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ever had doll-related dreams?

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not sure if a thread like this had been made but i wanted to hear if anyone here has had dolls show up in their dreams before? (kind of funny considering this forums name, hehe)

personally, i dream nearly every night and can remember them most of the time, as they tend to be really vivid. i can remember at least 2 different doll related dreams:

1. a long time ago, probably around the time i had first learned about dollfie dreams, i had a dream about finding an abandoned ddh-02/aoi outside in the street and being so excited, even though i wasnt a fan of the head sculpt (i am now though & hope to one day own aoi..!!), just for the opportunity to own one of these dolls at all!

2. a while ago i came across that thread about the 1/1 scale paper moon chii doll and did my own searching trying to find lots of pictures, completely smitten with her... and then that night i dreamt i owned one and took her on trips with me (she was really light for some reason & easy to carry) to places like an art/science museum, a park, and eventually on a train... at one point her wig fell off while i was carrying her around and i was frantically running all over the place trying to find it lol @onion30@

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Yes I did have one the other day... it's not surprising really.

It was a bit chaotic and I'm not sure what was happening, but nyan Yor seemed to be the main star.

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My Dollfie doll family December 2024 😊. Towa believes they are 34 in number.


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9 hours ago, Xiongmao said:

Yes I did have one the other day... it's not surprising really.

It was a bit chaotic and I'm not sure what was happening, but nyan Yor seemed to be the main star.

yeah, i guess its not surprising considering how frequently we are all probably thinking about dollies in our day-to-day lives...^^;:

i actually ended up having another one the night i posted this thread :') this time i had acquired super dollfie liselotte, but kept referring to her as/thought she was charlotte? and the dream ended before i could even take her out of the box!! devastating!

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Yeah, i have them all the time. Either I find them for sale, I'm interacting with my dolls in some way or another, i find stores with doll things in stock, or in some nightmares my dolls are destroyed in some way or another. I had a dream I had a Sasara and another where I had a bunch of dolls that don't exist in real life. I've had dreams where I'm traveling with my current girls too. So yeah, overall, a lot of dreams

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Currently at home: Autumn (DD2 DDH-01), Sakura (MDD3 DDH-08), Haku (Mio Akiyama), Mashiro (Mashiro Mito), Kaito (Vocaloid KAITO)

Mashiro Mito is my wife and I love her!

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On 2/10/2023 at 3:52 AM, CeliathePikachu said:

in some nightmares my dolls are destroyed in some way or another

oh no!! i actually tend to have nightmares more often than nice dreams, but have never had one about dolls like that before... now im sure a doll nightmare will be inevitable for me @onion32@

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47 minutes ago, littleclover said:

oh no!! i actually tend to have nightmares more often than nice dreams, but have never had one about dolls like that before... now im sure a doll nightmare will be inevitable for me @onion32@

Yeah, those are the worst @onion2@

It's always such a big relief to wake up and see my girls are safe. Anyway, hoping you don't have those kinds of nightmares

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Currently at home: Autumn (DD2 DDH-01), Sakura (MDD3 DDH-08), Haku (Mio Akiyama), Mashiro (Mashiro Mito), Kaito (Vocaloid KAITO)

Mashiro Mito is my wife and I love her!

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I actually just had my first doll related dream/nightmare yesterday 😂

In my dream I touched the face of my custom head - just, grabbing onto it and holding it like that. I think I was trying to redress him? In any case, once I realized that 'whoops, I might have damaged the face-up!' I let go of the head only to see that the area I touched was now covered in large, brown dots.. for whatever reason? I was pretty upset about it, but I was able to send him back to the artist and have him fixed up.

Coincidentally, the evening after the dream the same artist reached out to me to tell me that she finished a head I had sent to her last month and she mentioned that the head was a little bit more fragile due to the mods she had done and that - if anything ever happens, I can sent him back to fix him up again. 

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2 hours ago, RetroKanojo said:

I actually just had my first doll related dream/nightmare yesterday 😂

In my dream I touched the face of my custom head - just, grabbing onto it and holding it like that. I think I was trying to redress him? In any case, once I realized that 'whoops, I might have damaged the face-up!' I let go of the head only to see that the area I touched was now covered in large, brown dots.. for whatever reason? I was pretty upset about it, but I was able to send him back to the artist and have him fixed up.

