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Obitsu 50/45 with DD wrist parts?

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Hello! I'm guessing this might have already been answered somewhere, but I can't find it so I figured I'd start a new thread.

I recently got a pair of Large DD hands for my OB50 on a whim, and I'm loving the cartoony "yaoi hands" look it gives him. I know it looks ridiculous, I don't care, I love it!


The problem is that the hands don't fit perfectly on the OB50 wrists, and they like to fall off. If I could get DD wrist parts that would be ideal, but I don't know if the peg would fit in the OB50 forearm.

I don't want to trade a loose hand for a loose wrist peg, so I figured I'd check in here to see if anyone has any experience with this type of hybrid.

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Pixel art by @PlasticJester !

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I don't own an Obitsu as of yet so I am not really sure about the fit, but I wonder if DDP wrists might be a better fit for the OB body? DD hands are apparently looser on DDP wrists but Volks says they are compatible. 

Edited by chantelle

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@chantelle I was considering that too, since the DDP body seems to be compared to OB50 sorta often? I'm not super familiar with the larger Volks sizes since I only collect MDD, so I'm having a little trouble visualizing how big all these parts should be 😅


Pixel art by @PlasticJester !

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I can confirm that the DD hand peg is 100% compatible with the Obitsu forearm. It's like they're designed to fit together lmao, you don't even need to cut the peg on the 48/50 forearms.

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7 hours ago, 0bsequi0us said:

@chantelle I was considering that too, since the DDP body seems to be compared to OB50 sorta often? I'm not super familiar with the larger Volks sizes since I only collect MDD, so I'm having a little trouble visualizing how big all these parts should be 😅

DDP arms are actually the same size as MDD (probably so Volks doesn’t need to make another clothing line) so the wrist part is also basically the same size visually, just that it can accept larger hands!

2 hours ago, hellFlower said:

I can confirm that the DD hand peg is 100% compatible with the Obitsu forearm. It's like they're designed to fit together lmao, you don't even need to cut the peg on the 48/50 forearms.

This is great to hear! 😄 

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Yessss I love this look on your Ob50 guy! I also have an Ob50 boy with DD wrist pegs and hands and to echo the answer above, it's pretty much a perfect fit. The ball shaped joint at the wrist is a sliiiiiightly different shade of beige to the Obitsu parts but honestly it's barely noticeable. 

Edited by plasticyears
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@plasticyears Thanks! I'm so glad to hear confirmation that it fits so well! 🥳 I'm definitely not picky about the color mismatch, so long as the parts fit nice and snug

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Pixel art by @PlasticJester !

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