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What would you like to see more of in Vinyl?

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I'd love more male dolls, in resin my dolls are mostly male, vinyl I have two dolls with actual male bodies. I'd also like to see more 1/3d body type options, my pear SmD has become my favorite female doll if only cuz she is so different from everything else out there. I'd love a male doll that isn't a stick figure or wall of muscles I know I am likely alone in this but an averaged dude, or dad bod or pear guy would be really awesome to have as a doll. Though right now I will take any 1/3rd boy options I can get and like them.


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I'd love to see more semi realistic sculpts from volks similar in style to the Squeenix licenses they've been doing and the Icon dolls as blank heads you can get or as standards, dunno if that will ever happen tho since they have SD for that. @onion22@

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I'd love to see more 1\3 girls 60 cm or above. Also more adult like bodies in the 1/4 scale. other than that more variety in tan skin tones and more variety in other hand options from companies like obitsu and imomodol, I want more variety in hands for posing.

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On 1/10/2024 at 10:14 PM, sunlightandtea said:

I would like to see more fantasy parts for vinyl, fantasy bodies similar to fairyland, wing parts, horn parts, kitty and bunny ears. Just more stuff. I would also like to see volks release things like their 2B and dollfie icon sculpts as blanks that can just be bought. They're just stunning and I would love to see more availability to customizers.

Same here! For both fantasy parts and more mundane ones, I'd like to see even more part swap-ability in vinyl! The obitsu 50 body has a bunch of parts for it between Obitsu, Parabox, Angelphilia and 3rd party parts...I think it would be cool if vinyl dolls leaned more into mixing and matching bits like that.

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Mostly same as the previous posts would love to see 60cm angel philia more to a scale similar to dollfie dream and also darker skintones for them. 
I also think it would be cool to be able to upgrade the knee mobility for DD and Smd but with a knee cap or an option that works aesthetically 


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I'd like to see more option parts/compatible customizability (apparently the new SMD Cortex 2 or whatever is aiming for that a bit, we'll see how it goes ig) , encouraging of hybridization and customization in general for the various brands out there, more diversity in sizes and body types (esp. since it's been proven it can be done now without completely sacrificing mobility/aesthetics! I'm not always happy with some things but the SMD pear body is very promising especially since it opens up the possibility of more innovation in that direction for vinyl companies in general if it takes off as it has seemed to so far!) and general encouragement of crafting and innovation. Socially I'd like to see more positive connections between artists and brands, collaboration instead of competition, and again, encouragement towards outside parties making compatible components such as what I've seen with silicone bust, seamless arms etc from folks like Adyka Doll, and stuff like Dolfun while not being penalized with warranty loss and the like for use of such parts (dunno if that's a thing rn or if it just came up in discussion at some point tho- I may be misremembering).

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Currently watching BNHA, 1-2 episodes behind on the anime rn and absolutely obsessed! (being in a fandom late has made dodging spoilers an issue tho :()

More into Nendoroids and my resin BJDs rn- including some BNHA character shells hehehe :)- my Smartdolls are boxed up at the moment but I'm still happy to talk dolls and doll plans!

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I agree with more 1/3 dolls, MDDs definitely have their charm and I can see myself succumbing to it in the future but it’s the bigger vinyl dolls that I’m primarily interested in. And I’ll echo others in the thread and say that I’d love tan parts to at least be available through something other than Dream Choice or third parties… please please please put them up in your store, Volks. 🥺

Would love to see more semi-realistic sculpts too as those are what got me to finally grab a DD in the first place, ehe. Although with the upcoming FFXIV twins being semi-realistics, this wish seems the most likely to come true! 

10 hours ago, Evy said:

Mostly same as the previous posts would love to see 60cm angel philia more to a scale similar to dollfie dream and also darker skintones for them. 
I also think it would be cool to be able to upgrade the knee mobility for DD and Smd but with a knee cap or an option that works aesthetically 


Yes, this! 60 cm Angel Philias would be a dream~

Vinyl/Plastic friends: Stoli (DD Y’shtola), Raili, Yuzuha and Minami-senpai (Azone PureNeemo).
Future friends: DD Alisaie, TinyFox Huifre, DD Luka (hopefully a reboot?), and a DD Icon (wishful thinking, lol).

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I definitely want to see more tan and darker skin options. Coming from resins, I thought that it was already a small selection of companies that other it. But it's even worse with vinyls! Smart Doll is really the one who offers a true option for darker skin, as I don’t really consider Volks "tan" a true tan bc it's still very pale. 

I also want to see more mature 1/4ths. While I do like 1/3s, they take up a lot of space and I'm not big on childlike dolls. I think Imomo and Dollbot are taking a step in the right direction with this, but I'd want to see more. That said, I'd want more affordable 1/3 hybrid options, too.

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I'd like to see more outfits from iconic anime. For example Honma Meiko or Bocchi (still new, but it's likely to become a classic).


My Dollfie doll family December 2024 😊. Towa believes they are 34 in number.


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On 12/1/2023 at 9:58 AM, meteorite said:

1/4 vinyl dolls with mature/adult bodies. Apparently they're called slim MSDs by resin doll owners. The closest thing I've found to what I'm looking for is Dollbot, though they're intended as sexualised MDD replacements.

Sorry for the necro plus reply but the new tinyfox 1/4 scale body has a prototype/printed test that was shown off and it kinda looks like a Minifee/slim MSD! Maybe you're gonna get what you wanted after all.... Please make a 1/4 boy Tinyfox lol.....

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