Coincidentally, the evening after the dream the same artist reached out to me to tell me that she finished a head I had sent to her last month and she mentioned that the head was a little bit more fragile due to the mods she had done and that - if anything ever happens, I can sent him back to fix him up again. 

oh my gosh it almost seems like doll nightmares are so much more common than pleasant dreams..!! yours sounds horrible, the precious face-up getting ruined ;;o;; i'm glad you were able to get it all fixed in the dream, were you super relieved when you woke up? hahaha

and that coincidence is crazy!! it's nice to know you can reliably get him fixed up like that! ^_^ i had a dream/irl coincidence happen like that just now - dreamt that a doll listing i've been watching sold, then checked it this morning to find that it really had sold out!! @onion30@ lol

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I had a dream the other night where I was in a huge doll store in Japan lol. I was watching too many Youtube videos I think lol. The dream ended before i could even pick out a doll to buy @onion30@ 

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I've had multiple doll related dreams. Funny enough, a lot of them involve me suddenly realizing I have a doll I don't care about and can sell, thus having a little extra cash to get something else I might want. It has yet to happen in real life. 😆

I've also had dreams of getting a doll I've never considered owning, but woke up with a new appreciation for the sculpt, and sadly also nightmares of damaging my poor girls. 😥 What a relief it is to see them well afterwards!

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On 4/8/2023 at 2:22 PM, littleclover said:

oh my gosh it almost seems like doll nightmares are so much more common than pleasant dreams..!! yours sounds horrible, the precious face-up getting ruined ;;o;; i'm glad you were able to get it all fixed in the dream, were you super relieved when you woke up? hahaha

and that coincidence is crazy!! it's nice to know you can reliably get him fixed up like that! ^_^ i had a dream/irl coincidence happen like that just now - dreamt that a doll listing i've been watching sold, then checked it this morning to find that it really had sold out!! @onion30@ lol

I'm fairly new to the hobby and the head in question is my very first custom. There's a lot of anxiety over 'Oh gosh, I don't want to damage my precious doll, I have to be super careful!' and I think that just easily manifests itself into dreams, which might be why dolly 'nightmares' are more common? @onion9@I usually don't get very upset over nightmares and since my dream had a happy end it wasn't all that bad, but when I woke up I had a good chuckle! The coincidence of the artist reaching out to me later that day really was the icing on top!

Very unfortunate that your doll got snatched up @onion22@but I'm hope you'll get them next time!

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I've only had doll related dreams 3 times; once as a small child, and twice this year.


As a kid I had a few playline dolls like bratz that I liked pulling the limbs off of for some reason, so I ended up having a dream that one of them came to life to enact revenge on me for taking its limbs @onion13@

This year though my dreams were a lot more vivid.

The first one was of buying, receiving, and unboxing a 60cm resin doll, which isn't really something I'd ever buy; it felt so real that when I woke up I was confused when I couldn't find the doll in my display case.

The other one was a dream where I bought a new DD, and tried to pick up my Nero DD to make space in the display case for the new doll. But when I picked her up, all her limbs detached, she basically fell apart like the pieces had never been attached to her frame at all! It was really jarring but I was relieved to see her fine and normal in the display when I woke up later.


I tend to sometimes confuse my dreams for real memories, so the dreams I have being vivid is kind of a double edged sword.

Edited by ashefaust
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On 4/9/2023 at 5:36 PM, Strawberry_Dreamland said:

I had a dream the other night where I was in a huge doll store in Japan lol. I was watching too many Youtube videos I think lol. The dream ended before i could even pick out a doll to buy @onion30@ 

that's always how it works out in dreams, coming so close to getting something and waking up just before you do!! @onion19@ dreams are annoying in that way!

On 4/9/2023 at 6:27 PM, Yuns said:

I've had multiple doll related dreams. Funny enough, a lot of them involve me suddenly realizing I have a doll I don't care about and can sell, thus having a little extra cash to get something else I might want. It has yet to happen in real life. 😆

I've also had dreams of getting a doll I've never considered owning, but woke up with a new appreciation for the sculpt, and sadly also nightmares of damaging my poor girls. 😥 What a relief it is to see them well afterwards!

i've had similar dreams too, both about having an extra doll to sell as well as dreams about dolls i didn't appreciate before..!! :0 i hope you don't end up having any more nightmares though!!!

