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Doll Plans for 2023

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As 2022 winds right and properly to a close, looking forward, what do you hope for the new year? Any goals you'd like to knock off the board? Any stars to shoot for?


Because I set 2023 aside as a year of paying off debt, I can't make any definitive goals besides finishing payment for the girls I've already ordered. At least in the near future. Happily for me, 2022 was insane for vinyl. I set a goal in mind at the end of 2021 to have my cocoa Smart Doll on a body by the end of this year... and now I have seven either in-house or on their way to me. This is only due to proxies with layaway, great secondhand deals, or having the money at the right time.


Instead of goals, I'll set 'if's and 'hopes' for the future:

*A nice DDH19 in tan

*Fix my incoming MDD

*Get some nice faceups

*Get some proper eyes and wigs (In Progress)

*More clothes and shoes for everyone

*Elf ears for all  (Just need cocoa, flesh, and semi-white now)

* ̶A̶ ̶D̶D̶S̶ ̶/̶ ̶D̶D̶ ̶t̶a̶n̶ ̶o̶r̶ ̶S̶M̶D̶ ̶C̶i̶n̶n̶a̶m̶o̶n̶ ̶b̶o̶d̶y̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶R̶u̶m̶ ̶P̶u̶n̶c̶h̶

*...or a DDS boy body for Paladin 

*Smart Doll guy body in tea for Llewyr (Highly unlikely) or another tea girl body  Ended up finding a DDB body for Salidane instead.

*Smart Doll guy in grey (Highly unlikely)  Doubtful.

*Dollfie Dream Anthy  Maybe another year?

*Imomo's 68cm guy, should he be released  It's looking like his neck will be incompatible with other brands.

*Medium tea vitiligo bust for Ventyri, vitilgo arm

*Smart Doll mechanical hands / other mechanical parts ACQUIRED

*Big third-party mecha gauntlets  I know they exist, but not where to get them.

*Some nice weapons  Llewyr now has a dagger, but I am putting this on the backburner for now unless things fall into my lap. I have a few selections picked out.

*Goggles and glasses for Paladin, Rum, and Bex (Glasses for Rum and Paladin acquired; still looking for two pairs of goggles)

*An MDD custom 

*Armor / robot legs for said custom

*More Smart Doll Eiji / Crimson heads, parts

*Pictures. Actual photos. With stories.  Gonna stick to pictures for now. Stories in progress.


Edited by PolitelyNefarious
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Oooh! Was wondering when this would pop up! 

Hmmm, not much for me, after the last year and a half throwing NINE Kiddos my way, I think I'm going to have to get outfits, shoes and accessories for them all in 2023. 

Pictures? Definitely have to do more!

Meets? As many as possible, including getting The Ecchizonans to come down here to Tucson, at least once!

Conventions? With more potential for getting others into our Kiddos! Oooohhh, YES!!

And, maybe, another DDdy sometime this coming year, so Merri doesn't feel like the odd one out...   




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"Madness takes it's toll, Please have exact change!"

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My goal is to start doing faceups and mods. I have two new dolls right now that I have plans to shell as my OCs so I want to get started with the faceups ASAP.

As for hopes, I guess getting any of the dolls on my wishlist but I don’t think its too likely. I also hope for Obitsu to release the new 50cm GGR body in tan, not sure if this will happen but I can dream!

Edited by chantelle
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Sadly, I think my number one goal for 2023 is to start downsizing, the opposite of most - I have a lot of dolls, and while I love them, I'm definitely feeling the crunch for space. I'd like to eventually move out of my current living space this coming year, and I'm sure wherever I end up will be smaller, so I should probably prep for that now. Thankfully, I have a much clearer vision for my dolls and what I like to do with them now, so I'm hoping the downsizing won't be too painful. If you've ever eyed one of my crew, you'll probably get your chance soon!

