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Politely Nefarious









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First , I know I've been abscent for a long time but my husband has been fighting cancer for 9 years and now that he is kind of stable , I feel I can finally get a bit of my life back

and start again to play with photography and give more attention to my poor girls . 


I came across a beautiful custom DD head on Mandarake recently , and at a really good price ....I should have know something wasn't right ....

me: Hello dear , was your travelling comfortable enough ? It tooks only 3 days , you were really lucky . Welcome to your new home !

       Do you have a name ?  ( Long silence ....) Do you want me to give you a name ?   ( Some weird bubbling noise coming of her mouth ...with a bit of spit ....O_o  )\me : Okay......how about Tacita ?  Do you like it ?    ( I search online for a name that would mean silent and this is a Latin first name for girl )

Tacita: "growling sound with more spitting but looking happy " 

me : Tacita it is !




I regretted that really fast when I saw a surge of energy as she jumped on the chair and went hugging the deer head on the wall  ...



me: Please Tacita , don't touch the dead deer ...it is not a toy and he does't like hugs ...well not anymore . 

Then she saw the piano ...



me : okay ...this you can play with ..but we will ask someone to teach you how  (EXTREME BANGING on the keys of the piano ) 


me yelling to be heard :  HERE TACINA ! Look how pretty this is !   It is just for you !

Tacina stopped banging right away and my ears stopped bleeding .... ;_; 


me : Isn't it lovely ?  This one you can hug as much as you want  ! :)

Tacina is babbling something .....

I think she might have been neglected in the past   ... :(   but we will take good care of her , and hopefully 

find a way to communicate .



At least she looks happy now  , we will take it day by day  :)


DSC_1256 copy 2.jpeg

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YAY!  It's so nice to have you posting again!  <3 

Congrats on your new little bundle of energy!  😄 She seems distracted by just about everything!  But maybe she has been deprived in the past and never got to play with so many things or be in a place where she gets attention.  She is probably having sensory overload!  LOL

It will be fun to see her interact with her new family.  I look forward to more photos of her and everyone else!  Glad to have you back my friend!  :) 




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Tacina is very cute. She has a very lovely face up.

She has indeed an interesting character.

Good to see you posting again in the story section. I am currently reading the photostories from old to new and you had some good ones made.

Sorry to hear about your husband’s illness. Hope that stays stable.





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12 hours ago, baldylox said:

YAY!  It's so nice to have you posting again!  <3 

Congrats on your new little bundle of energy!  😄 She seems distracted by just about everything!  But maybe she has been deprived in the past and never got to play with so many things or be in a place where she gets attention.  She is probably having sensory overload!  LOL

It will be fun to see her interact with her new family.  I look forward to more photos of her and everyone else!  Glad to have you back my friend!  :) 




Thank you , nice to be back , a bit rusty .

Yeah , I think she might have been kept locked in a cabinet somewhere without any contact .... ah well , she is still running around toucking anything she can

I'll wait for her to calm down a bit 😉 

5 hours ago, Rajke said:

Tacina is very cute. She has a very lovely face up.

She has indeed an interesting character.

Good to see you posting again in the story section. I am currently reading the photostories from old to new and you had some good ones made.

Sorry to hear about your husband’s illness. Hope that stays stable.



Thank you so much ! 

Sadly my most interesting stories were on figure.fm before Danny C. had the smart idea to wipe out years of hard work and great memories ...

it's been years but it still hurt.

I'll try my best to restart here , a new chapter .

Thank you so much for your comment ,it means a lot 


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Hi, Fellow Figure FM refugee, here.

it's just a Crying Shame that Mr. Choo had created such a great place for folks like us to come together...

just to up and abruptly Shutter it on some sort of apparent Whim...

Edited by Tasuke
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I totally agree with you ! And because I complained he totally put me in a black list so I would never be able to buy a Smart doll again ...ever , it shows his character.

I know a lot of people are big fans so I won't say more , but knowing him from day one as a stormtrooper dancer ,is a totally different experience from know him only from his SD making .

