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ever had doll-related dreams?

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I vaguely recall having some doll-related dreams... the one I remember most vividly had an entirely unrelated A plot, but at one point, I found my way into this huge showcase style room. It was a lavender-painted circle room and had built-in white counters which were covered in dolls and doll materials (clothes, accessories, furniture, you name it) plus it had this huge counter in the middle of the room with a super big display of dolls and a spotlight overhead. At the center of the display was this one doll (can't recall what she looked like) who was the focal point of the whole room. something was strange with the room, but it wasn't visible.

The other dream I can remember that was doll-related was from when I first got Minori. I was at odds with an extended family member at the time and the feeling carried over to the dream and mixed with my anxiety about Minori. In the dream, the family member was poking around when they discovered Minori and took her. They were touching her all over with ink-stained hands and when I asked them to stop, they dropped her on the floor where she shattered into pieces. As I picked her up and tried to put her back together, the stains spread more and more until I realised that my hands were also covered in ink and I was making it worse. I think I cried for a while before the dream moved on (my dreams are very strange and hardly ever stay in one place very long) but the feeling of gloom stayed with me even when I woke up. The first thing I did was check on Minori to make sure she was okay, and sure enough, she was fine lol. (stress dreams, am I right? 😖)

Edited by frollywoggy
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"And after the artist has been long gone, turned to dust, the art remains." -Spiritfarer

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Since i first wanted MDD's i have had dreams about them XDD

Basically most relate to me seeing them in a store of sorts, sometimes they are small (Smaller then a Monster High Doll) other times not so much. 

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I've had a few odd dreams throughout the years. 

Sometimes I dream I'm in Japan and spending ungodly amounts of money on cuties only to end up leaving them at the airport by accident or something horrific like that.

Pretty sure I've once dreamed about visiting Balldylox several times and admiring his army of girls. 

I'm sure I've had a few nightmares about breaking a DD too but I don't think I've ever actually dreamt about any dolls that *I've* owned myself.  

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I had a dream last night, I went to a forest and I found a small drawer in the bushes. I had to be careful because the earth was very mossy. When I looked inside the drawer, first I only found some porcelain figures. But in the second drawer there were azone dolls, mamachapp, Sylvanian families, clothes for said dolls, etc. I stuffed it all in my pockets and my bag and quickly ran away because I was scared that the police would otherwise catch me😂

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My dolls were finally in my dreams the other night. I'm not sure who it was though. In one scene the doll was standing upright in the centre of the room. I think it was Shin Sato, but I couldn't be certain.


My Dollfie doll family 😊.

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I had another doll related dream last night. I'm almost certain Shin Sato was in it again 😁.

I've been really bad at remembering dreams lately. I don't know if it's because of the time of year or some supplements I've been taking.


My Dollfie doll family 😊.

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My dreams are pretty bizarre, thankfully I remember them for the most part, I’ve had some doll dreams before mostly doll anxiety. One time I dreamt I was at a mall section where I was holding my doll Onyx, she’s a Smd Cocoa but for some reason I walk to showcase something and she wasnt with me so I run back and a lady had picked her up and painted her blueeee 

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Strangely I've been having a lot of doll related dreams lately 😵. Maybe it's because I seldom leave the house these days and interact with actual humans.


My Dollfie doll family 😊.

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So, recently I've been trying to decide if I want to buy a Smart Doll Athena in Tea that someone was selling secondhand. I was considering it because I was interested in Smart Dolls but didn't want to buy from Danny Choo directly, plus I love the tea skintone and Athena's face. I was hesitant though because the price was high and I wasn't sure if I really wanted to get another 1/3 doll, because they're kinda big for me and can be a bit unwieldy. I then suddenly started having dreams about the Azone Fuwa Fuwa cats Uyuri that I was really interested in a while back. The dreams made me consider if I would rather have a 1/4 doll like her to fit into my MDD and Azone 45 clothes that don't fit my other 1/4 dolls properly. I kept hemming and hawing and going back and forth on the decision though.

Well, last night I had a dream where I was trying to buy the Uyuri, only to find that she was already sold out EVERYWHERE. I couldn't find her for the life of me, even on sketchy sites. I even started crying a little in the dream lmao 😭. I woke up covered in sweat, heart racing, and feeling slightly sick to my stomach, which is normal for my stress nightmares, but I don't know why a dolly dream caused this! I felt really embarrassed waking up 😅. Like dang, girl, I was probably gonna choose you anyway! No need to resort to unleashing psychic attacks on me!

