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Difference Between DD and DDS Feet?

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I'm currently thinking of buying an Adyka doll body for my upcoming DDH-09 head, which requires some DD parts separately. I noticed that on the Volks USA website, the DD-f3 feet in semiwhite is sold out, but the DDS size feet are still available. Are there any differences size-wise between the regular DD feet and DDS feet that I should know about, or are they more or less the same? Thank you!

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Whoa, wait a second!! You're actually saying that DDS and DD feet are NOT the same???


*rethinks all life choices* 

No seriously, can't get the measurements for you right now cause im away for a couple days but hope someone gets us both out of the dark here. I'm 99% positive they're just the same... I kind of just swap them around and hadn't noticed 

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Both DD and DDS measurements show 27mm×65mm for the foot measurements. These can be found here: DD Body Sizes and Types | Volks Official Dolphy General Site

I know there were visible differences between the DDIII feet and DDS III feet, but for f3 I'm not certain what would make it worth selling them separately, unless it's to avoid confusion when buying spare parts... which only creates a different confusion.

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I looked as well, and it looks like the feet, including the ball, are identical. I do have a pair of boots that fit my DDS-f3 and not my DD, but I can't recall if it was a DDIII I tried them on. 

Comparing a DDD-f3 with a DDS and the feet look the same. 

Comparing a DDIII foot to DDS, there are some things that are the same but others are quite different. 

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The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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I'm redressing Rin tomorrow, so will compare her with Kazuha (who is Empty Sekai with two lost socks 😂). I always like one shoe-less DD since their feet are just sooo cute.

DDS do generally appear smaller and shorter all round, so I need to get the tape measure out and work out why.

DDP feet are smaller, than DDS or DD. That much is certain.

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My Dollfie doll family December 2024 😊. Towa believes they are 34 in number.


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Thank you everyone for your responses! I feel much more relieved; I thought I was misremembering the DD and DDS feet measurements. I eventually contacted Volks USA's customer service (don't know why I didn't do so earlier), and this is what they wrote:



Thank you very much for contacting VOLKS USA.

DDS Feet are compatible with the DD/DDdy internal frame.

Please note that the sculpt for DDS Feet and DD Feet are not identical, so there will be a slight cosmetic difference between the two types of foot parts.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.



So now we have final word! 😄

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