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Azone Sugar Cups wig help

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Hi, I think I may have seen a similar topic before but I can’t find it anymore so I ask here, I hope my question will be clear, it’s a bit technical lol. I am buying back my sugar cups biscuitina (I’ll explain better when she arrives emoji) but I feel like SC doll customising potential is not fully explored because they have very limited hair option, knowing they only have a rooted wig cap, unlike 1/6 obitsu uniform dolls for example. 

That’s why I am searching for an option for a blank wig cap that could match an azone sugar cups doll. But I wonder if there is another alternative than cutting or remove the hair from a rooted wig cap ?

I made some research and saw three head options to use but I am not certain about the compatibility with my doll :

first, what would be the best option is this head but I never saw it for sale, I am not even sure it has been released …



here, there is an extra head said to be for picco neemo that I could order but I am not certain it has a removable head cap or if this would be compatible with a sugar cups doll, so does anyone have this type of head to confirm there is a removable wig cap more or less fitting a sugar cups doll ?



I was wondering if I could also use head caps from heads such as these (from obitsu 11 and 21) that are quite inexpensive but I have my doubts as well : 





and since I don’t speak Japanese I am quite limited in my researchs lol. So has anyone ever tried one of these options for your sugar cups ? if not, has anyone experienced wigs on your sugar cups, if yes what have you used ?


thanks by advance for helping me I would love to find a solution for this


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The first one you posted is not removable, theres no headcap on it at all. I'm unsure about the others. I do have an Obitsu Uniform Project girl who also uses the wig cap system, and out of curiosity I've tried to swap hers with my Sugar Cups girls but they aren't really compatible, so those others seem a risky gamble.

Sugar Cups girls use the Azone Picco P heads, so if you got a blank one of them you should be able to use the cap. It specifically has to be the Picco P head. I swear they used to sell them online, but I can't find them anywhere right now - not even sold out listings, or on their official web store, so it may have only been for a limited time?? My friend literally just bought one from their store in person in Japan and I've definitely seen sale listings for them on amiami and hobbysearch before, so them disappearing is kinda puzzling for me.

But, I have seen people use styrofoam half balls as substitute head caps for when they want to use actual wigs, and since the wig covers it anyway you cant tell. That's an idea even if its only temporary. 


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@Monty thank you so much, your reply is already very helpful and and gives some solutions. I also had doubts about obitsu uniform bald wig caps and the first heads I posted, hopefully I saw your answer first, I almost bought them for the experiment, that would have been useless 😅.

It's really too bad about the picco P heads, they were definitely the perfect option but indeed it seems like they more likely stopped the production, I searched everywhere and couldn't find one neither. But the idea of the foam balls is not too bad, it might be a temporary alternative so thanks for the tip, I'll search for that 🤗


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