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Tea skin color match ?

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Bought a smart doll head to practice faceups, in color tea. If I end up liking her face I will probably want to get a body for her. But smartdoll doesn’t sell single bodies ! They sometimes do chaos things but under the conditions that you’ve bought 2 separate times from the site, and I haven’t bought anything from their site. Where can I find a body that will match smart doll color tea ? Any type is fine, even resin. 

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@Chocola  While Danny has said that separate bodies will be available in the future, first to option head owners (Those individual painted heads on the site) and then everyone, it could take an untold amount of time before that happens, and they will likely sell out fast. Your best bet for now may be to go onto the Facebook groups, Mercari, and Instagram tags and watch for a reasonably priced body, or even a full girl in Tea. Ebay girls are usually more expensive, but once in a while a good deal comes along. Cinnamon, Tea, and Cocoa bodies on Facebook and Instagram tend to be in the $300 to $350 range, though I've seen a couple go for under $300 in good shape.

Tea is close enough to Soom Tan that you might be able to find a decent match; I'd have to compare it to my Soom and Dollzone tan and see. It's a kind of orangish, warm shade, and while neither company offers that shade year-round, many companies and small artists seem to be embracing it as a standard tan. However I'm not sure that any resin would match it exactly- you might have to blush the body, and then you'd have yellowing to contend with. You wouldn't want to take her out in the sun at all.


Unfortunately as far as vinyl goes, tea stands alone. I've wanted to compare it to Volks Tawny for a while, but Volks only does Tawny for limited dolls. I'm still waiting for my Imomo girl to see how their tan compares, but if it's the same shade as the 1/6th dolls, it won't be a match.

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