Aside from alleviating my space concerns, I'm also hoping that a downsize will let me really focus on the dolls I DO like, which means I'd be able to get pricier clothes that better suit them and go out for more photoshoots. I REALLY want to do more photography work, my website's gallery and my Instagram are both starting to collect cobwebs. 😅

In terms of acquisitions aside from clothes...once the Obitsu GGR comes out, I'd like to upgrade both Poppy and Sinclair's ankle joints, possibly Poppy's chest frame as well. I'd also like to finally find a good carrier bag that will support up to 60cm, so I can take more than just Poppy out with me. Dolk's was a great idea, but it's just too heavy for an all day trip. YURIQLO's bag continues to haunt me.

Regardless of what I achieve or how masy of these plans actually happen, I'm excited for what the new year shall bring! It's gonna be fun no matter what. :)

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Oooh, I hadn’t really considered it, but off the top of my head:

- Start the BJD jewelry business I’ve had in the works for a while

- Do Dream Choice for my birthday

- Commission Ion’s outfit

- Buy new wigs for Alice Kuonji and Mash

- Buy yukata for Alice Kuonji and Anastasia

- Finally get that damn familiar set for Alice Kuonji 🤬

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Doll plans! Good question, let's see..

Must Do: 

- Get my hands on Len's outfit! I've already found someone who might be willing to split with me, but if that fails, I would pre-order him myself and see if I like him better in person. If not, I might try to sell the body and/or head down the line.

- Commission a custom Faceup! I got a secondhand DDB and while Faker likes to use it to dress up as FakeS, I do plan to get it a different head. There's two characters I adore, that both have an exactly 0% chance of ever being made into official DD's, I just have to pick one of them. I will likely need to commission custom eyes + wigs in both cases, so it will be pricey. I might be able to afford both within the year, but.. we'll see..

- Get stands. Like, please. 😂 I need them, but I've been using my funds on other stuff. 

- If we get a DDSB Aether through a Genshin collab, I will definitely try to get him.

Please Do: 

- I hope I can make myself go back to sewing and knitting for my dolls! I have some serious issues with motivation and I will have to really focus on my academics this year, so I didn't put this in the 'must do' category. It would be nice, but I won't be stressing myself out over it.

- Refurbish the doll sofa! Last year, I got an amazing doll sofa/couch - lounge? - but it could use a little bit of love. I want to repaint it and maybe change the cushion covers.

- Buy more clothes. I don't plan on buying any dolls this year (although in this hobby.. things sometimes work out differently) so I would like to invest a little more in my doll wardrobe! 


Never say never, amirite! I don't really plan on these things to happen, but if the stars align.. why not?

- Tinyfox 1/4 boy. They teased a boy body last year and back then I considered it a must-buy. I'm not really that interested anymore, but if they come out with an appealing design, I might try to get one!

- SmartDoll? I can't seem to be able to let go of the idea of getting a Smartie. I'd like to see what people think about the new frame when that comes out and who knows? Maybe if there is a design I really like..

- The fabled 68cm Imomo boy! Do I have space for a 68cm boy? No. Is that going to stop me from getting one? Not if he's as affordable as Imomodoll tends to be. If the price is right, it would be too good to pass up on, although I am kinda worried about possible quality issues. But. Tol boi. 

- Dollbot? Similar to the Tinyfox boys, I was really excited when Dollbot first appeared on the scene. However, that excitement has kind of trailed off by now. Between my 1/3 DD/B and my 1/4 Tinyfox, I seem much more drawn to the 1/3s. Maybe 1/4 just isn't my size? Again, if they release a full-set doll that I really like, I might be convinced into giving them a try!

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I'm aiming for 2023 to be a maintenance/upgrade year.


- Wig refreshes: Buy wigs for everyone who still doesn't have a forever wig (2B & the boys), and replace wigs for anyone whose wigs are a bit ratty due to age/quality (mainly Sheryl and Ranka). I think I'm going to try grabbing a white wig with clip-on twintails to dye and style into a more accurate Ranka wig.

- Eye refreshes: Same as above, some of my oldest eyes are getting pretty yellow. 

- Faceups: For 2B, my 26 and Miku. 

- Hands: Fill gaps in the hand collection. I also want to grab a pair of jointed hands for my big resin doll.

- Replacement frames: Get Asachanchi frames for 2B and my Lila because the Dy and Mochi frame limitations keep me from playing with them as much as the others.

