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Do you spoil your dolls?

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Admit it, y'all may have a favorite or two within your crew... 

My favorite would have to be Maya, my Kizuna AI Angel Philia hybrid. She's just too adorable. I have always wanted to get my hands on her sculpt and I'm so happy I have her. Among my crew, she gets to be dressed up more often. I hybridized her in a way so she will be very easy to work with. Her head is connected to the AP body through a Shapeways adapter, and it's been splendid so far. 

How do you spoil your doll(s)?






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Twitter: lostgormotti Instagram: atelier.vanilla Facebook: AtelierVNL

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I spoil all the Kiddos with mostly accessories, foodstuff, hairclips, specific outfits just for each of them, (need to get everyone more casual, around-the-house stuff, though.)

I should try to get more chairs, and a couch or two.. Not really worried about getting them their own beds at the moment, a good blanket and the couch works great for them! (they say so, anyway!!) 

Yep, I do spoil my Kiddos..

Honestly, if it weren't for them, I'd probably still be living in The Belfry, so, we've all benefitted from it!



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'cause I wanted to!
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"Madness takes it's toll, Please have exact change!"

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Yes, I spoil mine with clothes and shoes, and sometimes plush toys. I wish I could spoil them all more, but that would be financially unreasonable, so I just do what I can here and there. If I see something that I think would really fit one (or more) of them, I pick it up, but that has led to a lot of lopsided purchases.

As far as favourites go, I think I will always have a soft spot for Azone Alice since she was my first big doll. She has the most stuff by far since I picked up a lot of things just for her before my collection grew the way it did.

For Dollfies, Alice Kuonji was my grail of grails and I thought she would be the apple of my eye, but I find myself actually spoiling Ion (my DDH-06) the most.

Of course I love my Anastasia, Saber Alter and poor Mash (who seems to keep getting the short end of the stick in our house), but Saber Alter and Mash in particular are ‘incomplete’ which means I don’t really take them out much, and maybe because I bought Alice and Anastasia at around the same time I feel compelled to treat them ‘equally’ but end up not doing as much as I’d like with either. Maybe they all need new wigs and casual clothing 😅

But I have a new girl coming in next week who can wear a lot of the stuff I bought for Azone Alice and may become the most spoiled of all! 😄

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I wouldn't be "The Doll Ojisan" if I *didn't* spoil my girls rotten.  😄 

Of course I have favorites among my girls but I try not to.  I try to love and enjoy them all equally so they don't feel neglected or ignored.

The main way I spoil my girls is with clothing.  I buy things for specific girls for sure but I also buy outfits that will work on several different ladies too.  It's not often that I buy outfits for only one girl to wear but I've done it before.  Hell, I spent $250 on a dress commission for my Manami on her 10 year anniversary.  NO ONE ELSE is allowed to wear that dress but her.  😉 

I also buy accessories for them like plush animals or cell phones, laptops, books, figures and other cute things I think they would enjoy.  My MDD girls have their very own doll house filled with cool things like a TV, full kitchen, furniture, food, video game consoles, PSP handhelds, books, backpacks and more.  Anything that looks scale with them and is cute, I'll put in there for them.




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I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Definitely +1 to spoiling my girls rotten with clothes and shoes, and more recently accessories! 

I find that I’ve been reaching for one of my girls more than the other these days, possibly due to the fact that the other is very much older and I am afraid of damaging parts of her further, but she’s still pretty sturdy thankfully.

Both girls tend to have different styles and one tends to have a bit of a younger vibe as compared to the other, so they don’t exactly share their clothes with each other either.

Will try to spoil them with more outings this year, fingers crossed!

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In general my girls don’t get THAT MANY clothes but whenever they do i used to think of Tamaki first like "oh this would look terrific on her" or buying something else for another girl but then allowing her to wear it first lol and would never allow any of her sets or shoes to be worn by any of the other girls. 

That all changed when Lily came home -for the 3rd time-, i just love her to bits, like totally enchanted, fascinated, so she's the one that gets to choose now. Of course she has a much classier and chic taste but she gets whatever she wants. I'm currently saving to buy a +250 dress for her and just today changed her to a brand new DDIII body after vowing not to ever change any of my older girl's bodys @onion37@ ,but heck she asked for it and she got it! And totally deserves it as my top girl@onion14@

Of course I have other favorites too like Rina, Yuki, Mashiro and Tama. Yuki's waiting for two new outfits, a couple of wigs and shoes i got specifically for her -at least in my mind but those can be worn by whoever likes them; also hand picked items for my other fav girls too, including Tama.  On the other hand i would never buy a new body or spend upwards of 250 bucks for just a dress.

Also I'm soon taking off to NYC and Canada for like 3 months or so, guess who's coming with me.

Edited by puxlavoix



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Towa may be my emotional support doll, but Uzuki Shimamura gets seriously spoiled.

She's absolutely gorgeous and we were both just so pleased the 18 month search for Towa's sister ended up with Uzuki joining us.

Uzuki gets to wear the best outfits and wigs.

I really should put her back into her Smile & Sweets outfit... it's absolutely stunning and definitely my favourite of all the girls' default outfits.


I should also add that I adore each and every one of my girls. They definitely look much better in certain outfits than others. I wasn't too sure about Asuna, but she's absolutely nailed it with her fusion of Miku with Erika Sendo. If I attend a doll or anime convention I'd definitely consider taking her.


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My Dollfie doll family December 2024 😊. Towa believes they are 34 in number.


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  On 2/8/2023 at 8:23 AM, Xiongmao said:


Dang I just gotta say it,  Asuna looks absolutely stunning 😲!