I wish I would have been able to save all my stories, I worked so much on them and had over 100 posts , it makes me so sad just to think about it.

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Welcome back! Missed your photo stories from the figure.fm days

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8 hours ago, XOHimitsuOX said:

Welcome back! Missed your photo stories from the figure.fm days

Thank you so much ! It makes me so happy that you were part of the ones who read my stories , it is reassuring for me and give me more energy to start over here with hew ones . :)


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So awesome to see you back here! 

Tana and I, (and all the others! there's 14 now, and probably another two, at least, in the planning stages!) have missed seeing your posts! 

Yes, figure FM was a sad loss, way too many awesome stories lost from a lot of folks.     

We'll be definitely looking forward to seeing new ones here, though! 



"Madness takes it's toll, Please have exact change!"

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6 minutes ago, battrastard said:

So awesome to see you back here! 

Tana and I, (and all the others! there's 14 now, and probably another two, at least, in the planning stages!) have missed seeing your posts! 

Yes, figure FM was a sad loss, way too many awesome stories lost from a lot of folks.     

We'll be definitely looking forward to seeing new ones here, though! 



I'm so happy to hear from you again , a big hug to Tana from me :)  WOW 14 ! Your family is so much bigger . Can you give me a link to see them all please ?

I didn't practice on my technology skills lately and I still find it a bit difficult to find what I'm looking for here , but I will try my best .

14 ! So exciting ! Most be so lively , I hope Tana is happy to have company and not too jealous 😉

Thank you so much for the warm welcome  !



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Thank you! Yes 14 is getting to be quite the handful, since we're all living in an RV! (Recreational Vehicle) But, it's definitely larger than the Belfry, so we're not 

entirely squished all in a corner! 

And Tana doesn't mind the crowd, she puts them in their place if they get uppity! Otherwise, they all mostly get along. 

Any of my pictures here will link you to my Flickr, if you click on them! (or, they should.) Feel free to look thru my gallery! (this goes for anyone reading this, too!

Which reminds me, I should transfer all my phone pics to the laptop and add them too. I'll likely do that this weekend. 



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"Madness takes it's toll, Please have exact change!"

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I got another head on Ebay a little earlier this year , another custom from Japan at a really low price , I guess I looked at the right time because I just looked and there are some ridiculously high prices right now. Anyway , we needed to welcome her as well...

And the chaos started ...


Amy : I hope they accept pets in this house ...I had so much problems just to bring Loki here with all  the vaccines requrements ...and because it was a fox...461246748_DSC_1125copy.jpeg.3143922d790000bf07ae1b1a741347f6.jpeg



Tacina:"yelling"   ATTTT?  (spitting in Amy's face)   ATTTTT !!!!  ATTTT!  ATTTT!964319303_DSC_1276copy.jpeg.dcafbdd7ff661867820e5db3e166579a.jpeg



Loki is growling loudly ,taking Tacina totally by surprise , I guess she was fixating on the hat so much  ....



me :  STOP!!!  CALM DOWN !!!

Tacina now GROWLING really loudly at Loki which makes him even more angry ... 

A: Okay....Loki , quiet ! STOP! 


Tacina finally sees Loki and hug him so strongly that it cannot fight back and  suddenly become a flopping plushy

me: Be careful Tacina!! Not too tight , remember ? Be gentle please ...

T:  PLOSHYYYY!!!  SUUUFFFTT  !?     ( yeah ...she tries to repeat words now ...not perfectly but it is a really good improvement )

A (still stressed)  WHAT IS THAT LOONY  ? Is that a NUTHOUSE ????!!

me : Wow , calm down with the vulgar words miss !  You are in Canada now , you will need to watch your mouth or you will need to find a new place to stay ! ( Instantly feeling regrets for the harsh welcome )




A: I'M SORRY ! I'm sorry .... ( calming down )  She really took me by surprise , everything was so quiet then suddenly she jumped on me and try to steal my hat ....I'm not used to that , in Japan  people respect other people property !

me : I know , I know . I am sorry about that but Tacina didn't want to steal it , she just wanted to play with it . She is not a bad girl .....she         just had a difficult past , and it looks like she was kept in a place where everything was scarce ......well that's what it looks like because as you can see  she cannot speak properly yet , so we don't really know . But she never tried to steal anything , but she likes to touch all the new things that she sees.