- Enter the 2023 Icon lottery for Aisha, if she comes up again. I wasn't expecting a new face this year and spent my doll money on a new resin right before Icon season. 

- More stands: I ordered some of the Alice's collection stands recently, and if I like them, I'm going to replace all my stands with them.

- Doll bag: I take a lot of early morning walks when no one else is around outside, so I'd like to bring a doll and take advantage of the solitude for pictures.

- Room box: I got better photography lights and cleared out a chunk of space in the spare room. Next order of business is to build a room box and buy/make some furniture. I really like the Doll Things and Stuff pieces, so I think I'm going to aim for their sectional.

- V2 stain suits for everyone: for obvious reasons.

Want to do, but lower priority:

- Get a DDH-16 YJA head: I think modded 16s make for my favourite boys, but it's kind of hard to plan for auction heads since you never know when they're coming. I'm going to try to set aside some money to have available when an auction grail does pop up.

- New Ranka? I kind of want to try getting a tan Dream Choice DDS to make a Ranka that's more accurate to the Frontier key visuals, but I'm still theorycrafting this. I'd probably go with a DDH-08 and get it modded to have a bigger smile. I'll be in Japan during DC tan season, so this is probably going to depend on how much spending money I have left at the end of the trip more than anything else.

- Dollbot body: I want one, but I have no head for one. If I end up seeing a head I adore for sale, I'll probably grab it and then go for a DB body. Or I'll grab a fullset if i end up liking their next one. I'm also interested in the new Obitsu body, but can't plan for something that isn't available yet.

- Resin goal: get a Loongsoul Cang Jue in any of the special tan tones, when they have a tan event running. The timing for their Wheat resin event this year was bad for me. 😭

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Doll Sizing | Pattern Index

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In the next year I plan on working on my photography skills and learn editing. While I love the pictures I take now I feel they look a little samey, I'll take more outdoor shots and visit interesting places.

For my girl Aiko, I want to do cosplay of my favorite characters like Raphtalia from Shield Hero, Kuro from Prisma Illya, Isla from Plastic Memories, Testament and Ramlethal from Guilty Gear. These are pretty big goals but if I can do one of these I'd be happy.

I would like to do crafts like making my own nails and try sewing clothes. I'll also learn 3D printing.

And finally I'll be getting another doll, I've been looking around but haven't found one I love yet. I plan on making her a lover for Aiko, she will also be MDD. Depending on how the year goes maybe I'll have another doll after this.

Some other plans I have is doing a Cyberpunk style with cyberware faceup and cyber arm/hands. I also want to get a pair of jointed hands.

I think that's about it, this was a great topic to think about and liked reading the replies. 

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There are a few resin purchases I'm looking forward to this year (mainly Forest Doll's anime squid/octopus girl dolls and a head from the artist Kaniboom) but not much vinyl on the horizon! Keeping my eyes on Imomodoll and Tinyfox, but I've happily completed my MDD collection and have no interest in any other vinyl doll companies. The only way I could see crawling back to Volks is if they release a new MDD body I like and it's noticeably different from the previous ones.

So my goals for this year are mostly just customizing the anime dolls that I've already bought but haven't arrived yet. So far that includes:


-My vinyl Imomodoll heads (I've got 4 blind box heads I'm looking forward to modding)

-Tinyfox M-01

-The rest of my Real Doomsday vinyl heads

I definitely want to get more confident with modding vinyl. I've done a few modding projects but I still feel like a total newbie. Since the blind box heads I've bought are so inexpensive I'm feeling a little more daring with them, but it still feels daunting.

Also definitely posting more stuff to youtube. I really made a channel with hopes of doing body reviews that might help people, so especially more of that as new dolls come in.

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Pixel art by @PlasticJester !

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No more dolls...

Buys more dolls 😂.

To be fair I've wanted Iori for a long time and I'd never thought she'd appear. Certain dolls that should not be considered grails are definitely becoming much harder to find.

MDD Marisa should be arriving with Iori. I did some math and realised Marisa would cost me less than what I'd probably get for her in the UK (not that I'd ever sell her). Mochi Ashi's are VERY popular in the UK.