On 4/10/2023 at 9:22 AM, RetroKanojo said:

I'm fairly new to the hobby and the head in question is my very first custom. There's a lot of anxiety over 'Oh gosh, I don't want to damage my precious doll, I have to be super careful!' and I think that just easily manifests itself into dreams, which might be why dolly 'nightmares' are more common? @onion9@I usually don't get very upset over nightmares and since my dream had a happy end it wasn't all that bad, but when I woke up I had a good chuckle! The coincidence of the artist reaching out to me later that day really was the icing on top!

Very unfortunate that your doll got snatched up @onion22@but I'm hope you'll get them next time!

that definitely makes sense, anxieties are often overwhelming/overpowering in terms of emotions so it makes sense they'd have the most sway over the subject of our dreams. it's great to know everything is going well with your head :^D!! i hope you'll post some pics when he arrives back into your care? would love to see how it turns out~!!

and thank you!! there are a few other listings of her floating around... i'm excited for this school semester to end so i can pickup some shifts @ work and save up the money to buy her!! :^)

23 hours ago, meltychoco_BJD said:

I've only had doll related dreams 3 times; once as a small child, and twice this year.


As a kid I had a few playline dolls like bratz that I liked pulling the limbs off of for some reason, so I ended up having a dream that one of them came to life to enact revenge on me for taking its limbs @onion13@

This year though my dreams were a lot more vivid.

The first one was of buying, receiving, and unboxing a 60cm resin doll, which isn't really something I'd ever buy; it felt so real that when I woke up I was confused when I couldn't find the doll in my display case.

The other one was a dream where I bought a new DD, and tried to pick up my Nero DD to make space in the display case for the new doll. But when I picked her up, all her limbs detached, she basically fell apart like the pieces had never been attached to her frame at all! It was really jarring but I was relieved to see her fine and normal in the display when I woke up later.


I tend to sometimes confuse my dreams for real memories, so the dreams I have being vivid is kind of a double edged sword.

oh gosh, that dream about your nero totally sounds like a textbook nightmare scenario, glad you had relief when you woke up!! @onion30@ it almost sounds like more revenge being enacted for pulling apart the bratz dolls!!

since the dream about the resin bjd was so vivid, was it an actual doll that exists irl, or something entirely made up within the dream? :0 i'm curious!!

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On 4/11/2023 at 1:40 PM, littleclover said:

since the dream about the resin bjd was so vivid, was it an actual doll that exists irl, or something entirely made up within the dream? :0 i'm curious!!

Honestly I'm not sure!

I feel like it was probably visually an amalgamation of several resin dolls I'd seen in the past. In the dream it had a sculpt name, but I don't remember it fully now. It started with an A I think, and I think it was pretty long. I don't remember the company either, but the box was a sort of dark green?

All I really remember about it was that it was a male doll and the face had a strong browline and very pointed nose, but that's pretty common with the taller resin guys, so it really could have been anybody!

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Yes! I dream a lot and they tend to mostly be weird, but occasionally I have doll dreams. Usually stuff like accidentally damaging or staining them, or accidentally purchasing an expensive doll that I don't like or something.

I had a funny one a while back while studying Japanese and couldn't figure out the answer for my homework and left the question blank. I had a dream where my DD explained the answer to me, and since I figured it made sense I wrote it down in the morning. It turned out to be correct and I thanked her for her help lol.

Most of my dreams are usually stressful, weird, or just plain nightmares but I remember probably my happiest dreams was that I was in this really cute, pink, but mostly empty mall that had some kind of cafe/pastry/ice cream shop selling cute animal themed desserts on the bottom floor. I walked up the stairs and into this store that had everything I like and collect: stuffed animals, Hello Kitty, Sylvanian Families, Barbies from my childhood, Licca-chans, Pullips, Azone dolls, anime figures, and of course DDs and bjds. The whole dream had this very light, dreamy filter on (like when you put vaseline on a camera lens) and I woke up while trying to choose between Licca-chan dolls. I feel happy just recalling the dream lol

My mom once told me about having a nightmare where a specific one of my dolls was lying broken at the bottom of the basement stairs. That doesn't really seem scary but she said somehow it was radiating bad vibes that made the dream really freaky and she didn't like being around that specific doll of mine after that. I thought it was surprising she was able to identify the one doll of mine that was in the dream, since she was never into dolls or paid my collection much mind and thinks everything's either a Bratz or Barbie 😅

