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Eyes for the DDH-19

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Hi! I am going to get a DDH-19 head through the DD Dream choice. But I’m not sure about the eyes. What size fits best? 

I’m getting her with the MDD MochiAshi body. Does anyone have a photo of this combination?

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I own a MDD Mochi Ashi with DDH-19 in semi white! I also ordered her through Dream Choice, and I think I chose the type V in blue. (All of the Dream Choice eyes are one size, if I recall correctly, so it's only the style and colour that needs picking.) This is what those type look like. (Spoilered to keep from clogging the thread)



I think they suited her very well, and I was very happy with them, though now she uses some Jelly follow me eyes from Doll Moon. Really, the eyes are up to personal taste, I wanted these ones because I liked how they were on the darker side with a pop of colour, they were exactly what I was looking for.

Edited by Frollywog
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"And after the artist has been long gone, turned to dust, the art remains." -Spiritfarer

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She’s so cute!

I assumed the eyes were different sizes (like with resin bjds). One size makes things easier. 

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8 hours ago, CathyM said:


She’s so cute!

I assumed the eyes were different sizes (like with resin bjds). One size makes things easier. 

Aww thank you! Yeah having one size is super easy, I don't have to worry too much when ordering new eyes haha! (Edit: Nope, it's more than one size, sorry about that.)

Also I noticed that you asked for a photo of the mochi ashi body with a DDH-19, totally missed that!




Dream Choice is so exciting, please share picture of your doll when she comes because we'd love to see her! (only if you want to, of course!)

Edited by Frollywog
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"And after the artist has been long gone, turned to dust, the art remains." -Spiritfarer

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2 hours ago, CathyM said:

I assumed the eyes were different sizes (like with resin bjds). One size makes things easier. 

For clarification, DD eyes do come in different sizes, like with resin dolls. I'm not sure if they use the same size for all the heads or not, but Jadepixel's guide suggests multiple sizes are available. They probably just pick out the correct size for the head you're getting. So if you're buying eyes separately, there are multiple sizes to choose from.

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i already have a Mochi at home. However, I didn’t get her through Dream Choice. 


thanks for that. I’m not as familiar with vinyl as I am with resin, so I cannot make a guess what size they need by looking at them. I sure hope they pick the size for me.( Or my proxy can)

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I think generally for mdd the suggestion is 22mm. If you like a little more of the white of the eye showing, you can choose 20mm.  I don't think any of the available sizes will look bad though! I'm also getting my first mdd through dream choice this year. I chose ddh-10 which is suggested 20mm but I went with 22mm anyway because I like the bigger eye look. 

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I got a DDH-22 head for my current Mochi body, but I sent her off for a faceup, so I didn’t have much time to experiment with eye sizes. With my resin dolls I tend to go down a size than what is suggested. 

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On 3/20/2023 at 4:03 PM, Tira said:

For clarification, DD eyes do come in different sizes, like with resin dolls. I'm not sure if they use the same size for all the heads or not, but Jadepixel's guide suggests multiple sizes are available. They probably just pick out the correct size for the head you're getting. So if you're buying eyes separately, there are multiple sizes to choose from.

That's my oops! I didn't have to request a size through the proxy I used, so I didn't know they had more than one!

Edited by Frollywog
Spelling errors

"And after the artist has been long gone, turned to dust, the art remains." -Spiritfarer

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