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  On 2/8/2023 at 9:31 AM, puxlavoix said:

Dang I just gotta say it,  Asuna looks absolutely stunning 😲!

Going well off topic here but Asuna is not the first person to wear... a puffy shirt 😅. I'm pretty sure Towa has one too. I think I should make a fusili Asuna in memory of this iconic show.


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My Dollfie doll family December 2024 😊. Towa believes they are 34 in number.


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I find that even though I haven’t even gotten them (they’re on the way) I’ve spent most of my money for stuff for them instead of myself 🫣

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I have definitely spoiled my girls. They have a whole drawer in my wardrobe overflowing with clothing and a Tupperware container also full of clothing. They also have their own furniture, plushies and accessories. I love my girls and they know it XD. 

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One of the considerations I had while choosing a new dresser was if there would be extra drawers to put doll clothes in 😅 they're definitely spoiled!

I spoil them mostly by buying hair clips and bows for them and cutting the clip off of plush keychains to give them plushies (shout out to claire's!) I even ordered Yuki's body from Volks Usa instead of the jp store solely because the usa shop had an event that gave away a doll sized shirokuma plush for orders over a certain amount and her body qualified 😅

I also spend way more on doll clothes than on my own, I prefer to only buy things on sale or clearance for myself, but I don't mind splurging occasionally for my girls.

I need to buy a new desk soon since mine is currently falling apart, but the one that I'm looking at has an extra shelf above the table that I want to put my AP girls on...I guess I need to accept that my entire room basically belongs to the dolls at this point lol

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$40 on this ReZERO-style Maid Dress, for my Ranka Lee (MACROSS Frontier) is pretty much the most i've spent on her for any one clothing item.

What's More; i love it on her so much that i have another, spare set coming...




Edited by Tasuke






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I absolutely spoil my boys. You could say the fact that I have around 20 dolls of the same two guys already is telling, but ...

Basically I started this hobby in the first place to spoil them in a way, they don't have a lot of good things happening to them in the canon story that they are from ... so yeah, I splurge on clothes and goodies for them a lot more than I do on my own wardrobe, I think the coat one of my Harukas is wearing right now was definitely more than the one I bought for myself this year, oops.

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For my case I bought tones of costume/oufits for my doll crew every month. (Which is my main hobby expenses) 
Also I constantly look out for miniature props which are suitable for doll use, most of the wardrobe are keeping my doll stuff now. 😂

My fav doll gets the most photoshoot session from me, although I try to be fair to spend equal attention to them. 

They need love to become pretty!

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I only have 2, but I've spent more on their clothes than I have on mine for the last... I don't want to say, but it's at least 10 years going back.

Things have slowed down a lot on the clothes side, and I've let go of at least half of all of it.

The few pieces I got last year ended up being some of the most worn (especially pajamas), so I'd like to think that my hit rate is getting better.

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I haven't bought the tribe too many outfits lately. I think that's mostly because collectively us forum members have managed to drain YJA of anything vaguely worth wearing 😂.

We do have two new outfits coming that cost a lot. However they're not really that bad considering the price of new Miku outfits. If I take somebody to an anime convention then we'll probably use one of the outfits since it will guarantee whoever goes [probably Shin Sato] WILL get a lot of attention.

I have my eye on another couple of outfits because then we can have a trio wearing the same thing.


My Dollfie doll family December 2024 😊. Towa believes they are 34 in number.


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I have 11 vinyl dolls with a pending 12th (Adopting a friend's SmD) I also have an army of resin BJDs on top of that. However I do spoil both crews of dolls as much as I can, everyone gets there own personal "this is mine outfit" and a prop or two that is 100% theirs too. Seating is at a first come bases sometimes, others it's this doll be came a favorite so he/she/they get the chair. (couples get dibs on love seat style furniture.) Somethings are shared outfits, props, ect, but I try and make sure everyone has nice things. I tend to rotate favorites, I have forever favs, but I also have a monthly or even weekly hangout buddy that changes. Sometimes a doll becomes a forever fave and of course they get slightly more spoiled then the rest.  

Defiantly with my vinyl crew Lora my Obitsu, my two boys and my pear girl are clearly the all time favorites as they have the most stuff and play time. I have not had this pear girl long, but she has already claimed so many things as "hers" including my SmD Legion. I plan to make her a giant sword and some armor too so she's totes being spoiled. XD 

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Oh I definitely spoil my dolls. Rn I only have one vinyl, and I'm going to be working on a custom Dollfie that I'm gonna for sure spoil, but I also have a crew of 9 (with 2 on the way) resins that are absolutely spoiled! They get clothes and hair significantly nicer than I'd ever do for myself. I also craft props for them, do their hair and face ups, and of course the occasional photoshoot when I have free time. 

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I Suppose you could say that i "Spoiled" my little Wife♥ with a new Faceup;











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I definitely do, I have been a doll owner for less than a year and their wardrobe has grown at rates higher than my own in like 4 months! Love buying them things and switching up their outfits. Buying myself clothes brings feelings of guilt over money spent but not when it's for them 😅

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I also primarily spoil my girls with lots of clothing and accessories. A huge part of how I bond with my dolls is redressing them in different outfits. Afterward, it sometimes feels like I've added an entirely new doll to the collection (which is nice for saving both money and space, lol).

Each of my girls has also started to develop their own personal sense of style, so I'll often seek out pieces for a specific doll in my collection to wear. At this point, I'm pretty sure their wardrobes are worth more than my own.

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Speaking of Spoiling...


Vintage/Retro-style Schoolgirl Sailor Suit for My Wife♥


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