A: Oh ...I understand now , I am really sorry for asking Loki to attack her ...but it doesn't bite . Loki had all his teeth removed when he was a pup , a genetic problem said the vet , but I think it was just because they didn't want Loki to bite anyone . 


me : I see ...I'm sorry to hear that but at the same time , it will be easier for everybody . There are a lot of people here that might be frighten to see a fox in the house ,it will be easier for Loki to make some friends .  Well , I am sorry for the stressful day , but I can show you your bedroom and we can start over again after a good night of sleep .  Is that okay ?

A : Yes please , I am really really tired , it was a long journey .


The end ....until next time  :)  I hope you liked it , and no , english is not my first language , but  most of you know that already 😉

Edited by salica
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I can understand Amy’s reaction. Totally surprised by Tacina.

I also love your doll room with the furniture. A small detail I love are the photo’s on the wall in the back. 

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28 minutes ago, Rajke said:

I can understand Amy’s reaction. Totally surprised by Tacina.

I also love your doll room with the furniture. A small detail I love are the photo’s on the wall in the back. 

Ha!Ha! Yes , I would probably react like this too meeting Tacina in that situation  :)

Thank you for the nice comment about my doll room , this is the first one I ever built , so this is the one with the most details . I'm glad you like my old doll photographies 

2 of those girls now live in South Carolina with Mr Baldylox . Finding the right frame /pictures to hang in the 1/3-1/4  scale rooms are the most challenging thing for me ....I don't know if I am the only one with that problem  ..

The "paint' thing you use for the speech bubbles is on Windows ,right ?  I use a Mac.....and I think I write too much to fit in the pictures ...my dolls would be tiny things in the middle , hi!hi!  I will try to find something , because I really like how it looks , but for now I will go on with my old way . 

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Towa: "with our latest haul we do at last have everything we could ever need."

Reads this post... spots doll sized piano.


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My Dollfie doll family 😊.

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4 hours ago, Xiongmao said:

Towa: "with our latest haul we do at last have everything we could ever need."

Reads this post... spots doll sized piano.


Yeah ...poor Towa , it is from "American girl"  and it is more suitable for MDD size , but if she is okay with that well , they still have some .  :) 

But maybe she wants to teach piano to her little sisters .  You don't want everything available  for dolls ,believe me , it takes half of my house and most storage I have :( 

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On 9/17/2023 at 4:29 PM, salica said:

Ha!Ha! Yes , I would probably react like this too meeting Tacina in that situation  :)

Thank you for the nice comment about my doll room , this is the first one I ever built , so this is the one with the most details . I'm glad you like my old doll photographies 

2 of those girls now live in South Carolina with Mr Baldylox . Finding the right frame /pictures to hang in the 1/3-1/4  scale rooms are the most challenging thing for me ....I don't know if I am the only one with that problem  ..

The "paint' thing you use for the speech bubbles is on Windows ,right ?  I use a Mac.....and I think I write too much to fit in the pictures ...my dolls would be tiny things in the middle , hi!hi!  I will try to find something , because I really like how it looks , but for now I will go on with my old way . 

For a first build it looks really awesome. Everything fits in so nicely. I am giving it a try too with building a doll room. I love how much it’s ads realism to the story.

The text balloons are also in the photo edit option under photo’s by the iPhone. There is a possibility that it is there too with the mac.

I am actually not bothered by the text below and above the photo’s. The reason why I prefer balloons is that it is easier to share on Instagram. 

Really eager to see the next chapter.

Edited by Rajke
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5 hours ago, Rajke said:

For a first build it looks really awesome. Everything fits in so nicely. I am giving it a try too with building a doll room. I love how much it’s ads realism to the story.