This means it's inevitable Reimu will be required at some point. I've seen her before and prefer her outfit over Marisa's outfit, although Marisa has the cutest face (which reminds me of DD-H-21.

I'd like to get involved in the Yor Forger clickwars.

Kaito is confirmed although I believe he won't arrive until the Summer.

As far as Pureneemos go I want Emilia, Nezuko, Asuna Titania and a specific Minami.

I need to look after the existing arrivals and do some styling of them. I now have a spreadsheet to record who needs bodysuits, wig caps etc. etc. etc.

Asuna's new wig is a priority because although she was effectively new when I bought her her wig was untidy as soon as I unboxed her. So she's getting a Cotindoll elf wig.

We also have a Cotindoll wigs mystery box and I can imagine my girls will be fighting over those. Rin: I cost the most so should get the best wig, Iori: I'll cry if I don't get my first choice!

Off topic I know but I bought 4 of the Lego Bricklink Designer sets sometime last year and they will almost certainly arrive before Kaito. They are in extremely high demand so it will be cool when they arrive.

2023 will probably be another chaotic year but if the chance arises and I can go to Japan in the fall then I'm hitting that Dream Choice store (and filling the second suitcase with Azones).

Finally, now our doll photos are looking better after the acquisition of a doll sized photo studio and lighting rig we'll move more into movie making. I used to really enjoy that Youtube channel where Miku and Mirai made mischief.

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My Dollfie doll family December 2024 😊. Towa believes they are 34 in number.


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Make some outfits for Haruka. She needs some more outfits in her wardrobe, especially from brands like Mezzo Piano or Earthmagic or Angel Blue.

Buy a My Melody Pullip doll (2020). It's the year of the Rabbit, so what the hey.

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I plan to downsize my clothing collection quite a bit since I'm holding on to too much that isn't being worn. At the same time, I'll continue adding a little bit to fill gaps. What works well for my girls is a lot clearer now that I've had more time in the hobby.

My main goal for the year is to build out my third doll, corresponding to a third character in my webcomic. I'm hoping to visit Japan this year (and maybe meet up with a few of you) and do this as a Dream Choice, but if not, I'll do that via a proxy here.

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So a lot of my priorities are frankly roll-overs from 2022, lol.

-Finish Paimon's main outfit. It is a saga, but it is possible. I have to keep reminding myself that it's possible lol.

-Asphodel's tail. Been putting that off for like 2 years. I have the materials, I just need to not be a coward!

-At least one of Yuuri's skating outfits. Again, I have the materials, and I've been putting this off for like. . . four or five years. Whoops. 

-Get more AC stands

-Get more socks/leggings in all sizes, get more MDD shoes and size 7-8 wigs (for Homura and Abby); for DD size I can get more shirts but am not allowed to get more dresses, skirts, or outerwear lol. 

-Figure out what I'm doing with my incoming Imomodoll. I have zero plan. Closest to a plan is "Maybe. . .green??"

-EMBROIDER ALL THE THINGS! I tried hand embroidery for the first time this year and I love it. Gonna embroider like cray cray. It'll be great!

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In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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I got curious with Blythes, so I got a blank one for me to customize. I wanted to challenge myself since it has an eye mechanism that isn't as simple as my usual anime dolls. 

As for anime dolls, I have the chocolate 1/6 imomodoll incoming... I am still figuring out what I will do with that like @Poofiemus 😆

I have some "life" priorities this year so I don't think I could order any more dolls (that may obviously change LOL!), but looking to resist that as much as possible unless things change.

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Twitter: lostgormotti Instagram: atelier.vanilla Facebook: AtelierVNL

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Haven't really thought of this:

1. Make more photos, I haven't been taking photos after my camera came back from repairs and that was in July last year. 😅

2. Get face-up for my DD floater heads. 

3. Try making outfits.

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I really need to put up a shelf for my girls to sit on. As far as other dolls go, top of the list is a blue SmD Anomaly. Hopefully I can get her before I cave in and buy one of the other Dollfies I like. I need to sell both my old school BMX bikes before I can fund another doll purchase, so I listed both of them on ebay this week.

