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White Album's Yuki and Macross's Minmei

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I do have to say that Morikawa-san makes a very excellent Minnei. I never thought about it until now but she's a dead ringer in my mind....all you would need is an outfit. I wonder if they created her with Minmei in mind- Yuki is an idol after all.


I totally agree that Yuki looks very much like Minmei.








Thank you for mentioning that, Nakitaninja!

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Omg!!! Thank you for posting the pictures, I had no idea they were actually that similar. I hadn't looked up Ms. Minmei in a really long time but that is almost freaky!


Does anyone on this board actually own this DD? I know you have quite a few daughters, Mitsuki? Is Yuki one of them? She's such a lovely girl. I would want to hug her all time. Someone who knows how to sew must make the outfit.... ^^;;;; I am terrible at sewing so I have to live vicariously through someone else. (Me=pathetic.)


Anyone? Anyone????




Minmei/Yuki I looooove you!


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Yes, I have a Yuki. Her name is Haruka:




I can't sew either!

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I'm feeling dumb because I just "favorite-d" a bunch of photos of her on your flickr account and didn't even recognize her. Duuuuuuurrrrrrr... >_<;;;;;


She's completely stunning. I would love to have a dollfie that kind of epitomizes the 'sweet school girl' look and Yuki really does that exceedingly well. She's like someone I'd like to know in real life because she seems like she'd be really sweet, friendly and always listen to whatever problems you may have.


I love your pictures btw. You're very talented and make her truly come alive! ~<3


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Thank you for all the compliments! You are so nice! I am glad you like my photos. Don't feel bad for not recognizing her. I wish Volks would make more girls like Yuki. She came out very different from other DDs Volks has released. I totally agree with how she seems she would be like in real life!

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Wow, she really does look like Minmay. I'm more of a Millia fan myself, though. (It would be inapproprate for me to feel otherwise, considering the name thing, haha.)

DD Beatrice - DD Saber/EXTRA

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I love yuki so much, i would die for her xD ...


But in my opinion her face is a little to girlish for Minmei ^///^

I think the only reason why Yuki looks like Minmei is that both have long dark hair ^^


☆〜(ゝ。∂) ♥ Dollfie Dream Faceups ~ ☆

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But in my opinion her face is a little to girlish for Minmei ^///^

I think the only reason why Yuki looks like Minmei is that both have long dark hair ^^


Well that and both of them being idol singers draws the comparison too.


Yamato put out a large scale Minmei doll a few years ago. Not sure the exact size but if someone really wants a Minmei doll, or possibly a Minmei outfit for a DD if the scale is close, you could look into tracking one down.




I have a Yuki, she just arrived a couple of weeks ago. I'm going to rename her as well but haven't settled on a name.

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How about a dark-eyed Neris?




Neris looks older than Yuki.

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ding ding ding ding ding!


Boy, they look similar. That must be what sort-of compels me for Neris. I Looooooooove dark eyed Neris. I like those much better than her default- however those fathomless blue eyes are super unique.


Alas, I spent my money on Beato. Sad. Sort of.


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I really like how Neris might look with dark eyes. I might have to get Neris.

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Neris looks a lot better with dark eyes than the blue ones she's going to come with, but I'm still not sure I'm seeing Minmei. Minmei has a fairly angular face with a sharp chin (especially in DYRL). I wonder if Saber Lily with dark eyes and wig wouldn't work better. The eye accents on Saber Lily aren't really right though, but as a head shape for a remakeup maybe not a bad start.

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I looked up the Yamato Minmei doll and it's based on an obitsu 50cm body, so the outfit is probably too small for a DD.

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Lily's default eyes are really big. Sorry, I didn't change her hair.

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If you wiped out the heavy paint above the eyes themselves, are the eyes actually any larger?

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I can try that. I have seen Lily parents exchange her eyes because you can't see much of the sclera. Big eyes make them look cute though.

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With the smaller eyes I think she's where I would start for Minmei. Of course I don't have 100% of the DD heads memorized so there may be an even better one.

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I agree. Too bad she is so expensive. There could be a head out there for sale.

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I've seen Lily head/body combinations on sale without the outfit and armor, but they were still asking about 70000JPY. Didn't seem to be selling at that price though. It would definitely be a pricey custom.


I always preferred Misa anyway.

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WOW! The similarities!! Nice eye on the detail! :o

My Girls:

-Mini Dollfie Dream w/ HDD-01 "Razzlyn"

-Dollfie Dream II w/ HDD-02 "Aquafina"

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Wow they look really alike, I never noticed that until now...

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I wish Volks would do a Minmei or at least some of her crazy "futuristic" outfits.

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well minmei timeline was 2009-2012 or so from what i remember. so its actually retro. but whats more important is where are they hiding the huge robots. we should have them by now. i want a fully functional valkyrie on my driveway

making my triumphant return

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