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7 hours ago, Roserolls said:

My mom once told me about having a nightmare where a specific one of my dolls was lying broken at the bottom of the basement stairs. That doesn't really seem scary but she said somehow it was radiating bad vibes that made the dream really freaky and she didn't like being around that specific doll of mine after that. I thought it was surprising she was able to identify the one doll of mine that was in the dream, since she was never into dolls or paid my collection much mind and thinks everything's either a Bratz or Barbie 😅

this immediately made me think of that one twilight zone episode "living doll", the scene at the very end is kind of similar.. creepy!! i wonder if that had any influence at all on her having that dream if she's seen it, haha

also i can commiserate with you about most dreams being stressful/weird/scary ones, 9 times out of 10 mine are the same way ;;;w;;;

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Reporting back with another dolly dream I had recently, this time the more fun and relaxing kind. 😉

I dreamt I was living in the city I moved away from a good couple months ago again and one of my online-friends came to visit me. She was actually the one who introduced me to BJD/Vinyls and we had been talking about our dolls a few days before the dream, so I suppose that was the trigger! Anyway, I show her around a couple stores where one could buy dolls - or just clothes/accessories and it was really fun! (None of those places actually exist irl though)

One of the stores even had a life-sized version of one of their dolls (I think it was Tinyfox Fibonacci - I own her, so it's not surprising she snuck into my dream, haha) to show of the detailing on the clothes. It was really cool!

Ahh I only wish 'doll stores' would actually be a thing around these parts. I'd love to just go and browse items for a bit, although I suppose it's better for my wallet that I can't.. @onion22@Maybe if I ever make it to Japan..

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I had a dream the other night that I somehow came to have a Magical Princess ver. Lucy Misora with a custom faceup in my collection!

I've had various doll-related dreams over the years, from getting lucky with rare finds to dreams about my own collection. You can definitely tell this is my longest running and most in-depth hobby, I'm sure. I've dreamt of Pullips, Blythe, BJDs, and DDs.

I'm hoping my dream wasn't a sign that I need Lucy in my collection lmao

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Kiyomi DDS DDH-06 🧡 Miyuki DDS DDH-06 🧡 Shiori DDS Mariko Summer Festival 🧡 Kanade DDDy DDH-07 🧡 Honoka DD DDH-09 🧡 Priyanka DDS Anthy Himemiya

Any pronouns are fine

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I only ever had one doll dream many years ago with my first doll. In my dream he was real, like human and he was so adorable 🥺 but then he fell and his face started to crack 🥲 it started so tender and ended like a nightmare lmao

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I know I posted previously, but I keep having dreams that they reopen the USA Volks store and I get to visit ;u; must be wishful thinking

Currently at home: Autumn (DD2 DDH-01), Sakura (MDD3 DDH-08), Haku (Mio Akiyama), Mashiro (Mashiro Mito), Kaito (Vocaloid KAITO)

Mashiro Mito is my wife and I love her!

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I have a reoccurring dream of entering these fantastical multi-floor antique and collectables stores and finding nice custom Blythes for a good price. Obviously I have read too many stories of people finding legit BJDs and Blythes / Pullips at thrift, because I've never once seen one. And I only own two Blythe dolls, so... why Blythe? Only my subconscious knows.

I also have a fair number of dreams about going to non-existent meetups. My real-life experience has spoiled me there. Before school and work took over, I had the opportunity to go to three big ones and four or five smaller ones. It is something I miss tremendously, and wish I had an easily-accessible way to attend again.

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Yami Usagi

I had a dream once that I was inspecting my doll, moved his shirt, and saw a stain on the back of the neck. It slowly revealed itself and I woke up from the shock. Even though stains don’t bother me that much. Maybe they do…

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I did have a few doll dreams before, I think they were mostly dreams about ... parts?

Stuff like exchanging limbs and similar. Guess that is a part about the hobby that my brain likes to dissect the most?

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ALL the time. I have dreams about going to doll stores and they have tons Obitsu parts specifically. Maybe that's my subconscious telling me I want to visit a place that actually has doll stores

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Wow, everyone has interesting dreams! I don't tent to dream much, and even when I do, I very rarely remember them ^^; 

I think I only had a dream on getting a grail doll, but can't remember what kind of doll it was. 😅

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