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Face suggestions for custom Chii!

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Hi there~
I was going to go after my grail of an SD Chii, but decided I'd actually rather make a custom Chii using a Dollfie Dream.
I'm wondering what people would suggest as a good head sculpt for her!

I was thinking the DDH-01 head, as I am quite sure that was the original sculpt casted, but would also love more suggestions 😄

If anyone also knows where I could source outfits for her, I would appreciate it too!
Thank you <3

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I'd go with Mariko.
Though she might not be easy to get a hold of, or cheap. So then I'd probably pick DDH-06. (Or if you'd consider SQlab headsanother)
But a face-up does such a difference, and DDH-01 is really versatile, so you cannot really go wrong there!

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51 minutes ago, Yumeiro said:

I'd go with Mariko.
Though she might not be easy to get a hold of, or cheap. So then I'd probably pick DDH-06. (Or if you'd consider SQlab headsanother)
But a face-up does such a difference, and DDH-01 is really versatile, so you cannot really go wrong there!

There was someone selling a Chii-inspired outfit modelled on a Mariko in a FB group some years ago, the eye shape works great for Chii! You can't look at the photos without having joined the group, so I'll link them here and here.

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i'm gonna throw in my vote for ddh-01! it suits the manga style well, with the small mouth and eye & head shape.. and also i'm biased because i love the look of older dolls & their simpler sculpts lol

but also, there's actually a mariko summer festival ver up on dollyteria for relatively cheap (at least compared to what i have seen her go for before) right now, if that's what u end up wanting to go with~ because she would make a very cute chii too!

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8 hours ago, Yumeiro said:

I'd go with Mariko.
Though she might not be easy to get a hold of, or cheap. So then I'd probably pick DDH-06. (Or if you'd consider SQlab headsanother)
But a face-up does such a difference, and DDH-01 is really versatile, so you cannot really go wrong there!

Thank you!

I was definitely leaning more towards the DDH-O1.

The SQ Labs are also incredibly adorable too 😍

The great thing is even if the doll is expensive, it won't be anymore expensive than SD Chii 🤣

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Funny how thing work, I'm planning on a custom Chii, too! 

I've got her head, Beat Angel Escalayer, because I like her cheery, happy expression! Like when Hideki picks Chii up from the bakery, and she goes on and on about how things went! 

With a little bit of eyebrow recoloring, and her correct eyes, she'd go great on a DDS body:


(I thought of a DDP, but it might be too small for her?) 

And, there's a seller on Etsy, who has her classic ears and hair spools, 3D printed: 

https://www.etsy.com/listing/973443803/magnetic-chobits-ears-for-smart-doll-13?ref=hp_active-mission-recs-rv-1-4 (There's only one left!) 

Volks also has a shirt (part of a set) that I'm seriously looking at, until I either get her brown dress, or her outfit she wears at the bakery. 


I'll be looking forward to how you make yours, and be happy to post more of mine as I get her together. 

Good luck!! I'm sure she (yours!) will be super cute!





Edited by battrastard
me haz fat-fingers!!
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"Madness takes it's toll, Please have exact change!"

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1 hour ago, battrastard said:

Funny how thing work, I'm planning on a custom Chii, too! 

I've got her head, Beat Angel Escalayer, because I like her cheery, happy expression! Like when Hideki picks Chii up from the bakery, and she goes on and on about how things went! 

With a little bit of eyebrow recoloring, and her correct eyes, she'd go great on a DDS body:


(I thought of a DDP, but it might be too small for her?) 

And, there's a seller on Etsy, who has her classic ears and hair spools, 3D printed: 

https://www.etsy.com/listing/973443803/magnetic-chobits-ears-for-smart-doll-13?ref=hp_active-mission-recs-rv-1-4 (There's only one left!) 

Volks also has a shirt (part of a set) that I'm seriously looking at, until I either get her brown dress, or her outfit she wears at the bakery. 


I'll be looking forward to how you make yours, and be happy to post more of mine as I get her together. 

Good luck!! I'm sure she (yours!) will be super cute!





Her sculpt is so cute!!

I can't wait to see her finished. I'd definitely love to see your custom Chii!


Hehe yes! I was thinking of grabbing the ears and hair part once I grabbed the head or doll. Hopefully they make some more 😄

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1 minute ago, Vampurrr said:

Hopefully they make some more 😄

There's always the possibility of that! I'd suggest messaging them thru Etsy or their page, if they might make more in the future? 

"Madness takes it's toll, Please have exact change!"

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I have noticed the "only one left" is often times a sale tactic instead of there really being only one left. A lot of sellers do this because people feel more easier pushed towards buying it in fear of missing out. FOMO is sadly a very real thing in this hobby.

A lot of items I have on my wishlist often get sold out and then I get a notification the next day that there is again "only one left of the item you have favourited". 


Of course you can never be 100% sure and there really could be only 1 left. That's the thing. It's always going to be a gamble in the end somewhat, but a lot of times it does is a sale tactic more than anything. You can kind of guess by seeing what the item is made of. If they are made of materials that should normally not easily run out, it's pretty safe to say they will not really sell out. If for example they use things that could be limited (like fabrics for some outfits) then they probably would sell out at one point. Since these should normally fall into the first category, I think it's pretty safe to assume they'll be around as long as the seller feels like making them.

And indeed, you could always ask the seller to make you another pair. Since they are 3D printed, this should most likely not be too much of an issue. And I know these particular ears have been around for a while already. So I wouldn't be too worried 🙂

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