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have an intro thing

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hey i'm ryan and i am 31. i work in IT for a mobile imaging company (we do xrays, ultrasounds, ekgs and lab work). it's safe to assume i like most nerdy things (games, anime, books etc). music and food are my guilty pleasures. i also enjoy exercising. my entry into the doll world was with smartdoll about 6 years ago and i got my first dollfie dream not long after.

i have autism and struggle with self-expression/communication. i've struggled with things like depression and low self-esteem...i shut myself off from people after a point (because they suck but i kept myself down too) which is why no one would know me. i've kinda been having an early mid-life crisis the last couple months and other than the importance of dolls coming full circle to me, i realized a lotta other things i ignored....like i needed people more than i told myself.

i've lived in FL for about the same length of time i've had a doll but i don't know anyone in the state. so yeah. lookin to start socializing again somewhere i guess and feel more comfortable with myself around others...both IRL and online (the cons in FL suck though.....i've been to a couple different ones). i'm noticing social anxiety isn't limited to IRL situations. idk a lotta people online really either anymore and i've felt more awkward/insecure than usual since my life started moving again.

i'm on instagram mostly because i like photography, taking pictures of my girls and sharing them (i really love them) but i cut other social media recently because it's not doin me a lotta good right now. that's kinda all i got though.

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Hi Casuallydolled,

Welcome to the forums. 
Also a person in his early thirties with autism and collecting dolls (that uses Instagram).

Sad to hear that you struggle with communicating and expression yourself. After reading your post I have a lot of respect that you are making the step for communication. I can relate that it is not an easy one. Hope you will join us in this small community.

What I learned in the past years is that you shouldn’t undervalue and underestimate yourself.

Hope you will post some photo’s of your girls around here. 
We do like photo’s.



Seeya around,





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Hey there!

I completely agree with @Rajke!

To recognize what aspects of your life you aren't happy with is much harder than it might seem and to take the step and make an effort to actually try and change these things is even harder! I think that alone is worth of admiration!

I hope you will find it easier to connect with people who share your love with dolls! It would be nice if they could help you overcome your difficulties. @onion34@

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Welcome! 22 year old, and a new collector myself.

This community is by far the most open and welcoming groups I’ve seen in a while. I’m sure you’ll connect with like minded people ❤️

Ah if you take a lot of photography you should definitely drop some favourite shots you’ve taken, or link your Instagram (if you’re comfortable of course!) 

Also between DD and Smart Doll, do you have a preference between the two, or others you’ve come upon over the years? (I recently found TinyFox and I am enchanted by them !) 

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