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Politely Nefarious









The Ecchizonans

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Uploading Pictures

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Good Afternoon.
I'm a new member and was attempting to upload a profile picture when I saw that the maximum size for a file upload was 0.49 Mb, which is extremely small, so I was wondering how people attach/upload pictures.
I see there's an option to attach a url of the desired picture, but when I tried to attach one from my FB page, it said the format wasn't acceptable.

Do people actually upload pictures, or do they just link them from elsewhere, and if that's the case, where? 
I'm guessing folks use picture hosting sites like flikr and such, but I don't actually store anything online, so I'm not sure of the process.

P.S... I saw the Guidline about posting pictures to the Forum and that new members can't do so for 14 Days and 30 Posts...
Does that apply to Profile Pictures as well?

Thanks very much.

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36 minutes ago, MikuFanCan said:

the maximum size for a file upload was 0.49 Mb, which is extremely small, so I was wondering how people attach/upload pictures.

the most common solution I would think is a cropped and re-sized image to suit your needs done with any image editor. Gimp is a free alternative although not the most intuitive that also allows jpeg quality adjustment to make the image data even smaller if needed.

I dont beleive the post/time limit applies to profile pictures, only stuff you want to embed in your actual posts.

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59 minutes ago, finnleo said:

"I dont beleive the post/time limit applies to profile pictures, only stuff you want to embed in your actual posts."

Thanks very much.
I was indeed able to upload a Profile picture once I reduced the size sufficiently.
The quality's pretty bad at that level of reduction, but it's a start. :)

Thanks again. :)


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