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13 hours ago, Roserolls said:

So, recently I've been trying to decide if I want to buy a Smart Doll Athena in Tea that someone was selling secondhand. I was considering it because I was interested in Smart Dolls but didn't want to buy from Danny Choo directly

Just a word of caution, you can't get parts without a good standing relationship with SmartDoll, and tea color won't match any other doll skin color so you couldn't put her head on a Volks or Azone body. 

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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8 hours ago, BeyondTime said:

Just a word of caution, you can't get parts without a good standing relationship with SmartDoll, and tea color won't match any other doll skin color so you couldn't put her head on a Volks or Azone body. 

Yeah, that's another one of the reasons I was so hesitant. I didn't want to buy her from the main site, but I also didn't want to jump through hoops for replacement parts if the secondhand doll got any damage (not to mention the hand packs...)

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I tend to get weird dreams bordering on nightmares when it's too hot in my sleeping room. Coupled with the fact that two of my dolls are headless but not body-less, and probably too much Mandarake browsing, that resulted in a weird doll-related dream:

I dreamt that I found a pretty DD with long silver hair wearing a dress on a table, laying between other goods. Her hair fully covered her face, so I reached out to see how her face looked. I moved her hair aside...and there was no face or head, merely a head-shaped hole (GYAAAAAAH!!!@onion13@). From the back of which extended a wig-like upper jaw and lower jaw, like what you'd find in a whale's mouth, attached to the body with thick bouts of rope. That promptly moved towards myself in an attempt to grab me.

From there my memory of the dream goes a little fuzzy, but I vaguely remember the doll was pursuing me in a ghost-like manner (floating), extending her arms and wig-hair-mandibles towards me, demanding a head*. Of course, she was only 60 cm and made of plastic, so easy to keep at bay.

Then I woke up.

* Don't ask me how she talked with no real mouth, it was a dream.@onion16@


That might be interpreted as some sort of psychological torment taking place, or something worse if you believe that dolls have spirits, but at least it wasn't the type of catapult nightmare like I sometimes have...OTOH, it would make a good ghost anime episode.



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I had a dream that my DD turned into a mermaid and after she finished transforming that's when I woke up...

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I never thought I'd have one, but, I finally had a Doll-related dream a few years back. I was walking in the nighttime alongside what turned out to be railroad tracks, searching for something. I then came across a metal staircase that went pretty high up, was only wide enough for one person, and was structured in a strange way. As I climbed it, I realized I was looking for a DDdy Kanu Unchou in her box and noticed a thin dresser almost 2/3rd of the way up and knew somehow that she would be behind the dresser. But, then, because dreams are weird and like to change, the dresser and Kanu disappeared and I was suddenly at the top of the staircase that led to nowhere. And that's when I woke up.

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i have a TON of doll-related dreams, although my dreams tend to be very very strange and disjointed due to some medications i take so it's hard to describe specific things 😅 but the vast majority of my doll dreams somehow involve finding a doll or box of doll stuff that i either forgot i had, or was just left somewhere by someone so i get doll stuff for free 😆 it's also a pretty good mix of resin and vinyl dolls since im into both.

basically lots of free dolls in my dreams, LOL

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Posted (edited)

I'm definitely in the weird-dreams-that-change-plot-multiple-times camp, but I do remember some doll related one, although so far, most have been about Monster High dolls, specifically. It's usually that I find some to buy second hand, or just buy some normally at a store, but the unpleasant part is that I wake up and realize I don't have any new dolls! 😰

Disappoints me everytime, lol.

Edited by Giallo_Gatta
Used wrong word
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Posted (edited)

Sadly no or I cannot remember them. Maybe one day when I remind them. 

Edited by Rajke



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Tbh, I don't think I’ve ever had a doll-related dream. At least anytime recently, but then again, I seldom remember my dreams. And if I do, it's usually some freaky-ass shit anyway, so I wouldn't want to.

But one time, @rudebuster told me she had a dream about us customizing an Akaza Smart Doll, back when there were male Smart Dolls and Dollfie Dream Boys weren't really a thing. Incidentally, we recently customized a DDB Akaza.

She also told me she was deathly afraid of Chucky when she was a kid, thanks to a cardboard standup at a movie store. However, she overcame her fear several years later after she had a dream of Chucky singing opera. Then she just found him funny. Still afraid of the friendly extraterrestrial turd, though. "Meat Wall-E," as someone on another forum called him—loved that nickname for him.

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Sometimes you're Godzilla and sometimes you're Tokyo.

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I very rarely remember my dreams if I'm being honest. When I do remember my dreams, however, my doll related ones always go hand in hand with my thrift shopping ones? So I'll either find myself in a huge thrift store for just doll related things, or I find myself in a regular thrift store and magically find a dollfie in mint condition. It's a little strange, but it's finnnnne!

Although, I do wish that physical thrift stores for anything doll related existed near my home. @onion4@

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