I'm also looking at getting some photgraphic gear, mainly lights and back drops that I can put in my spare room, but thats way down the list as my spare room needs a good clear out. It's chock full of empty boxes and old computers and cables.

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On 1/3/2023 at 2:02 AM, Xiongmao said:

This means it's inevitable Reimu will be required at some point.

Makes me think of this meme:


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I don't see myself bringing more than two new girls home this year, maybe three-four max but thats a bit of a stretch really. Of course I could get a raise or a promotion in which case that could add a couple more? But thats just me being wishful i guess... Oh and if this past year is any indication, one more for my b-day and two more for Christmas. But thats really it lol

Aside from that, need to buy lots and lots of clothes for the girls and maybe a few wigs too. But I'm really bad at those two things, I need.to get out of my comfort zone and just try a few new stores and styles.


Edited by puxlavoix
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My first plan for 2023 is to make car in 1/3 scale. Second plan is to get semi real smart doll (Strength is winning tender for now) but this requires to have a fulltime job finally. Oh, and third plan is to revisit one old armor design and do it in better/more durable material (and still have unfinished death knihgt/gothic armor).

Edited by Silent
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A car in 1/3 scale sounds like a huge project. It is something I have thought about making too. I did start designing a 1/3 scale kick scooter but it kind of got put on hold.

I am guessing that you play WoW since you mentioned death knight armor. It reminded me that I need to finish the 1/3 warglaives of azzinoth that I started making last year. Would love to see the armor you make when it is finished.

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17 minutes ago, Silent said:

My first plan for 2023 is to make car in 1/3 scale. Second plan is to get semi real smart doll (Strength is winning tender for now) but this requires to have a fulltime job finally. Oh, and third plan is to revisit one old armor design and do it in better/more durable material (and still have unfinished death knihgt/gothic armor).

The 1/3 car sounds interesting. Do you plan to show your progress from time to time? Which type of car are you planning to make? (Or brand with type) 


My plans for 2023 are a bit smaller. 


-progressing with project Karos (1/3 scaled horse carriage)

-I really want some Bleach Gotei 13 outfits for my girls. I plan to make the Zanpakutou, captains Haori and geta shoes myself. The actual outfit I currently don’t know if I make it myself or commission someone later this year. 

-There aren’t many BJD related meetings around my place. I see the Poppen en Berenbeurs as a nice opportunity for a BJD meet in combination with a photo shoot.

-A new Dollfie girl later this year.

-And always on the lookout for 1/3 scaled items.

On the longer term:

-A photoshoot place in my backyard with 1/3 scaled material. 

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50 minutes ago, Silent said:

My first plan for 2023 is to make car in 1/3 scale. Second plan is to get semi real smart doll (Strength is winning tender for now) but this requires to have a fulltime job finally. Oh, and third plan is to revisit one old armor design and do it in better/more durable material (and still have unfinished death knihgt/gothic armor).

I thought about making a 1/4 scale Lamborghini, however after getting the tape measure out and seeing how big it would be, I immediately gave up that idea. However I am thinking about a 1/4 scale motorcycle. 

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28 minutes ago, Rajke said:

The 1/3 car sounds interesting. Do you plan to show your progress from time to time? Which type of car are you planning to make? (Or brand with type) 


I choosed Škoda 100 L, am not sure yet if I will be sharing porgress. I have converted measurments to scale and have foundation on cardboard.

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10 minutes ago, XOHimitsuOX said:

I thought about making a 1/4 scale Lamborghini, however after getting the tape measure out and seeing how big it would be, I immediately gave up that idea. However I am thinking about a 1/4 scale motorcycle. 

A 1/4 motorcycle sounds interesting too. Which type do you have in mind. Classic, caféracer, supersport?



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1 minute ago, Silent said:

I choosed Škoda 100 L, am not sure yet if I will be sharing porgress. I have converted measurments to scale and have foundation on cardboard.

I had to look up the model (as far as I know it wasn’t available in my area) and it looks cool and very classic.
Any colorscheme in mind for the car? 


When in the designing process I have a tip that I discovered during my horse carriage project. Make the rooftop removable for an easier placement of the dolls. It would a shame after building to discover that it is impossible to pose your doll correctly behind the wheel. 



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