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Rapunzel 1/3 vinyl hybrid

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Tangled Laptop Castle Rapunzel Hair Color - Tangled Fan Art HD wallpaper |  Pxfuel  100+] Rapunzel Wallpapers | Wallpapers.com 


Hello everyone. I like Rapunzel. I would like to ask you for some opinions/suggestions with head choices. What are my otpions?

This idea sits in my head and heart pretty long time. I used to have barbies before Dollfie Dreams and Smart Dolls.



The goal of this build is to find some 1/3 in real-like or half-real style to bestly suit Rapunzel. Idont think I can get succes with mattel but I wish I could. I would like to put it on dollfie dream body since they are cheaper scond hand and easier to obtain in EU. En the end the result should end up in 1/3 scale Rapunzel. Super Dollfie Rapunzel is not option for me, it is expensive and too rare. Also I think that vinyl is in much lesser danger than resin with me.

Here I shall put some fan-art and reference picture. I do not claim any ownership of rights or originility thoose are just as an ifnormational material.

Rapunzel fan art i made 💕 : r/Tangled  Explore the Best Rapunzel Art | DeviantArt    Rapunzel | Disney art, Disney drawings, Disney princess fan art  zlatovlaska.jpg.4bb3dd5c2aa391a10513139b345e83ce.jpg 


Rapunzel | Disney Wiki | Fandom  Rapunzel | Raiponce, Disney rapunzel, Raiponse disney  Live-Action Rapunzel - Will It Ever Happen? 

Epic Rapunzel Cosplay Has the Perfect Accessories and Setting  Rapunzel - Disney Mirrorverse


image.jpeg.862a034207fbcc24df19e1c817aa15d1.jpeg  image.jpeg.c7b56fe36b903684f9b42aefc4631e4d.jpeg  Disney Sketches Photo: Rapunzel Sketch | Tangled concept art, Rapunzel  sketch, Disney concept art 

Edited by Silent
wanted to make better presnetation of my idea

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I have one older dollfie dream body (first generation). I prefer skeleton instead of possesed "demonic" strings, I can make exception. Now I just need to fing interesting head for it.

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Unfortunately, there aren't a ton of options I can think of if you want a head that both matches the style of the movie and will work on the DD body. Parabox has some, but they're mostly in the 7.5" to 8" range, so they might be too small for a DD.  The Obitsu Haruka head could also work, but I think it's been discontinued along with the 60cm Obitsu body. You might be able to find a second-hand one somewhere, though. There are some limited Volks sculpts that are in that style, but they're expensive and hard to find. Rise from Persona 4 would make a cute Rapunzel, but just her head can cost more than a brand new Dollfie Dream.

I actually think Smartdoll Monday would be cute as Rapunzel, and her head isn't too hard to find by itself second-hand, but the color wouldn't match a DD, especially since she currently only seems to be available in Tea.

There was also a Disney Store line of 17" singing dolls, including Rapunzel; it might be possible to hybrid one of those on a DD body. 

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@Silent  If you do go with Monday, I recommend checking the Smart Doll Sales Facebook group, which usually has the most reasonable prices on chaos parts and even painted heads. Cinnamon is the lightest colour she comes in, and by far one of the most common skintones, so even if you buy her head separately getting ahold of a body down the road shouldn't be hard. The downside is that it is a much closer colour to DD tan than normal or semi-white. It will not match the body you have.


Obitsu is a bit harder, however fortunately for you, most of the old 60cm heads are still in stock at the Junky Spot! And they are not expensive either. They'll be a closer match for DD normal skin than Smart Doll.


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Maybe dollfie dream 2B, she’s semi-white with a remi-realistic face sculpt. You could always change her body to dd or DDs if you decide you don’t like dddy.

She pops up on mandarake from time to time. I think she’d be a great Rapunzel with the right custom faceup.

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On 7/22/2023 at 2:35 AM, PolitelyNefarious said:

If you do go with Monday, I recommend checking the Smart Doll Sales Facebook group, which usually has the most reasonable prices on chaos parts and even painted heads. Cinnamon is the lightest colour she comes in, and by far one of the most common skintones, so even if you buy her head separately getting ahold of a body down the road shouldn't be hard. The downside is that it is a much closer colour to DD tan than normal or semi-white. It will not match the body you have.

On 7/21/2023 at 8:06 PM, Tira said:

I actually think Smartdoll Monday would be cute as Rapunzel, and her head isn't too hard to find by itself second-hand, but the color wouldn't match a DD, especially since she currently only seems to be available in Tea.

I could switch heads on other existing Smartdoll, so it wouldnt be problem not to have separete body for Monday head. Monday has enthusiasm in face. Right now it seems aftermarket is full of tea monday.  

On 7/22/2023 at 4:59 AM, bubblysoda said:

Maybe dollfie dream 2B, she’s semi-white with a remi-realistic face sculpt. You could always change her body to dd or DDs if you decide you don’t like dddy.

Interesting choice. 2B has very deep emotion and psychological aspect. Also, I have some alternative concepts (like with spiderverse but Rapunz-verse), she could fit goth-punz even maybe arte-povera-punz. (or maybe even Cyber-punz). The only con here for me is price/rarity of the head + I wouldnt like to risk damage of head via trying to do face-up by myself on such rare head - so I would need then consider to ask some face-up artist to make a commision. Still interesting choice.

On 7/21/2023 at 8:06 PM, Tira said:

There was also a Disney Store line of 17" singing dolls, including Rapunzel; it might be possible to hybrid one of those on a DD body. 

That would be pretty nice combo (and Hybrid with big "H") which would stay at signature of Disney. Also, I used to have one photoshopped picture of barbie heads with dollfie dream bodies. I am just afraid if head wouldnt be bit small - or maybe it wouldnt. 

Edited by Silent

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Well, look what I found today. Few days ago I wanted to buy Monday head but was not succuesful. And this one head I found in toystore today. Miracle. If seems it may be a good scale. Photos od my cell phone may be bit inacurate in showing true scale. 





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This would be an interesting project, please show us if you manage to put her head on a DD body. I wonder if she would fit wigs, too?



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Hmm. I like her more and more.  I put her temporarily on smartdoll body. I would say cinammon is nearest match, maybe? (but this old body is bit yellowed/oxydized vinyl) 

I heated head with hair-drier and then put on neck. Not secured yet but the hole got bigger. I cut down bit inside of the head where is neck´s nest area.

Head is bit bigger but only slightly. I like the expresion, but am not fan of curly hair. For now I let it stay as it is. I shall see if I want to do reroot or remove the hair and go with wigs. 

I don´t dare to repaint the face yet, this needs time and I didnt decide definiteve concept.  





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I am considering two choices for her new body. Cinammon smart doll or volks tan body. 

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Head on new cinnamon body. Pan and kitchen stuff purchased. Clothes in porgress.

Edit: there is knife in kitchen set - it tempts me to customize another girl after this one. Do you know which one? 

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In venthyr-like plate armor.


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not finished yet.

photo taken at night


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