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Storage/organization methods for clothes?

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So, I'm not sure if I'm in the best forum topic for this, but since it's directly relating to clothes, I'd thought it would be the best bet. I was curious to see how everyone organizes and stores their dolls' clothes! My doll family has expanded quite a bit this year, and so did their wardrobe! However, while I have no problem shoving my smaller fashion dolls' clothes all into a large storage bag, it's pretty bulky and cumbersome to do so with the larger DD clothes (plus they're more delicate) so I wanted to get ideas from the community for better storage ideas! Do you have any tips or tricks? Let me know!

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I currently have all my doll stuff in drawers like this: 


Clothes, eyes and shoes go in the left side (organised by size), and bulkier stuff (wigs, props, maintenance items etc) go in the bigger boxes. Inside the drawers, most things are loose or inside sturdy reusable ziplock bags. So far it's a lightweight, handy setup that wasn't too expensive and means that my doll stuff is well organised and easy to access. The wheels mean that I can move it around easily and I can also store stuff on the top. However, because the drawers aren't airtight, dust does get in. It's not really an issue if I'm handling stuff regularly but if I have a few weeks/months of not touching my dolls I do notice it needs to be tidied up a bit. The aesthetic of it is pretty minimal and inoffensive too. 



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I have big plastic bins (with lids), and keep the outfits in ziplock bags! Everything is easy to see, and mostly keeps it together
If you have a lot of small accessories - tiny foods and whatnot, getting a plastic box with compartments from craft store is good! People been using them for everything from nendoroid parts to buttons, i have hairclips, ribbons and rings (aka doll bracelets) in one of those

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I tend to use these medium size plastic boxes for their soft or stretchy clothes. The wigs and accessories in similar type.


Most of their fancy OG outfits that are never used are stored in airtight packets. 

Their jackets and the like that are in constant use-rotation for stories are hung on the back of the dolls room door, made some little hangers for them. I just put a light cover over the coatrack when done to stop any lurking dust or brief morning sun.



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I use the Mandarake big boxes and I've sorted by doll size (DDdy, DD, MDD). DD is subdivided into large outfits and small outfits.

I like that the boxes are closed and moth-proof. I also store the outfits in their original packaging (in case I ever need to sell them).


My Dollfie doll family December 2024 😊. Towa believes they are 34 in number.


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I use a photo storage bin for storing 4"x6" photos. It's hard to explain so I'll link over to an image of the item if that's allowed. https://imgs.michaels.com/MAM/assets/1/726D45CA1C364650A39CD1B336F03305/img/93C941C824FB4B83AF54010F228645C9/10468242_1.jpg?fit=inside|1280:1280

This is perfect for storing SD sized clothes that lay flat, and I like to sort my clothes by color. I have two little containers with the whites for example. It's not a solution for shoes by any means, but it's great if you don't want your dolls' clothes to get wrinkled from not being organized. I also use those containers to bring my stickers to art conventions, so there's many uses if you decide to use a different storage method later on.

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