm also grateful you posted so I could add a bit of epilogue for my two brave organ donors:


My Volks JP order finally showed up yesterday! Alice on the left has new shins that are much thinner than her old ones but only look wonky without socks, and Eiran is better than ever with factory-tightened arms and a brand new chest. Both have made a full recovery. The identical poses are because I have no creativity on hand after two surgeries, but all's well that ends well. 🤣

Sinclair herself is also doing well a week later, having acquired a new dress and socks from a gift exchange my discord server hosted, some MDD shoes she's borrowing from Sonico, and yet another Doll Delights original to add some sparkle to the new year. Her glasses got an upgrade to purple, courtesy of some nail polish, so now she's got a lovely co'ord going! She's on caffeine duty tonight to help my poor exhausted butt stay awake long enough to ring in the new year. 😆


May 2023 bring her some pants! 👖🙏

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How lovely she looks! These are the kinds of options I want with doll bodies. I can't imagine the trial and error that went into this, but the end result...wow!

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I've been frankendolling almost as long as I've been in the hobby - you do it for long enough and you can really get a feel for what works with what, so it didn't take a lot of trials, actually! Having an extensive collection of vinyl bits in a bin certainly doesn't hurt, either, though. 😂

Danny Choo's recently tweeted an informal survey asking SmD fans what body shape he should do if he tried making a plus-size doll, so with any luck Sinclair will be in good company....ehhhh, eventually. The SmD production machine takes a long time to cycle. But I'm happy somebody's thinking about it at least. Until then, at least there's one build that kinda works!

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That is amazing! Definitely time well invested. Hopefully one day you can figure out how to get her to sit - but honestly she looks fantastic as is in all of her standing glory! 😆

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I am reviving this topic in honor of Sinclair's almost 1 year anniversary:



I managed to win a clickwar for the first batch of Smart Doll Pear bodies, and while I did love this hybrid, it feels so good to finally have a body with a full range of motion. She's on a Cinnamon body, and honestly the color mismatch is Not Too Bad. It's noticeable in person but probably just because she's got a lot of skin showing right now! I imagine it'll be better once she has proper clothes.

I'm so happy to finally have a proper plus-size body for my girl. ❤️

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I think it's awesome you made your owe plus sized girl. Gratz on upgrading her to the SmD pear body. <3

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