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Brushes for super thin lines recommendations?

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Hello! I always see amazing faceup artists who draw very thin lines at the end of the dolls eyeliner for anime eyes on Dollfie Dreams. I tried to practice this many times on curved surfaces with the thinnest brush I could find in hobby lobby but it was still leagues thicker! Do any of you faceup artists just know how to find really small brushes or is it a technique? ^-^ 

I have heard that nail brushes work well for the few forums I’ve seen discussing small BJD lines like eyelashes, but when I search this from nail artists I hear that brushes for miniatures would work better for super detailed nails (lol!) Lots of nail brushes I see in stores seem rather large as well. So are there any specific brushes those with experience for Dollfie heads would recommend for those extra tiny lines? Or is it 100% a type of skill to get them that thin? 
Thanks so much! 

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I've tried all kinds of super-fine artists' brushes, but the best I've found have been cheap nail art brushes, no contest. I've been using these for a few years now (which is kind of embarrassing considering how tacky they look lol) and they've served me very well.

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I really like the Volks 05 brush. It's not super tiny, but having a bigger base means the brush is less floppy so you have more control, and there's some spring to the fiber that gives a very nice fine tapered line from the tip.

It also helps to mix your paints with a medium instead of water to give a good flow, I like Liquitex Slow Dry fluid medium.

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9 hours ago, jadepixel said:

I really like the Volks 05 brush. It's not super tiny, but having a bigger base means the brush is less floppy so you have more control, and there's some spring to the fiber that gives a very nice fine tapered line from the tip.

It also helps to mix your paints with a medium instead of water to give a good flow, I like Liquitex Slow Dry fluid medium.

I adore your work so I really appreciate this, thank you!! <3 Control does seem like a very important factor! Love the advice!

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13 hours ago, 0bsequi0us said:

I've tried all kinds of super-fine artists' brushes, but the best I've found have been cheap nail art brushes, no contest. I've been using these for a few years now (which is kind of embarrassing considering how tacky they look lol) and they've served me very well.

Thank you so much I’ll definitely check them out! <3

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Thin brushes are kind of a myth for fine lines. You need to practice line control and flow to produce fine lines.
I reccomend using natural fiber brushes, because you can condition them back into shape easier. The lifespan on synthetic brushes are a lot shorter, and it's a bit harder to restore brushes back to their original condition (in my experience)

Small and thin brushes load less paint and can result in inconsistent, sketchy lines. This can cause lines to look fuzzy and messy when painting longer lines. Since larger brushes load more paint, you can draw a lot longer lines without needing to dip your brush into more paint.

Some thin brushes are OK... Like the really long script or liner brushes. However I find those to be a bit more specialized and difficult to control.

I prefer thick brushes that come to a fine point, like what jadepixel said. 

Ultimately it's totally up to personal preference. What works for one person, may not apply to you.

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