The text balloons are also in the photo edit option under photo’s by the iPhone. There is a possibility that it is there too with the mac.

I am actually not bothered by the text below and above the photo’s. The reason why I prefer balloons is that it is easier to share on Instagram. 

Really eager to see the next chapter.

Thank you so much for your informative and really nice comments ...I needed it to get the motivations to go on . Thank you !

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Canva is probably good for text balloons. I use it extensively for my Youtube stuff. It's good for other requirements too - like I've just used it to make some doll sized posters. I've only ever used the free options in it.

I really must get round to making a diorama. I'd probably make a school one first since we don't have any furniture except for school stuff.


My Dollfie doll family 😊.

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Welcome back! 😸

Really really relieved you and your husband have stood firm and won against such a drastic challenge. You both in our thoughts at house Tiggy.


I do remember your amazing stories and totally stunning dioramas-sets from the figure-fm days and further forward in flickr. 

You and a few others here you would know were a good inspiration to me all those years back.

Now my house is overtaken with 14years worth dollfies and dollfie props-dioramas... 😿 lol


And a welcome to Tacina & Amy! ^-^  The way Tacina just has to experience everything at once is really sweet ^^

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Ahh welcome back! 

I always loved your stories from the figure-fm days and also feel your pain for losing all those memories, but we still have these DollDreaming forums which are just as wonderful <3 

Your girls are so sweet! I look forward to seeing more from them! 


Edited by Cazzie_Bliss
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hi folks and Salica

ill do another post on the general discussion board but i MIGHT have found your posts from doll fm via the wayback machine:



and this is alll of the available caputures for the IA can find:


hope this helps

EDIT 26th november: adjusted settings to 2017 and found some of slaicas posts with images attached


Edited by macloud
editing, updating information, adding links
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On 10/11/2023 at 5:34 PM, Tigger said:

Welcome back! 😸

Really really relieved you and your husband have stood firm and won against such a drastic challenge. You both in our thoughts at house Tiggy.


I do remember your amazing stories and totally stunning dioramas-sets from the figure-fm days and further forward in flickr. 

You and a few others here you would know were a good inspiration to me all those years back.

Now my house is overtaken with 14years worth dollfies and dollfie props-dioramas... 😿 lol


And a welcome to Tacina & Amy! ^-^  The way Tacina just has to experience everything at once is really sweet ^^

Thank you so much for your nice comments , 

Sadly we didn't win the battle , my husband id hospitalized at the moment and they cannot find a new treatments for the new tumor that appeared in the last scan . 

But we are trying to stay positive.

I know the feeling of having your house filled of dolls and accessories collected in the last 14 years ...we have no spare room , but it is alright ,

I still love them as much as I did the first time I saw them and I'm sure one day I will find the time to get into that hobby 100%.

I wish you Happy Holidays !  Sorry for late answer .

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On 11/24/2023 at 5:47 PM, Cazzie_Bliss said:

Ahh welcome back! 

I always loved your stories from the figure-fm days and also feel your pain for losing all those memories, but we still have these DollDreaming forums which are just as wonderful <3 

Your girls are so sweet! I look forward to seeing more from them! 


As you might be able to read my answer Tigger, I had to take a break once again , but one day ,I,m sure I will get back more regularly .

I'm always happy when someone remember me from figure.fm , I really enjoyed making stories , and I am always happy to learn that people enjoyed them too .

Sorry for late reply . Happy Holidays !

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On 11/25/2023 at 2:08 AM, macloud said:

hi folks and Salica

ill do another post on the general discussion board but i MIGHT have found your posts from doll fm via the wayback machine:



and this is alll of the available caputures for the IA can find:


hope this helps

EDIT 26th november: adjusted settings to 2017 and found some of slaicas posts with images attached


Thank you , I know it wasn't easy to go throught those archives for me , I made it myself a couple times already as I found them a couple of years 

ago , trying desperately to find my stories back . 

But I really appreciate that you made the search too .  Happy Holidays !

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