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Hi, Can I put dollfie Dream thighs on Obitsu 50cm?

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Hi. I’m kind of new here. I have a 50cm obitsu doll that has angel philia bust and torso. I cannot find angel philia thighs anywhere. I need whitey c thighs. But I was wondering if one of dollfie Dream smaller dolls would fit my obitsu. The c torso on the 50 cm obitsu has a lot of space where the thighs go. They don’t have to be really thick, just fill up the space. Ty for reading.


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On 2/25/2023 at 6:40 AM, Willow said:

Hi. I’m kind of new here. I have a 50cm obitsu doll that has angel philia bust and torso. I cannot find angel philia thighs anywhere. I need whitey c thighs. But I was wondering if one of dollfie Dream smaller dolls would fit my obitsu. The c torso on the 50 cm obitsu has a lot of space where the thighs go. They don’t have to be really thick, just fill up the space. Ty for reading.


Mai's on this exact combination (Angel Philia bust + torso, type-C thighs) and can assure you that in a pinch, you can put the regular 48 or 50cm Obitsu thighs on that torso. I did it for a while until my type-C thighs came in late last year.

The whitey thighs probably won't restock on the store until September or October, so secondhand is your best bet. 

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